The Black Horse

Chapter 58.5

Saving Oneself from a Desperate Situation

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Translated by Wook
Edited by sienz


Bai Shiqi quickly returned to Gaoyou Guard Station, and when she saw Zhao Wujiu, she asked, “Have you found any witnesses?”


Whether it’s from the notice posted by the government or the feedback she sent to the helmsmans of the shipping group, it was good news for those merchants and boatmen who died tragically.


Zhao Wujiu said: “I found an eyewitness. Luo Dajue and Miao Song are taking them to identify the scene.”


Bai Shiqi sat down: “I thought something big happened.”


Zhao Wujiu personally poured the tea and handed it to her: “Moisturize the throat.”


“However, from the news Yu Ang got from the outside, it is said that currently there are also a lot of fugitives from Jiangnan Salt Group. Do you think these things have anything to do with the salt group?”


Bai Shiqi: “Wen Tao wouldn’t be so stupid, right?” Even if the salt gang was secretly doing a private salt business, everyone usually just pretended not to know. However… “Pretending to be pirates to kill people and rob money, he wouldn’t do such a thing, right?”


The salt fields are like mountains of gold and silver, so why bother to rob and kill from merchants?


The two people sat there speculating wildly, but there was no result. Bai Shiqi was too lazy to bother and looked around: “Why did I not see Ziheng today? Where did this guy go?”


Zhao Wujiu said irritably, “Who knows.” This brat dared to unilaterally declare that they had entered the cold war period. He had such a temper recently.


Bai Shiqi smiled: “Ziheng is tactless and straight-tempered, with joy and dislike written on his face. Your Highness should just treat him as if he hasn’t grown up yet and not bicker with him.”

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Zhao Wujiu thought to himself: How could you know how excessive he was? ! He obviously knew my intentions, but still wanted to beat the mandarin ducks. One also has to see if they’re good enough to be the big stick.

[‘Mandarin ducks’ is often used figuratively to describe a pair of couples. Beating mandarin ducks is a saying of ‘separating a pair of lovers’, and the ‘big stick’ here is what they use to ‘beat’ the mandarin ducks.]


Truly a brat who hasn’t suffered enough!


After sitting for less than an hour, Luo Dajue returned with Miao Song and the witness.


Miao Song was assigned full authority by the county magistrate Ba Hongru, while the county magistrate himself was relieved to hide behind him under the guise of recuperating.


The witness was a 17 to 18-year-old boy. He had a quarrel with his family that day, so he brought over a small boat and hid in the reeds. He got bored and fell asleep there. When he woke up, he was awakened by the sound of killing. With the lights on the merchant ship in the distance, he saw that the pirates were killing people and robbing their riches.


After the incident that night, all the people in the ship were hacked and killed. The moment the pirates left, he quietly rowed away. After returning home, he did not dare to appear for several days. Later, he saw a notice on the street offering a reward for witnesses. It took him a few days to consider the amount of silver rewards before showing up.


Miao Song had no one else to discuss with. He was still a bit concerned about this case and talked to Luo Dajue: “Lord Ba refuses to step forward personally. Hearing what this witness said, it seems that this case is more troublesome to handle than what meets the eye. What should be done if we need the help of the magistrate?”


The pirates committed crimes along the waterway, which must be related to their whereabouts. Perhaps it was not just in this county, they might have gone to the neighboring county after finishing the deed. In this case, the neighboring county’s assistance was needed, but the magistrate did not want to come forward. This made things more troublesome.


Luo Dajue was not a low-ranked official, but… he was the kind of person who could not attract the attention of his superiors.


Miao Song couldn’t help thinking of the phrase “it is hard to differentiate between the elder and younger brother”. After lamenting about his lame career luck, he heard Luo Dajue say: “Deputy Miao doesn’t have to worry about this. I haven’t told you one thing. Actually… His Highness Prince Zhou is in the guard post.”

[It is hard to differentiate between the elder and younger brother 难兄难弟: one is just as bad as the other]


“His Highness Prince Zhou?” Miao Song was shocked: “Lord Luo… are you kidding me?”


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Luo Dajue: “Do I look like a jester?” After he was transferred to Gaoyou Guard Station, he had been sitting on a cold bench and was squeezed out by his colleagues and superiors.


