Last time on The Anime Trope System, Clyde found just a little of his place in Lot City, Satovia. His own mission intertwines with helping his friends, as cheesy as that sounds. Except, they had real issues. Terrifying ones perhaps.

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The young man tossed away selfishness and managed to tap into his real power. The power that makes him the Stone. But there is a price to pay for utilizing something that his body isn't ready for.

Nevertheless, the Ashfall family, widely-known tyrants and cruel demons, were taken down. Will it be the last time we hear of them? That's a worry for another time. For now, the fun continues…

Welcome to:

The Anime Trope System Volume 3: The Essentials, Perverse Mayhem, and All of that Jazz.

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Sunday. Week 3. Month 1. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

Later that morning…

"Dammit Chika, I told you I'm not into that," he pushed the leash back to her. Clyde shook his head, disbelieving that he let the silver-haired girl trick him into following her into an S and M hotel. Her voice sounded urgent when she pleaded for help. How did he miss her lusty yandere eyes? Eyes almost of madness. "And why haven't you thrown away those stupid aphrodisiacs. You clearly don't need them."

She wiped what he hoped wasn't drool from her lip then pushed the leash back toward him.

"Come on, we both would look great with this leash—I always wanted to try it with you," she said, hunger in her voice. "Leash me. Then with this," she grabbed the budge of his pants. "show me why you're the master."

Clyde gaped. They had less than twenty minutes to meet with the others and all she could think of…he scrapped the thought. He couldn't remember a time when Chika wasn't thinking of sex, not that he minded. As much as he wanted to stay on the right path, Clyde was still a man. And the more days pass of them not having sex, the hornier she became.

Priorities were priorities. And Pushing Alice's patience—his thoughts were halted when Chika pulled out his horn and wildly stroked it while masturbating.

"Leash me, master," she said then giggled, eyes full of lust. Her yandere mode took full control and she jumped Clyde. "I have needs and only you can fulfill them. And I won't be ignored."

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She frantically attempted to rip the young man's clothes off and he almost let her, but one look at the time made up his mind. Plus, both of their phones were ringing. No doubt the others wondering where the fuck they were at.

"We need to get going," Clyde said.

"I don't care about that—we're just getting started," Chika said. "Surely they can wait for four more hours."

"Look, if you chill out, I'll let you have your way with me at the hot springs inn, okay?" Clyde said, then immediately regretted it.

"Deal!" Chika said, eyes shining.

"Within reason," Clyde said, but Chika pretended not to hear while heading to the bathroom's sink. After washing her hands, she caught the young man off-guard with a kiss.

"Alice can't have you to herself," she said. "I had you first." She cheerily started for the exit. "Come on, we'll be late."

[Your relationship with Chika has changed to Friend- Closer level 10 and Super Extreme sexual craving. Is this surprising, desu?]

Level ten? When did it increase from two? Questions for later. He checked Harumi's to notice that it was at six. He needed to watch System a little closer.

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When the duo left the hotel, a beautiful woman walked past them, swaying her hips but Clyde had no chance to give an appreciative thought. His trap detection skill flashed a red prompt.

[Warning: person visually inspected is not intended gender. Translation from your world: it's a trap!]

Clyde grimaced.

"What's wrong?" Chika said. She stifled a laugh.

"Did you know?" he said flatly.

"That's what you get for looking at anyone other than me," she said. "Especially random walkers." She lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Because I'll let you do anything to me. You know this."

Chika started forward, leaving the young man a little speechless.

"I still have the right to look," he muttered to himself as he took off after the silver-haired girl.

Everyone awaited inside Clyde's apartment, including Tear. Tear who would be warping them. She was also going to be in charge of teaching Clyde how to use his Jump skill properly. Her emphasis on private lessons made Alice volunteer to chaperone and help with magic casting. Neko decided to cheat her sister and skip duty to join them on the trip, her excuse being to assist with training the Stone for the safety of the world. Apparently both her mother and grandmother bought it. The sister was pissed.

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Harumi perhaps was the biggest and most surprising voice, assisting on practicing duo attacks with the young man.

Toru wanted to bring Fumi, but the slime girl couldn't get any days off from her job. Clyde still couldn't believe she was an accountant. Her illusion was so powerful that nothing short of a god could forcibly break it, thus allowing her a human life. Damn! Clyde hoped that Toru wouldn't attract any monster girl trouble while at the grasslands, but something about that thought didn't make him feel secure.

Seth came, but Yusuke passed. His part-time job wasn't allowing him any time off.

Kitome straightened up Clyde's button-up shirt and undid two buttons.

"Sheesh, wife, we're going to the hot springs," Clyde said sarcastically. Kitome glared.

"Oh, shut it, it bugged me," she said. "Maybe you should take a wife. It'd put some pep in your step." She harrumphed but remained very close to him. In fact, her butt pushed against his groin. He wanted to scream, "no don't, I'm not trying to die!" to his horn, but the erection burst into action.

Kitome remained there, pretending not to notice, but her movements were less aggressive. She looked…vulnerable. Kitome…vulnerable? Kitome…. not minding? The blue-haired beauty was all but untouchable.

This had to be a fluke. He didn't get the chance to think much on it—everyone was standing, huddled together. Tear initiated the warp.

Clyde wasn't sure if he heard Kitome right, but the last thing she said, barely above a whisper was, "mom, guess who's losing her virginity."

Nah, the hothead was as affectionate as a spiked ball.

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