Queen Hornet- Liana

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Level: 67

Type: Monster

Worships: Forest Deity Ai Tel Nekta

Special: Queen Lustful Sting [Great chance to paralyze. Hornet has a GREAT chance to lose control and vigorously super-rape victims. Only works on males. The venom heightens the erection to the max.]

Weakness: Fire and lust.

Resistances: Earth, nature, forest.

Secret: cannot stop thinking about sex. Every moment of the day, it's about sex with a man. Despite being a queen, she doesn't like women at all.

[Your party has entered a Boss fight!]

Level sixty-seven. Clyde switched from his wind blade to his newly acquired beauty. A sword with a gold handle and a crystal-like blade. It nearly glowed.

[Legendary Sword: Ludacris (Ashfall family loom)- +30 to attack. Fallen Angel element. Can fire raw magic from the weapon. Does magic damage. Lv. 1]

This was his prize for destroying the Ashfall family. A legendary scaling sword. He dashed toward the queen, intending to end the fight as quickly possible. Both of her guards dove in the way. Clyde slashed through them like butter. They despawned into purple flames. Holy shit, they were both level thirty-nine, but that was still an insta-kill.

[Liana activated Ai's might.]

The queen of the hornets aimed one hand at the young man and unleashed a green beam of magic. Clyde blocked it with a Spirit shield, though he was annoyed that he had to waste it for the short cooldown—but the queen moved fast.

[Neko used Yun Sek Tekko.]

[Kitome used Heart arrow.]

Millions of bolts of lightning struck the hornet, too fast for her to dodge. Following the electricity were Kitome's hearts.

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[Liana used Tier 2 skill: All mighty shield.]

Somehow, just in the nick of time, the hornet saved herself from major damage. Chika used that opportunity to come out of her stealth to cutdown Toru. Clyde decided that she had more brains than all of them—and not because she was the top student at the academy. Flinging magic around while the monster girl magnet was tied up put his life in unnecessary danger. Then again, he was the team lead. He can't do everything himself.

"Toru either fight bare-assed or go hide somewhere," Chika said.

"Go hide," Clyde said. "Be a reserve until this is over or something."

Toru obliged to the team lead's relief, ducking behind sturdy furniture. It'd be really annoying to see his junk swing around, Clyde thought.

"Oh no you don't!" Liana snarled then flew with all of her might toward Toru. She met Yuki's foot on that side of the room. The demoness kicked the hornet right into Clyde. He caught the airflow too late, right before he got the chance to use another skill.

"Hey, what the fuck—agh!"

[Liana had used Queen Lustful Sting.]

[You have been paralyzed.]

The hornet giggled as the lust clouded her eyes. She almost ripped the shirt off Clyde, but Chika had no intention of just standing there while he got super-raped.

[Chika used Stealth Bash]

The rogue came out of her stealth to kick the shit out of the horny hornet. The force of the blow spiraled the insect queen twenty feet away.

[Liana's HP has dropped to 125%]

No matter how much Clyde tried, he couldn't move. And his erection stood straight up.

"Here, let me," Yuki said. "He's temporary paralyzed, but we don't have the luxury of waiting."

"No, he's mine!" Liana yelled.

"We'll go hold her off," Chika said then motioned for Neko and Kitome to follow.

Clyde knew it was the venom, but he just wanted to have wild sex. So much of it. Fuck, he felt like he could go at it for an eternity.

Yuki placed one hand on his chest and with the other, grabbed his erection. His eyes widened.

"You may as well feel good for the few seconds it'd take to remove the paralysis."

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[Yuki activated Refresher!]

She did that and stoked vigorously and with so much skill. She switched to using her large breasts. The woman was so hot that Clyde unleashed his load, right onto her face.

"There, better now?" She wiped it off with the side of her shirt

Clyde felt amazing, although a little embarrassed. How did they get away with this in the middle of battle?

Everyone else had their focus on the queen, even Toru. Yuki winked.

"Let's finish this, Young Master Clyde."

Clyde gave her a sideways glance that was too comedic to be taken seriously. Yuki giggled.

[Liana's HP has dropped to 70%]

Liana snarled then dropped to her knees, holding both hands into the air.

"Oh great Forest Deity—please take me over. Please, I beg you to punish the fools who dare step defile your great presence. I am yours, my goddess."

The voice of a perfect woman answered.

"Your call has been heard, my loyal servant. I will use your body."

Liana glowed until she was as bright as the sun. The orange hornet features turned snow white. Same for her hair. Her eyes switched from the red hue to a purple color and more human-like. Insect wings became angel wings.

"I am Ai Tel Nekta, the ruler of this forest and the one who will make you suffer for interfering with those who pledged themselves to me. Kneel!"

