Demon lord estates….

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Melody could not stop daydreaming. As Lord Hades's hidden eye, she wasn't exactly doing a great job, not that he should expect it. No training, no real instructions except to answer to his call. The demon hadn't called once, to her relief. The daydream of Lord Clyde dancing with her at a moonlit ball lingered just a tad longer before she reluctantly shook it away. She knocked on Tear's door.

One of the succubus's female slaves allowed her in. Tear's room was so surprisingly normal for a high lady that Melody missed a step. A table for tea, a large bed with pink blankets and pillows, and a flowery fragrance enveloping the room.

She only took a second to observe before putting on her business face. She disliked the Hades family just a little, but there was one family that she hated, despised. If it wasn't for the Ashfall family, she wouldn't be in this mess.

The succubus smiled at her.

"There's still one thing you must do," Tear said. "before it's ready."

"What is it?" Melody asked, curious.

"You'll need to have sex with Clyde. Sexual energy from the stone will allow—"

"Have you lost your mind?" Melody snapped, blushing furiously. "How indecent."

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Tear laughed.

"I'm kidding, kidding. You're so cute when you blush. Come, let's have tea. You and I've got a long discussion."

Ashfall estates…

Nezerath loudly sniffed as he motioned for Yuki the head maid to enter his office. She curtsied then stepped in.

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"My lord, I bring word for your eyes."

Nezerath smiled.

"Did they drive the bitch back to the palace? I think a public raping in front of her father would bring even you entertainment."

He waited for any sign of distaste, but Yuki remained emotionless like a marionette without strings. He truthfully didn't need an excuse to do whatever he wanted, but that wasn't the point. She knew she was nearly untouchable short of getting thrown into his room of No Return. His place for failures, trash, or those who truly displeased him.

"Your Eyes reported a rumor of Alice being spotted with adventurers. And she's allowing them to kill off her father's patrols."

Nezerath's eyes widened. This was worse than he thought. He needed control of Hades's army. He needed that support. He didn't work this hard to become a successor for it to come apart now. All of the years spent chatting up Hades's guards, his Eyes, and pretending to want good relations with the family after thousands of years of fighting could go to waste.

Nezerath gulped at the thought of his own father finding out about Alice and his plans. That kind of shame is awful among ALL demons. Humans with the power were enemies. No grey area. Not for poisonous adventurers. He stood up.

"Fuck, to make me work on my day off. Yuki dispatch the Deathbladers. Now! I need this problem eliminated before I get there on Saturday. And…you will be leading them. Do not fail me. Actually, if you fail, we're going to have an entertaining night. You will experience both pleasure and unimaginable pain at the same time."

No reaction. "But of course, you don't fail me. But when you do." He beamed at her. "Pop. I'll impregnate you over and over, kill each child in front of you and start again. Do you hear me, Yuki?"

She bowed.

"I won't fail you my lord."

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"Good. Don't make me do that do you. Now get moving! We don't got time to waste." He shook his head. "All of you are worthless." He kicked Yuki out of his office with a metallic boot and slammed the door shut.

A large house in Lot City…

Maki washed her hands for the fourth time, disgusted with herself. A man that played hard to get attracted her, snatched her lusty heart, when she could pick from any suitor. But Clyde…that otherworldly vibe about him—she shook her head. No more playing with herself. She had to stop the fantasizing. She'd get the man to her party, no matter what.

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Her eyes began to lose lucidity again as she imagined the young man forcing himself inside her. Well, not forcing, since she'd obviously be letting him—but he'd be close. His scent, his attitude, and his coldness, all hers.

If only she could get a pair of his boxers to—she shook herself. Get ahold of yourself, Maki. It's just a stupid crush. No need to act like this.

But it was too late. She wanted to murder the girls that seemed to surround themselves around her beloved.

Beloved. She squealed.

"All I have to do is show him that I'm better than the others. I'm prettier. My breasts are…" she paused, thinking about Harumi. Her mood dropped. "It's not fair."

Maki hands were inside her panties again as she laid down. No man had ever made her want to bend. Why now? She should march up to him and demand his attention. Who did he think he was? Showing up to her campus, ignoring and avoiding. She didn't deserve to be treated like this. She dished out the cold not accepted it.

Maybe he wanted to teach her a lesson. But she was already nice to everyone. Well, pretended to be nice. Same effect. People who didn't deserve to feel even an ounce of warmth still received it. She moved her fingers faster and harder until the climax made her softly moan Clyde's name.

"He's made a fool of me," she said softly. "No more. I'll lure him out tomorrow and he'll be inside of me. A lot."

She pulled out her fingers. "You did this to me. And now you've got to take responsibility, Clyde. Mysterious man of my life."

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