Monday. Week 3. Month 1. Year 1. Season: Autumn.

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Elsado grew weary of his searching, but a chance to impress Demon lord Hades couldn't be passed up. He needed that promotion. Done were the days of being someone's shadow. He was a better commander than both Zeth and Lady Alice. He should be titled, True Eye. Not Shadow Eye.

His break came when he saw them. A large group of people appearing out of nowhere and out of sight. Alice, Tear, their little witch pup, and even that Ashfall maid. What was she doing there? Well, it didn't matter since Ashfall fell. A wise move to dedicate her service to Lady Alice.

He watched most of them enter an apartment with a man he'd never seen before. Something about that one was off, otherworldly. Could it be him? That had to be the Ashfall destroyer. If Elsado brought Lord Hades his head and his daughter's weeping form, he could ask for the promotion.

He walked in that direction.

Within fifty meters, a tingling sensation made him stop. Elsado was no fool. If he moved closer, that inherent barrier would toss him backward like a ragdoll. This man…he was more powerful than Elsado thought, not that it would save him.

Elsado had many abilities and his favorite, Shadow-walking landed him higher on Hades's hierarchy scale. An easily breached barrier for those with his skills; however, another thing came to mind. There was no way Lady Alice wouldn't ward that man's living quarters. Even shadow-walking had its limits.

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He needed to lure them out. A classic trap that everyone fell for. Once the man came out to investigate, his life would cease to be. Elsado chuckled to himself. The first thing he'd do with his promotion was reorganize and retrain the troops so that they'd actually be competent. Then he'd thank Tear for making this easy for him before gutting her like a fish. Lord Hades may like his niece, but she was too dangerous. Succubae were powerful—and were the reason why most of these detestable monster girls existed. Some once called themselves Demon lords or Demon queens. Tear needed to die eventually as a precaution. Priorities, priorities.

Inside Clyde's apartment….

Clyde and the others wrapped up the attack plan, voiced last-second suggestions or warnings. It wasn't going to be treated as a raid since, well, it wasn't—but the young man wouldn't take it any less lightly. Alice still argued about the power of her father.

"We'll have to come up with something other than brute strength then," Clyde told them. "You know, making a demon lord lose his will to fight doesn't sound possible."

Alice sighed. "Not that I'm trying to be hardcore on killing your father, but I will do what must be done to free this damn city. No night-life my ass."

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"Oh, I don't care about that," Alice said. "For mother, I would've killed him myself if I could. It's just…I feel like there's something I'm missing. Father's elite guards and those three sluts he kept around him and…who?"

As if answering her question, the apartment shook violently as if taking a missile attack.

"What the fuck?" Clyde snapped.

"Something strong hit the wards," Alice said.

"Yeah, that's an obvious trap," Clyde said, "and an annoying cliché. As if we're dumb enough to just walk outside into an ambush."

"Nya! It normally works," Neko said. "Why do you think he or she did it?"

"Can you do something from here?" Clyde said.

"Pervy-monster why are you asking her when you have a fully capable witch right here," Natalia said. "I'll not only locate the attacker, but get rid of his stupid trap."

Without any prompting, the loli-witch sat on the floor and closed her eyes. A pink aura surrounded her in a show of concentration.

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[You activated Trust Bond Skill Mimic.]

[Random skill obtained: Harumi's Tier 2 skill: All mighty shield.]

[Skill stored: Tier 2 skill: All mighty shield.]

He sent a text to Harumi, urging her not to go outside until he called for her. She complied. Apparently, she was on the phone with her sister anyway.

"Oh he's good," Natalia said, "but not good enough. He doesn't know my skill."

"Who?" Alice said.

"The creepy-monster," Natalia replied. "You hardly see him at the palace, always in the shadows and stuff. What's his name again, the shadow guy?"

"Shadow guy?" Alice said then thought for a second. Recognition dawned in her eyes seconds later and she cursed. "My father doesn't know yet—which means we'll have to kill him, but it won't be easy. Shit."

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"Language, your Highness," Natalia said.

"Oh shut it," she said, pacing back and forth. "Elsado, of all demons. He scares even other demons sometimes."

"Is he even killable?" Natalia said.

"I don't know," Alice said. "But he's no fool. The man's a shadow-walker. Cocky shadow-walkers would've waltzed right into the heart of my wards only to die horribly. He's not dumb enough to do so, but it's insulting that he believes we're going to fan out and fall into his trap."

"Clichéd to the letter," Clyde said softly.

"Got him!" Natalia said. "Everyone ready your weapons. Let's beat down the creepy-monster."

"Don't let your guard down," Alice warned then looked at Neko. "Observer, we're going to need your help. He doesn't particularly like monsters girls nor beast kin. You'll be his first target."

"Nya—you could say please," Neko said, innocent smile on her face.

Alice sighed, but before she could say anything, Clyde interrupted.

"We don't got time for this, let's go."

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