Ashfall Estate…

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Nezerath Ashfall strolled down the halls of his city mansion, a condescending smile on his face. He always wore it, especially while beating his servants. Even while walking, it showed as a reminder that anyone opposing someone as amazing as him was just asking to die. Or get sent to his room of No Return.

He couldn't wait to get Alice Hades, the bratty woman of the Hades family into that fun place. There were so many things he wanted to do her—each consisting of putting the bitch in her place. That mouthy spoiled brat would learn that it's either his way or pain. Well, pain anyway.

Maids bowed lowly as he passed them, fear in their eyes. Oh, did he love that fear. Eyes dropping like flies to the crimson carpet.

Nezerath met the head maid in his private meeting room, no guards at the door. Only a fool would dare try something against him. He first ripped off the busty demoness's clothing then pinned her to the wall with a single choke. Nothing. Even when he entered her.

This just wasn't satisfying so he dropped the maid. With one flick of his wrist, her uniform lurched back onto her, underwear and all, fully repaired. He could've healed the bruise on the maid's neck. Pssh. Why would he do that? She knew the deal.

"Report, woman," he said as he walked over to a mirror. Golden hair, a handsome face, arrogant smile and green eyes stared back at him. A body that can attract any woman. The thought of Alice and her insulting ways made him punch the mirror. It burst and convulsed into dust.

"Sire," the emotionless head maid said. "You have a meeting on Saturday with Demon lord Hades. It is to finalize the life mate ceremony. You've been approved."

"That's not an approval," Nezerath said. "That's just a few members of her own household trying to push that burden onto me, while gaining the loyalty of my family." He sighed. "What should I do to her first? Well, publicly fuck her of course. A little firsthand humiliation will teach humility. Then day after day, I'll lust in the days of fun as she suffers like the worm she is in the room of No Return. And speaking of that room, get the clean-up crew on it now. Another pitiful disobedient trash sack has died." He sneered. "There's nothing I hate more than disobedience, which is why I made you head, Yuki." He snatched the clipboard from her, pinning the woman to the wall again. No reaction. No emotion. No fear. "You used to beg for mercy, but now. You seem to have figured out how to live pain-free." He released her. "Don't give away your secrets to the others. I love my fear-sex."

He picked up her clipboard and handed it to her. "I can release you from your service. Let you retire early in luxury. Who knows, maybe you'll regain your sense of self. All you have to do is find out why that Hades bitch is rarely at her father's estate now. No one can hide from me. Now get out of my site." He backhanded Yuki hard enough to send her outside of his door. She calmly collected the clipboard, stood, and simply dusted herself off.

"My lord, there is one more thing I must report."

"Go on," Nezerath said.

"My sources have notified me that your cousin has used the respawn," Yuki said, voice still without emotion.

Nezerath shook his head.

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"Fool probably got himself shot up, wasting such a valuable one-use ability. Not even I could find that stupid witch to give it to me." He straightened. "It doesn't matter, I've heard the price she demands is too high. Send someone to fetch that idiot. If it isn't college girls he's going for, it's the middle and high school. Tried to encourage him to just use the maids and he refuses. Sloppy seconds my ass."

The maid bowed.

When she left, Nezerath cackled, imagining the day he'd have his hands around Alice's throat. Breaking that brat and claiming the loyalty of her family. The excitement almost urged him to go on a binge-fest on every maid in the estate, but he had work to do. Despite being the heir of the Ashfall throne, he was still in charge of mundane paperwork. Curse the humans who influenced demon culture. One day, he'd enslave them all.

Bus stop near Clyde's apartments….

The two young men shook hands. Despite both dressing casually, Clyde couldn't help but notice how Toru was like the personification of money. He made a note to himself never to hang out with him unless he wanted to be taken as that slightly less attractive wingman that the girls never paid any attention to.

Clouds covered the sky in a way that made it difficult to tell if there would be rain. People around carried out their daily lives, scurrying to work or taking a kid to school.

"So what's this all about?" Clyde asked. The young began to pace before speaking. Somehow, he still made even that look dignifying.

"I've…been having these thoughts for a while," he said. "It's hard to explain, but I tried to ignore them. I mean how can a man possibly think this way. What would people think of me? Ultimately, I came to a conclusion." He looked Clyde in the eyes. "You like who you like. Maybe even more than that."

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"I'm not liking where this is going," Clyde said. "Bro, I swear if you made me come all the way out here—" he paused when a slender young woman rose from the bench to join at his side. Her illusion of being a black-haired, dark-skinned woman shimmered away to reveal…. a slime girl.

She was dressed in a purple Japanese-style robe, a kimono, contrasting blue slime. Dark blue, perhaps indigo, colors made up the pattern of representing her hair. She gave a short bow, face friendly, purple eyes glistening.

"I'm Fumi," she said. "Nice to meet you."

The smile was off-putting to the young man, but he remained composed.

Name Fumi

Level: 31.

Type: Slime girl. Optimistic.

Relationship: friendly.

HP: 100%

MP: 100%

Stats: Relationship isn't high enough, desu.

Special abilities: Relationship isn't high enough, ya meathead!

Skills: how many times do I have to tell you, baka, your relationship isn't high enough, desu.

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Magic abilities: see above. Doopy-shit.

Secrets: see above. Nut-licker, desu.

Fuck you, System, Clyde thought then pulled Toru off to the side.

"Toru, what the fuck?" he hissed. "Are you out of your goddamn mind? Do you know what they do to people? Have done? Scratch that, what the hell man?"

"I can't help it," Toru said. "You love who you love."

Clyde released a sigh.

"You know what, I'm not the judging type and I'm not about to start now. Team lead, not problem solver."

"You're pretty much the problem solver," Toru said, giving Clyde one of his infamous blank stares. It always seemed to get the result Toru wanted, the frown on Clyde, signaling that it stung in the right place.

"You can deal with telling the others or keeping her human disguise, I don't care," Clyde said, "but today, we're doing some vampire hunting."

Toru's eyes were wide after he explained the situation to him.

"Clyde are you out of your fucking mind?" he hissed. "Do you have any idea just how strong vampires are. Especially the females. Knowing your luck with monster girls, she'll probably make you a se—"

"We're not going there to fight," Clyde interrupted. "More like scout, check things out. And if this Sazuki's sister, Harumi may be able to talk some sense into her."

"And if she can't, you'll get us all killed," Toru said.

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"No one's making you join," Clyde said. Only he was forced, a mandatory, story quest. Either he'd complete it or face penalties.

"But you know I'm coming," Toru said. "The last time I've seen Kiko was when she reject…" he paused. "Never mind. Meet up at noon, you say."

"Yep," Clyde said. "And make sure your gear is all good to go and upgraded."

"Upgraded?" Toru said. "Do you even pay attention to my fighting style?"


"Let me show you, leader," he said with a sarcastic bite.

[Your friend Toru has challenged you to Spar.]

"Don't hurt each other, okay?" Fumi said.

Chika, blow pop in her mouth, stepped out of a vehicle with a butler in the driver's seat. The one who opened her door, bowed slightly as she whispered what appeared to be orders. He entered the black vehicle and they were off. A flash of lust glowed from her eyes, even as she ignored the obvious standoff between the two young men. Fumi didn't seem to exist to her either.

"Don't stop on my account," she said, the grabbed Clyde the shirt collar. "But I need to talk to you about this stupid hunt business afterward. Alone."

She shoved her well-coated lollipop into Clyde's mouth when he opened to protest. As she passed Fumi to sit, she muttered, "Idiot Toru. Well, can't say I didn't see this coming."

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