Unknown city….

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Aunder tried to ignore Su Yang's pesky shaking, but the woman wouldn't give up.

"Master, for the love of, you stupid drunk wake up," she said. Aunder groaned.

"Woman, can't a supposed great hero get at least five more minutes of sleep?"

He felt a nibble at his ear and chuckled.

"You know I can't bed you," Aunder said, though he wished he could. She'd be bearing his children—young ones worthy of carrying the blood.

Su Yang crawled on top of him and tried to kiss the man but halted. Her eyes widened in surprise at the mental command. He never forced anything, nor used his bond on Su Yang and her sisters. "Stockholm syndrome is what the fancy scholars call it. You're my prisoner so it will be considered rap e if I bed you. I do not stain my name with such dishonor."

"It's not Stockholm syndrome," the woman protested. "Sure, I hated you at first, but in a span of days, you saved so many lives, stopped disasters, and is now branded a hero. You've done nothing to us—and in fact, treated us as equals."

Aunder sniffed distastefully.

"Do not brand me an angel," he said. "They were all used. And let's not hide the existence of the city I wiped off the map."

Su Yang folded her arms, pouting. Despite Aunder's insistence on not taking her, his lower body spoke a different tale. She caressed him, teasing.

Aunder gently moved her aside.

"If we would've met under different circumstances, then I'd make you my wife."

Su Yang grabbed his arms.

"I want to be your wife," she said. "You may be a lousy drunk and lech, but you're also an honorable man. A strong—"

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"Enough," Aunder snapped. "Do not bring this up again or I'll let you see the other side of me. The side a lady shouldn't see."

He stormed out of his hotel room. And a naked Olivia was in his bathroom. She flushed beet-red.

"It is just not my morning," Aunder said. "Doing well keeping up on your toning."

He dodged her slap and then promptly kicked her out of the bathroom.

"I've got to take a piss," he said.


"Hellooooo, Ashfally, guess who's visiting today?" Tyu said.

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Nezerath said nothing, but fear stormed within his eyes. He'd never be able to sit properly again. He'd never walk upright again. Humiliated by these inferiors. "Oh come on, you know you enjoyed last night, inmate." Tyu smiled. "Four feet is nothing compared to my guests. We're going to have a fiesta today, so get plenty hydrated. Our special guest of the day—we call her Empire State Building or Giant Jenny."

Nezerath whimpered.

"I can get you loads of money, riches beyond your wildest dreams. I—"

"Like we care about that," Tyu said. "You're a handsome prisoner and all ours for an eternity. We'll make a proper servant out of you eventually, but first, as quoted from you. We must teach you humility. Perhaps Jenny's fifteen feet will do the trick."

Nezerath uselessly fought against his magical chains, cursing and threatening and then whimpering. Tyu winked. "Inferior, huh? So much arrogance. Looks like someone needs it to reach into his throat again. Maybe another four-hour marathon."

Yelling, the sound of smacking flesh and inside of flesh, and grunts stretched for at least a mile from the prison island.

Some say an hour later, they were shrill screams and multiple grunts from a cascade of people. It is something that no one wishes to find out…

Sunday. Week 3. Month 1. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

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Lot City….

Clyde felt like utter shit the following morning. Even Harumi's healing didn't ease all of the pain caused by using powers he couldn't yet control. Absorbing the omen's sphere made it slightly worse. And what unknown benefits? He'd like some deletion of the aches.

Yuki and Alice's massages were incredible until they grew competitive and made things worse. He ended the activity early, against their protests. The morning's soreness was nearly unbearable. Not even the hot shower from the prior night helped.

Alice was sleeping beside him again, rather than in his large bed that he gave up for the women. He gazed at her sleeping face, brushed her hair aside, only to hear someone clear their throat loudly.

Yuki held the door open for Tear and Natalia.

"Oh god, someone hold her!"

But it was too late. Natalia hopped on top of Clyde. And in fact, at the moment right before impact, she shifted back into her adult form.

"Oops. I'm normal again. Err, sorry pervy-monster."

Clyde's eyes widened as he groaned, maybe squealed. The rush of pain battered his body like car accidents. He wanted to explode with anger, but the most he could get out was a hiss.

Long dark hair, accompanied a curvy, busty figure. And she smiled right at Alice's glare. She wiggled against the young man's morning wood. Somehow, despite the pain, it remained.

"Good morning highness."

"Natalia, the last chocolate bar is in cabinet three," Clyde said with a wheeze.

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Like a balloon, she popped back into her loli state and happily ran for the cabinet.

"Clyde how could you," Alice said in a sleepy but playful voice. She kissed him, soliciting glares from the other women.

"I hope you get pregnant," Tear said as she turned and utilized the coffee maker.

"So the plan is to find you a house and then training camp?" Yuki said. "I believe there's a hot springs inn somewhere in the grasslands. Supposedly strange flowers there too."

The hot springs trope, huh? Well considering his soreness, Clyde didn't mind.

"Make sure everyone gets the invitation," he said. "We've got Monday and Tuesday off anyway."

This has been volume two of The Anime Trope System. The episodes will remain in order.

The next story arc is underway!

Clyde's story continues, and his mystery slowly unravels. The journey still has a way to go. And things are about to get very interesting. And probably perverted.

Fate is a mysterious string.

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