The Black Horse

Chapter 58.4

Chapter 58.4

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Saving Oneself from a Desperate Situation

Translated by Wook
Edited by sienz


Zhao Ziheng hit the bullseye using an arrow, and Zhao Wujiu, who was asked, became speechless. It was rare for Zhao Wujiu to be speechless, so Zhao Ziheng put in more effort: “Cousin Brother, this kind of unilateral marriage plan without even asking Shiqi, the other party involved, is called wishful thinking!”


Zhao Wujiu: “… She didn’t say that she disagreed either.”


His Highness Prince Zhou: “Furthermore, when it comes to marriage, only the parents’ words count. If Leader Bai agrees, Shiqi has no reason to disagree.”


“Hehe,” Zhao Ziheng rolled his eyes: “Cousin Brother, do you think Shiqi listens to every word of Leader Bai?” Have you not watched enough scenes where the father and son of the Bai family are making chaos at home?


He understood his good brother very well: “If she disagrees, even if she is tied to the sedan chair, she will lift the roof and smash the hall of ceremony. Cousin Brother, I think you shouldn’t be so willful. Isn’t it enough to be brothers with Shiqi?”


She has a good taste in food and is a good playmate. Cheerful and humorous, outspoken, magnanimous, and also righteous. Isn’t she a top good brother candidate?!


“Do you think anyone like you only knows about eating, drinking, and having fun all day?” Zhao Wujiu disagreed with his cousin’s life ideals: “You only know about eating, drinking and having fun. Shiqi is much more reliable than you. She is bright and adaptable. If she doesn’t agree, can’t I figure out a way to get her to agree?”


Zhao Ziheng looked at him in annoyance: “… …” What else should I say to sober him up ah?


Zhao Wujiu seemed to understand his thoughts, and seeing that he was currently reliable, which is rare, he actually asked: “Since you said that it is my wishful thinking, then this cousin must ask you for advice. How can I make Bai Shiqi agree to this marriage?”


Zhao Ziheng: “… Are you serious?”

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“Do I look like I’m joking?”


Zhao Ziheng muttered to himself: “Crazy! This is crazy!” With Zhao Wujiu’s willpower, he could do anything he wanted, let alone a marriage. Zhao Ziheng became very worried for his brother: “Shiqi is not suitable to be with you ah.” In terms of co-production, how can his inflexible cousin be suitable with Bai Shiqi? Both parties need to have congenial interest to do that.


Therefore, Zhao Ziheng wanted to strike first to gain the upper hand by talking about this matter to Bai Shiqi before his cousin could propose the marriage, so as to save his good brother.


“You dare?!” Being so keen, Zhao Wujiu immediately noticed his cousin’s intention: “Don’t mess with me!”


Zhao Ziheng became annoyed: “How can it be called ‘mess’?”


And so, the negotiations between the brothers broke down.




Bai Shiqi followed Suan Pan back to Qiu Ying’s small courtyard. She opened the door and found that it had only been a few days ago, but he seemed to have lost weight again. Qiu Ying turned around, his eyes lit up upon seeing her, and immediately sat up: “Shiqi, why are you here?” Seeing the guilt-filled Suan Pan behind her, he immediately rebuked: “I told you not to go to Shiqi. Why are you so disobedient?”


“It’s not his first time acting on his own accord.” Bai Shiqi smiled and walked in: “What’s the matter with you? Suan Pan said that your headache is getting worse. I have already written to my father to invite Old Man Huang, so don’t worry. Recuperate with a peace of mind, and you’ll be fine within a few days.”


Qiu Ying was rather uneasy: “I’m causing you trouble. I’ll just endure it, so you don’t have to make Leader Bai bother Mister Huang. The leader… will he be angry? I heard that Leader Bai has a bad temper.”


“Don’t listen to Suan Pan’s nonsense!” Bai Shiqi quickly rectified her father’s name: “My father just doesn’t have much patience with me, and he has a good temper with the people in the group. Don’t worry.”


Qiu Ying‘s pale cheeks finally showed a shy smile: “That’s good.”

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“Suan Pan said that you hit your head until it bruised several times, can you show me?”


The two grew up together. The moment Bai Shiqi said that, Qiu Ying started to untie his hair to let her feel his head. He could feel her cold fingers passing through his hair, gently stroking his scalp, and touching it. She stopped for a while upon finding a lump, and then continued to touch.


“The lumps are so big. You need to drink medicine to reduce the swelling. Should I invite a physician to take a look?”


“It’s okay, I’m used to it.” Qiu Ying consoled her in turn.


Bai Shiqi made a special visit, so Shu Changfeng came to urge the person to go back four hours later. However, he was stopped by Suan Pan by the gate, and was blocked from going in.


“My young sir is ill, and Young Leader is accompanying him. You shouldn’t go in and disturb them.”


Shu Changfeng was puzzled: “Why don’t I know that Young Leader is a physician?”


