"Chika, wait, listen to me," Clyde said then checked for the others. They were still sitting down, Yusuke included, eager for that he'd given them a break. Battle after battle did more than take its toll on the team as a whole.

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Chika managed to get him into an alley, telling everyone she had to talk with him in private about something important. Clyde assumed she needed some tips about battle but missed the look in her eyes. "There's a time and place and it's not now."

The yandere breathed huskily, eyes in full lust mode. In a swift motion, she grabbed the young man's fingers and forced them inside of her. Clyde's eyes widened at the impossible amount of moisture.

"The…" she breathed. "Aphrodisiacs hadn't worn off."

Clyde pulled his soaked and sticky hand from beneath her blue skirt.

"Not now. Maybe after the patrol."

"You say that, but another part of you is being honest."

"Who wouldn't after having—never mind, not now," he said. "For fuck's sake, we just finished fighting at least forty monsters."

He only gained two levels from that. True grinding, fighting the same old pumkos, imps, ions, spiders, cinder demons, meta-spiders, and krakkedons, repeatedly. Nothing stronger spawned yet, not even Lizard guards. The monster girls gave him the real challenge. He needed to get stronger.

"Just a little," Chika said. "Just—"

"What are you two doing?" Kitome said, "enough talking, Alice has detected something. She needs to see you, Clyde."

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The young man nodded and started toward the demoness, but not without smiling smugly at Chika. She harrumphed, giving Kitome a look of death that washed right over the magical girl. Not even the yandere could appear threatening to the hotheaded young woman.

"There you are," Alice said to Clyde. The twin-tailed demoness wore a short orange dress that revealed a small amount of cleavage, black silk gloves—the kind rich women wore, brown boots with black stockings that only went halfway up her thigh. And to add on her demon fashion, she wore a small black cape. All of the material looked expensive to Clyde, not that the demoness flaunted any money. Her father seemed stingy with pay. He could only suspect that probably was due to her spending very little time home.

"What's up?" Clyde asked.

"Can you not feel that?" she said. "Demons not a part of my father's army entered the city."

"Is it him?" Clyde said.

"Not him, but his elite," Alice said. "They don't show unless to grind someone to paste. They're very strong. I don't like suggesting cowardly things, my Clyde, but I worry for the others. We should retreat for the night, plan and then attack."

"I'm fine with that," Clyde said. "Will they come after us in our houses?"

"This is a big city," Alice said. "They haven't a clue where to look. If they did, they'd simply teleport here."

The young man nodded in agreement then addressed the party.

"There are some big fish in the city. We're going to call it a night and come up with a plan to deal with them. Let's go back to the bus stop for now. Call your rides to get you there. And if you don't have a ride, Toru will be happy to take you home."

Toru muttered something under his breath but didn't protest. Seth pattered him on the back.

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"You're a real trooper, helping me out. Even if you just want to get back to Fumi quicker."

Toru glared at him, but kept his mouth shut. Everyone waited to call bullshit if he tried to lie.

It was when they rounded the corner that they bumped into the monster girl. She was a purple-haired girl with black horns sticking out of her head. Bat-like wings stuck from her back also matching the purple theme. A devil tail wagged for a bit before stilling.

The pointy-eared girl was dressed in what Clyde could only describe as what fantasy game succubae would wear: a mini-skirt and a large ribbon covering breasts and long leather boots that looked as if they came from a mall for strippers.

Arch Imp- Nana

Level: 39

Type: Monster

Work under: N/A

Special: Natural Charm. [Random chance of getting charmed. Will encourage any charmed man to have their way with her. All stats will be halved. If not saved, the charmed will become a sex slave.]

Weakness: fire and electricity.

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Resistances: Your hostile detection isn't high enough, desu.

Secret: Your hostile detection, luck, and will isn't high enough for this.

Alice's eyes widened.

"An arch imp, here? Outside of the demon realm."

"Not the first monster girl we've encountered," Clyde said. "Not all of them worked under your father.

"Can anyone help me?"

Everyone stared at the arch imp. Her voice was innocent, not hostile. It also had power. Seth, being the idiot that Clyde hoped he wasn't, started toward her, blushing.

"I'd love to help," Seth said. "What's wrong?"

His guard didn't exist. The idiot! Clyde noticed the same went for Yusuke who was not transformed at the moment.

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The arch imp looked overwhelmed. Kitome saved the day, whacking the men on the heads, except Clyde didn't move, completely unaffected by the charm. It took him a second to realize Alice held his hand, squeezing it.

"Tssk." The arch imp spat. "Why can't I ever get some directions around here?"

"Drop the act," Kitome said. "How hard is it to ask a woman?"

"It's no act," the arch imp snapped. "And you, stupid human woman, didn't even answer. It's like that everywhere. Only men are willing to spare time. Men. In fact, you don't deserve these men—I'm taking them from you."

"Over my dead body," Kitome said. Unlike her brother, she didn't drop her transformation, which made Clyde approve. The beautiful blue-haired young woman was coming along. Feisty, but useful.

Nana the arch imp got into a fighting stance. A vicious green aura surrounded her. Her natural charm strengthened too. Still, Clyde stood, unaffected by it.

"I'm going to enjoy this," Nana said. "And we'll have sex on your body afterward."

"Be very careful," Alice said softly.

Abruptly, the monster girl tackled Toru to the ground with surprising strength, landing on top in a heap, lusty but innocence in her eyes, breathing heavily.

"Big brother, please take my girlhood."

Clyde facepalmed.

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