The compulsion was sudden, but had no effect on Clyde whatsoever. Unfortunately, the same couldn't be said for Chika, Neko, Yuki, Kitome, or even Toru. He analyzed the creature before him.

Liana (Possessed by Forest Deity Ai Tel Nekta)

Level: 426

Type: Minor Deity.

Works under: N/A

Special: ???

Weakness: taint. Metal.

Resistances: dark, fire, evil, lust, demon, devil, miasma, moon, dark arc.

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Secret: wishes she could fall in love like any normal woman or girl. She bares the heart of a woman that simply wants to be loved.

Clyde hefted his sword, nervous. Level four hundred fucking twenty-six. Very hard? What an understatement.


[Your party has entered a Death Sentence!]

Ai Tel Nekta teleported beside Clyde so fast, the man could only Flash step to avoid the possible one-hit kill from her touch. Nekta allowed her hardened expression to drop to a motherly smile.

[Ai Tel Nekta used Alpha and Omega Tier spell: The Sorrowful Last Breath of the Dying Warrior. Warning, this is an unblockable attack.]

Clyde was about to Flash step until he realized where she aimed. The kneeling women. They were about to die. Eyes glazed, tears oozed from Chika's eyes as she helplessly watched Nekta's hand glow brighter and brighter. Yuki and Neko trembled but could do nothing against the compulsion. They were good as dead if Clyde did nothing.

He pulled out an item he held into his inventory for a long time. Often forgot it was there, but knew that he'd eventually find a good use for it.

[Natzo hand bomb. (Does Fire and Metal damage on enemies caught within the blast. 40% chance to cause burns, 20% chance to deafen. 30% chance to stun.)]

[You invoked Mystic wrath!]

It was a perfect throw. The deity stood maybe thirty yards from everyone. Clyde Flash stepped over to Toru, grabbed him then let out another flash step to the women. With the last of his magic, well, until it regenerated, he put up a spirit shield. The deity was confused, unfamiliar with the object. It exploded in her face.

[Weakness exploited! Too bad that's not even close to enough.]

The explosion of whites and reds and oranges passed right over the spirit shield then snuffed out like a candle. Clyde realized for some reason he held onto Chika in an embrace–when that wasn't necessary. The shield was large enough to cover an entire party. He let go, a little embarrassed.

Fire surged in all directions, hungry, eager to burn down the hive and their deity looked as if she had no fucks to give.

"An interesting diversion, mortal man, but I'm afraid it won't do you any good." Nekta stood in front of them stark naked, but completely unharmed. "Well, time to die."

Clyde racked his brain for ideas but decided it was now or never. Reach out to the power that was always just out of his reach, risking the strain or let everyone die.

"No don't!"

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[Alice activated Slip-Distraction!]

[Nekta is distracted for 1 second.]

Alice, Tear, and Natalia burst through the doors. "Tear, get us out of here, now. She can't do anything outside of her forest."

[Tear activated Jump!]

Barely evading a green blast of death, the party found themselves back in front of the inn. A robe awaited Toru on a bench. Alice angrily shoved it at Toru then grabbed Clyde, hauling off to the side.

The young man expected a slap, as he knew he'd deserve one for leaving her of all people behind, but it never came. Instead, she looked worried. That worry turned into anger.

"That was stupid. Admirable for not hesitating to save your friend. Smart for bringing very strong party members with you—but stupid none the less." She hugged him. "You're already fated to be ripped away from me one day. Don't speed that up. It didn't hit me until mid-rest, an old legend about a forest. She's a minor deity that rules over the plants and insects, but overtime became an angry mess."

"Would you believe me if it was something as simple as wanting to be loved?" Clyde said.

Alice let out a breath then spoke in a lower voice. Not that it escaped Neko's ears.

"Tonight, I'll show you what it means to want love." She stormed off, leaving Clyde standing there, mouth agape.


Somehow, he foresaw Neko's pounce and stepped to the side, but caught the back of her shirt with one hand so that she didn't hit the ground.

The cool evening air put the party at ease, despite the feeling of the forest.

"We'll spend the night, but fuck three days," Clyde said. "Think that was training enough. Melody's going to be pissed though."

"Melody's coming?" Tear asked.

"In the morning," Clyde said. "But after today with the monster girl interruptions, fuck this."

"I'm with you there," Toru said. "I just want to get back home to Fumi."

Clyde shook his head then went inside the inn. The sounds of intense moaning and Seth's grunting filled the air. Topping it off was Alice's shout.

"Natalia, where'd you put the clamps?"

He grabbed the loli with both hands.

"No, you don't. I'll buy you five large cupcakes. Your favorite kind."

Stars seemingly glistened into the loli-witch's eyes.

"Pervy-monster you have a deal," she said. Tear facepalmed. Kitome gave Clyde an unreadable gaze before she left.

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