Chika kissed Clyde while stroking his horn. The slender silver-haired young woman looked at him with twinkling grey eyes filled with lust. She let her robe fall, revealing nakedness. And he could see that the girl was already super wet—fluid oozing down her legs.

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"What should I do first?" she said then beamed at him with a poster girl smile. "I've read about…hmm, maybe fifteen hundred different sex positions. I've also brought…tools, though I forgot them in my room. So much to do and no interruption from Mom or Dad." She licked Clyde's neck in a way that made him tense. His erection was steeled to break bricks.

"Still sore," Clyde reminded her. "I didn't get into the hot springs yet."

"I'll be gentle," Chika said, grinning evilly. He gulped. "We can go in after this round. And do ten in the springs."

She didn't give Clyde a chance to reply, kissing and mounting. She let a gasp, breathing deepening. The sensation of tightness and the wetness of the sea threatened to make him release his load early. Chika rode slowly, making up her usual speed with wild kisses. She even slipped her tongue into Clyde's mouth. He tasted mint. "You did this to me," Chika whispered as sped up the ride, but moved carefully, breasts bouncing with the flow. "You pulled away the mask, allowing me to just be myself. You have my virginity, so continue to take responsibility. And I won't let Alice have you to herself."

Clyde allowed himself to indulge on a mouthful of breast. Chika moaned, louder and louder as she bounced. The young man tried to cover her mouth, but a devilish grin emerged on the woman's face as she blocked his feeble attempt.

"There's nothing to hide," she said, eyes revealing yandere mode. "Everyone will hear our song."

She rode harder and moaned loudly, almost exaggerating it.

"Oh! Clyde! Yes! Harder! Harder!"

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"Are you fucking nuts?" Clyde hissed, then fought through the soreness to cover Chika's mouth. Chika licked his fingers, uncaring. She leaned over, pressing her soft breasts firmly against his chest. His horn began to twitch. She knew she'd turn him on even further. Clyde grabbed her ass, one cheek per hand, and guided her ride. They both breathed heavily, sweating and wildly kissing. The bed shook hard enough to put even a train to shame. This went on like this for an additional fifteen minutes, though to Clyde it felt like an hour. An amazing hour. He kissed Chika.

That seemed to trigger something, because the silver-haired woman suddenly tightened and convulsed, her song reaching the heavens. Her release covered Clyde's lap. He followed through, pulling out and unloading.

His release was definitely unnatural—so much spray into the air. No human on earth could possibly produce this much. Chika laid her head on Clyde's chest, catching her breath, smiling.

"I need more," she said, "but let's go relax in the hot spring. Mixed bathing or I'll drag you into the girl's side."

Somehow, some of his soreness was gone as he stood. Not completely, but the rumble with Chika somewhat helped. He decided to no longer involve science in the line of his thinking.

[Your endurance has increased by 12.]

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[Word of how you defeated the Ashfall family has finally spread and continues to do so like a wildfire. Your reputation has increased to level 3- you may be worth listening to.]

[The second Omen's sphere continues to resonate with your body. Unknown benefits. Hidden stat revealed: regeneration. +1 to Regeneration. Current regeneration is 10.]

"Endurance is my largest stat," Clyde flatly muttered under his breath.

"Hmm?" Chika said softly.

"Nothing," Clyde said. "Let's go."

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When he opened the door, Neko and Natalia bolted in two different directions.

"Nya!" Neko vanished around a corner. The loli witch went for the hot spring. Chika laughed.

"Let them remember that one for the rest of their lives."

"Well, tonight's dinner is going to be awkward," Clyde said. Chika patted his shoulders.

"They were going to find out sooner or later, if they didn't already know," she said. "Maybe we should try a round publicly. Advertise why I'm the only one who can satisfy you and me, properly."

"I won't argue with your ability to satisfy," Clyde said as they walked toward the hot spring. "But I'm not trying to get the cops called for indecent exposure. Or zapped by Alice."

"Or pulverized by Kitome," Chika added, unhelpfully. She held his arm, leaning into him. "The others can worry about competing. I prefer to take you, whenever I want, where I want."

"And I thought my ego was inflated," Clyde commented sarcastically.

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"It's only the truth," Chika said. "And your little friend below has no objections."

Clyde laughed. Chika seemed to bask in his laughter, glowing, holding onto him.

The young man silently acknowledged yet another trope to mix in with the hot springs. The party just happened to be the only customers at the time. They were maybe fifteen to twenty miles outside of the city, but surely this nicely designed place would have more patrons.

Just then, someone shouted.

Clyde and Chika burst in the direction of the men's section, swung open the door, and froze. Seth was backed against the wall as a mucus toad girl wiggled her long tongue around his pants, then his neck.

"I've been looking for a husband and you're pretty. Let's get to know each other."

She grabbed the budge of his pants.

"No—I'm not into…"

Seth's protest was cut off when the toad girl's tongue plunged deep into his mouth. Then his throat.

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