Suan Pan heard his sarcasm, but still insisted on his opinion: “In any case, you cannot go in!”


Shu Changfeng: “Since Young Leader Bai is not a physician, it is useless for him to stay here. You might as well let him go. Besides, he has already written back to ask the Leader Bai to invite Mister Huang. In short, you don’t really need him to accompany your young sir here. Isn’t this right?”


Suan Pan’s face turned purple: “My young sir will be in a good mood with Young Leader. When he is in a good mood, the headache will not be so severe. Why can’t Young Leader stay?” He stopped in front of Shu Changfeng and said aggressively: “Anyway, Young Leader and my young sir grew up together, and the relationship is good. It’s useless for your master to be envious!”


When Zhao Wujiu chased after them last time, Qiu Ying already saw the clue.


Shu Changfeng grinned and said: “It is true that Young Leader Bai has a deep affection for your young sir. I heard that since his accident, Young Leader Bai has been desperately fighting with the pirates in recent years. As for your young sir, he is obviously still alive, but pretended to be dead. Is it true that he has a good relationship with Young Leader Bai? Perhaps not.”

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It was as if his every word was nailed to Suan Pan’s foot, making it painful. He wished to beat up the face before him: “I will not allow you to slander my young sir!”


Shu Changfeng: “Did I say something wrong?” He then opened his mouth and shouted towards the courtyard: “Young Leader, my master wants you to go back as soon as possible. The person sent by Lord Luo has news.”


Fearing that Bai Shiqi could not hear him, he yelled three times on top of his lungs. Even the neighbors were alarmed, therefore, he didn’t believe that the people in the room could not hear him.


As expected, Bai Shiqi in the room heard what Shu Changfeng said and got up to leave: “Ah Ying, I need to go back.”


Qiu Ying lay feebly and forced a smile: “I’m fine, I’m already very happy that you can come here. You should go to work quickly.”


Seeing the sickly young man, Bai Shiqi couldn’t help but feel distressed when she recalled the appearance of the lively boy. She tucked in the quilt for him: “You don’t have to worry, I will come to see you as soon as possible when I’m done. With the old man here, your illness will definitely be cured.”


She walked to the door, and Qiu Ying suddenly asked, “Shiqi, are you doing something dangerous? I heard from Suan Pan that you are staying in the guard station. Since when did the shipping group have a relationship with the officers and soldiers of the guard station?”


Bai Shiqi looked back. One side of his face was hidden in the shadow, so she couldn’t see his expression clearly. She gave a bright smile: “You ask Suan Pan. How can I be afraid of danger when I am so powerful? I’m fine., You don’t have to think about it, and you don’t need to worry about these trivial things.”


She closed the door softly and left.


He did not know if it was an illusion, but Qiu Ying always felt that Bai Shiqi deliberately did not tell him about what happened between the shipping group and Gaoyou Guard Station not because she simply wanted him to not think about it as to not affect his health.


When Bai Shiqi went out, Shu Changfeng lowered his voice, looking imposing, and asking for confirmations repeatedly to Suan Pan: “Really? Why can’t I tell? You’re not lying to me, are you?”


After he shot those questions, the other party looked bewildered. Shu Changfeng finally felt happy, and waved to Bai Shiqi: “Young Leader hurry up. There is an urgent matter.”

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Bai Shiqi and Shu Changfeng rode the two horses tied to the door, and the sound of horse hooves resounded through the alley. Suan Pan watched the two of them until they were out of sight before closing the courtyard door and entered.


Seeing that his expression was wrong, Qiu Ying couldn’t help asking, “What’s the matter?”


Suan Pan was sitting on the stool beside the bed, where Bai Shiqi had sat, and it took a long time before he said, “I seem to know who killed Xiang Ye.”

[T/N: Remember Xiang Ye? The pirate leader who was killed by Bai Shiqi (Chapter 46)]


Qiu Ying: “Who did it?”


Suan Pan: “The one surnamed Shu told me just now that at the end of last year, Young Leader went to clean up the river and was seriously injured. He almost did not survive. He was rescued only after being under Huang Youbi’s care for several days. It is said that even Bai Zhenting and Su shi were shocked and went personally to guard him.”


Qiu Ying sat up: “You mean… Xiang Ye was killed by Shiqi?”


Suan Pan: “I have specifically confirmed with the one surnamed Shu. According to the time calculation, it should be the young leader who made the shot.”


He was silent for a moment, and added another sentence: “Besides, with Xiang Ye‘s strength, only a few can kill him on the waters.”


Qiu Ying looked solemn: “Don’t say a word about this matter.”


“I understand.” He raised his head and looked at Qiu Ying: “But, Young Sir, the young leader fought against the pirates and had to fight for his life when he met Xiang Ye, it is all for you.”


“Not just for me, but also Xiao Shi and the others.” Qiu Ying seemed to be making excuses for himself, and at the same time, giving himself a firm confidence.


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