While everyone else played cards, as it was only eight, the exhausted Clyde went to bed. He closed his eyes, content from the shower. Tomorrow, he'd soak one more time in the hot spring to get rid of the last of the strain. He'd continue to let small amounts of the power enter his daily life in hopes of getting used to it. He didn't gain much from the quest of rescuing Toru, but was just glad his friend made it out whole.

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Suddenly, the door slowly opened. Someone snuck in then quietly closed it. Within seconds, she crawled into his bed.

"You took your time Al—"

He froze to see a blue-haired beauty staring back at him, longing in her eyes. She playfully stuck her tongue out at him.

"Kitome?" he hissed. She kissed him, a little awkwardly.

"I—I've never done this before," she said, flushed.

The cuteness was just too much for Clyde. His erection maxed out so fast he thought he'd release right then and there. Kitome undid her robe.

"Please be gentle."

Clyde forced himself not to nut—the hotheaded brutal girl was now sweet and vulnerable and adorable. He almost thought it'd be a waste for him to violate her purity, not that he'd turn her away. He wasn't that stupid. Kitome was so cute, that he found himself kissing her just for a taste. Her soft lips met his and soon he stuck two fingers inside. She let out a cute yelp that made Clyde grin.

The violent girl was now candy. Maybe cotton candy or flowers or anything sweet and cute. He almost wondered if he actually deserved to be the one taking her virginity.

Unlike Alice, who is undoubtedly his other half if he had to be honest, Kitome felt too good for him. And that just made Clyde want to ravish her more.

He gently entered tightness that threatened to make him fill her up. She held him with her arms and legs, squeezing tightly, breathing heavily, moaning softly. He kissed as he thrusted gently at first then sped up. The girl was an ocean of wetness and warmness. And she looked to be enjoying it even more than him.

"Faster," she whispered. "It feels so good. I could do this every day."

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Clyde became a train and the bed rocked. Fifteen minutes later, Kitome climaxed a second ahead of Clyde. She frowned when he unloaded on her face. Some got in her mouth while she panted to catch her breath.

"You…" She wiped with her robe. Kitome kissed Clyde once more.

"I'm not sure how I feel about this," she said, "Alice owning you and all, but…sex is fun."

Before Clyde could say anything, the blue-haired young woman snuck out of his room, mischievous smile on her face. He had to shower again due to the juices. Eventually, he managed to fall asleep.

It wasn't until midnight when his door opened again, but not sneakily. Whoever was there didn't care who saw. She crawled next to him in a cuddle. He peered into pink eyes. Eyes with love in them. He was more than glad she was there—his blood pulsed—and his kissed first. Alice melted into him, pulling away his robe, wiggling out of hers.

Then she had him against the wall mounted and riding Clyde, grin on her face. The young man was only caught off guard for a moment before he overpowered her and took control of the ride.

"That's right," Alice said. "Not hard enough, not deep enough—faster! Yes! Perfect!"

The two rolled into an hour of bliss, switching from wild to passionate to wild again. They went at it again and again until a close call, consisting of Clyde missing by a half a second. He needed to stop forgetting to buy condoms. The pullout game was fun until one lost. Not that he wouldn't take responsibility if he did slip up. He had a lot of Ashfall money to start spending.

"You can release inside me you know," Alice said as she snuggled closer. He said nothing. She fixed him with a half-glare. "You are my life mate, even if you don't want to say it aloud. I belong to you and you to me. You said it even before I did, even if not by voice." She huffed. "Humans may have annoying mating rituals, but not even that can get in the way."


"Don't say anything," she said. "You're about to ask what I will do if the stone-viper games whisk you away. It's why you made no move to be devoted to anyone—although only humans take a single mate. Not that I'm any different. I will have no other, but you."

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She kissed Clyde. He pulled her close and returned the kiss with passion. And soon they were at again. Alice was still the best, hands down.

[You've already accepted that Alice is your life mate as the heart knows what it wants. There are unknown benefits and consequences. It is up to you and her to resolve this together, even if you are fated to be sent back to Earth.]

[You've unlocked Soul Link. Unknown benefits. You will always feel the presence of your life mate.]

[Warning: Do not forget, impregnation is possible and especially between human and demon-kind. Especially man and demoness. Practice safe sex!]

Oh get out of here System, I know, Clyde thought. Alice's breathing slowed as she slept. It would be him to find someone in another dimension. But…she's been to earth. That meant she'd have to follow the rules of his home world. What did she look like? He could picture a young woman, like a model with blonde hair done into twin tails. WAY out of his league. She wasn't from earth, but world traveling was possible.

Maybe one day he'd get the opportunity to do so. There were probably other places that also had anime rules. Maybe some with the rules of his home world. He fell asleep with that thought. Level fifty was still a low level, so he still had a way to go before being able to take even deities.

The following morning after everyone brushed up and took a morning hot spring dip, they prepared to leave. He made sure to call Melody. The trickster was disappointed but very insistent on talking to him. So much that the system generated a quest.

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[Quest: Talk to Melody. Accept? Reward: unknown.]

He accepted then did a quick headcount. Someone was missing.

"Where's Seth?" Clyde asked.

"He...left during the night by cab," Kitome said.

"Nya, apparently couldn't handle the excess amount of loving," Neko said, laughing. "I think Maya left to contact her network and locate his address."

Clyde shook his head.

"That guy. I hope she catches him."

Alice yawned, at his side. She looked too tired to give the usual morning scowl to Chika. In fact, the silver-haired girl looked down albeit for twisted reasons.

"My wasted bag of tools…so much I had planned," she said sadly. Clyde spared just a micro-glare. He hoped the clamps were at the bottom of the hot spring. Tear returned to them, confirming the checkout.

Within minutes, they were warped out there and going their separate ways. He motioned for the remaining women to join him at the table. Alice, Natalia, Yuki, and Neko.

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Suitable that Neko is here, he thought. She probably knew his next words.

"Alice, it's time we talk about your father," Clyde said then showed her Melody's texts. Indignation flashed into her eyes. "We've got to do something about the demon lord before he kills me."

Neko nodded.

"Nya, nya. He also has an Omen's sphere."

Alice sighed.

"Will you talk to your dad?" Clyde said. "Because realistically, I'm not about to go to every goddamn city to kill off demon lords. That'd take years. But this territory Alice, it's time for us to take it from him."

Alice smiled.

"I'm with you, you know that. If you think talking to an ancient demon lord who only knows control will get him to surrender the city, then you are wrong. You'll need to take away his will to fight. It is then he'll back down."

[Quest: Defeat the Demon Lord of Lot City once and for all. This quest is mandatory and cannot be refused. Optional alternative: proclaim your love for Alice to him and see what happens.]

Clyde gave the system a mental middle finger. It was preparation time. Once Lot City gained its freedom, he'd focus his attention on his obtained Ashfall goods and using some of it to buy himself a mansion or palace. He would've renovated the existing Ashfall estate, but it smelled of **** and torture. Two things the young man detested. He hoped Nezerath had sores in his ass as he took it. He hoped his eternal prison sentence for the thousands of lives he brutally took would be the worst pain possible. Pain that made him wish for death only a daily basis only to be healed and then bamboozled again. Tear told him that his captures had plenty of healing magic to spare.

Clyde took his mind off the ugliness and nodded at the others. It was time to defeat Hades. Only then could he start the fun things. Like blowing all of the Ashfall money.

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