Hades Palace

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Demon lord Hades didn't know what to think of the reports. Ashfall is dead—this was the greatest news he received in centuries. The family's bitter enemies were actually dead. This was incredible! So much for his trap, he spent many years constructing. In the end, everything worked out. He got ahold of the Omen's sphere, but sadly, not the control of Ashfall forces. That was a goldmine within itself. He'd send spies into the demon realm to find out where they fled.

Hades sighed. His daughter, his little girl would never forgive him for using her as bait. She didn't trust him. As if he'd make his precious blood, life mate to absolute scum, undeserving of her brilliance. He was proud of his daughter. Powerful, independent, and a fine successor to the Hades throne. She reminded him of her mother, his missing life mate. She even had the same irritating, but tolerating fondness for humans. His niece Tear was another story. Even more powerful—made him proud too, but where did get the nerve to go killing off his Middle Eye? Sure, it was a good call. Matazus, who didn't know of the trap, was the one who gave him the idea of making Alice life mate to Ashfall. It inspired Hades to design the trap. But the suggestion bled so much treason—Hades had to use every ounce of strength and will to restrain himself from tearing his former Middle Eye into pieces. Instead, he planned to use him for his worth then send the fool off on a suicide mission.

He eyed the guard that stood before him again. He was a strange creature known as a hallow. He took on the appearance of a thin half-shadow, half-ether creature, with the pale face of a man, but a body of shapeable dark magic. Matazu's former right hand and Hades's spy, Elsado. The only Eye allowed to run amok, unchecked, was his daughter. She needed the independence and experience to take over in his stead. He'd rest easy in retirement and she'd rule the Hade's estates with grace. Even her own family would be jealous, plot against her. Nothing new for those of nobility.

"Good work," Hades said then chuckled. "I take it you secured ownership of their estates. Go ahead and start renovating it. We'll—"

"It's owned by the adventurer who killed the Ashfall head, my lord," Elsado said, kneeling.

Hades blinked.

"Ashfall was defeated by an adventurer." He threw back his head and laughed. "That old fool was better at manipulating others and torturing them rather than fighting, but he still could keep up with the rest of us. Find out who owns the estates. Then kill him. We'll expand our control to Ashen City and rid it of Ashfall supporters."

"There's a problem with that, my lord and you may not like it," Elsado said.

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"You're wordy today, Elsado," Hades said. "What could possibly be the problem?"

"While these rumors remain unconfirmed, several of our guards had reported Alice working with adventurers. And probably the adventurer responsible for destroying the Ashfall family. I've tried to find him, but either he's naturally warded or works in the shadow."

Hades sneered.

"Get my Hidden Eye on the job. I want this adventurer found! Either you kill him or Melody or the guards—I don't care. Don't bother with the estates yet until he's dead. Wards and magical traps sometimes fade when their owners die. Besides, it'd take way too long for me to send for my trap negator from the demon realm. And you know nobody wants to deal with her over some adventurer."

"My lord declared it and so it shall be done," Elsado said.


Elsado stood, saluted with one first over his heart, bowed, then about-faced. Hades turned to his three beautiful lady guests.

"I think I've kept you waiting long enough. To the bedroom."

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[Area unlocked for Jump: Libado Grasslands.]

[Quest updated. Step one: go to Libado Grasslands, completed. Step two: Train in Libado Grasslands.]

They appeared just a dozen or so meters from the inn ahead. Clyde observed the area, in taking the vast beauty of the green pastures. A few hundred meters past the inn lied a forest—so it wasn't all grasslands. Something about it felt off. Of course, no one should be dumb enough to go snooping into the creepy dark forest. He voiced that to the others.

"Look, we all know what happens in the movies when some idiot decides to go into the forest, whether alone or with one other person," he said as they walked forward. "So don't go into the forest."

"Oh quit being so paranoid," Tear said then smacked him on the back, grinning. "We're the demons here. Even wild animals will instinctively clear this area."

"Yeah…any idea why that happens?" Clyde asked. Tear shrugged.

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"Mmm-mm. No idea. Maybe it's the demonic energy inside."

"You know dudettes, I keep forgetting you're demons," Seth said. "You're really no different from us, aside from being uber strong and what not."

"I wonder," Yuki said. "Chika's completely human, but she'd be a force of nature when her power level reaches one hundred."

Chika turned them out, humming, while holding onto one of Clyde's arms. Alice had the other, glaring daggers at the her.

"Still sore," Clyde said, wiggling out of their grips. At least he tried to wiggle out, but the young women weren't having it. At this point, he knew to just accept the gift horse as it came.

"I'll end your soreness with a nice demoness-style massage," Yuki said. "And I will have no interruptions this time." She looked right at Alice. The twin-tailed demoness harrumphed, anime girl style.

"Clyde, kill yourself," Seth said, fake smile on his face.

Toru sighed then gave Clyde a look of sympathy.

"It'd be a miracle if you return to the city in one piece."

Clyde frowned.

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The group stepped through glass doors. Tear talked with the attendant at the front desk and soon they were led to their rooms.

Everyone had their own rooms, except Natalia who insisted on sharing one with Alice.

"But I want to room with my Clyde," she said, gathering a round of blushes and protests. In the end, she and Natalia were placed in a room with two beds.

"Out here, you must be protected at all times, Highness," Natalia said to the glowering young woman.

Clyde decided before changing into his robe, he'd check out the building. It didn't let him down—every cliché and trope possible was there. Men, women, and mixed areas that contained easily swappable signs. Ping pong tables and fridges with cold milk. There were even a few rooms that were ancient Japanese-style. This place left no doubt about the trope. Somehow, he found himself appreciating it—walking around and admiring the design styles.

He decided mixed bathing went without saying. But which signs will be swapped? Which girl would he accidentally walk in on?

If he was being honest with himself, Tear or Yuki are among the biggest jackpots. Kitome would probably kick him in the balls. She had to be…tsundere or something. One minute, she's a feisty death sentence, the next she'd be buttoning up Clyde's shirt like some wife.

And yet…while vulnerable, she was damned cute. And for once, he could allow himself these thoughts since they were on a two-day vacation and not fighting for their lives.

Clyde heard husky breathing and the click of a lock only seconds before Chika tackled him to the bed.

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