“That’s not the case.”  Miao Song thought to himself: Although Lord Luo is as inflexible as a stick and doesn’t please his superiors, he is a straightforward man, and he can’t afford to tell such little lies to save himself.


“What if I… go and visit His Highness Prince Zhou? I’ve never seen a prince before.” Miao Song said tentatively.


Luo Dajue knew what was in his mind. He knew that he was a man of few words, and that he had to be cautious and thorough in order to make a living under Ba Hongru’s hands. It was not easy for him. Only then did Luo Dajue bring him to Gaoyou Guard Station to visit Zhao Wujiu.


Zhao Wujiu gave him a few words of encouragement. Miao Song couldn’t help but think of Ba Hongru who was hiding in the county office. He was secretly looking forward to the day when Prince Zhou made a stab at his top official seat, so he might be able to move away from this big burden overhead.


The witness was called in. After the interrogation, Zhao Wujiu painted the wanted portraits of the pirates according to the description, and offered rewards for posting them everywhere.




It had always been difficult for the soldiers of Gaoyou Guard Station to earn a living. Fortunately, their lives had always been idle, and everyone could still get by.


Unexpectedly, the moment Prince Zhou appeared out of nowhere, the comfortable days came to an end, and everyone was called over to train. Although the food had been improved, and even the weapons have been reordered, the new-style training was tricky and hard. In addition to running and climbing with weights every day, they had to be thrown into the icy spring water to practice swimming, observed by Luo Dajue, Bai Shiqi, and His Highness Prince Zhou in a wheelchair.


On the first day of training, these people were trained until they were close to tears. After several days, it finally got slightly better. Just when they felt a bit relaxed, the amount of training was increased once again.


Everyone: “… …”


They were all discussing in private that the one who worked out this training method was definitely not a person , and they also bet whether Lord Luo had participated in formulating the training method.


This matter reached Luo Dajue’s ears, and he simply let the gang of monkeys understand: “The new training plan was formulated by His Highness Prince Zhou and Young Leader Bai together. If you have any objections to this, why don’t you talk to His Highness?”

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Of course they did not dare to look for His Highness Prince Zhou, however, Bai Shiqi was just the young leader of a shipping group, how could this person have the right to train them?


These guys are burlier and sturdier than Bai Shiqi. Seeing that she was like a bamboo in the wind, tall but thin, they looked for trouble with her. During training, when they noticed that Prince Zhou was not present, they ran to her: “We heard that the young leader helped His Highness Prince Zhou to formulate a training plan. You’ve worked so hard, but none of us even know how capable you are.”


Bai Shiqi was used in dealing with gangsters. Noticing that these people were acting like they were the first under heaven, she knew that they would only shut up with a show of strength. Without speaking nonsense, she said: “Since you think I’m not capable enough, why don’t you call several people here so we can compare?”


The leader among them answered: “It’s not like we’re saying you’re speaking nonsense, but since you took part in designing this training program, why don’t we just compare it with this?”


Luo Dajue also tried to suppress: “Don’t be fooling around! Young Leader Bai goes to the river to clean up the pirates every year. If you are thrown to face the pirates head-on, will you win?”


“Then let us see Young Leader Bai’s ability.”


Bai Shiqi: “Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and let’s compete. Since everyone is going to fight a decisive battle with pirates in the future, it is better to do a practical exercise. One under the water and one on the ship, how about it?”


Deep down, everyone was eager to make her suffer from a big loss.


Shu Changfeng pushed Prince Zhou over, and after asking around about the disturbances, he firmly disagreed: “Young Leader Bai only healed from a serious injury a year ago. The injuries he suffered from suppressing the pirates. You are all tall and strong, how can you compare with him? Why don’t you make groups and compete with each other?”


Everyone became silent all of a sudden, but it could be seen with naked eyes that their mood had turned gloomy.


Bai Shiqi resolutely disagreed: “A gentleman can’t chase a horse with a word. Now that I’ve agreed to compete with everyone, how can I go back on my words? Then everyone will suspect that I’m someone who talks without action. Why not do this. Lord Luo and Prince Zhou will act as the judges. But, let’s make a deal first. If I lose, I will no longer take part in your training in the future, but what if you lose?”


Everyone looked at each other. The hard training these days was like a nightmare, and everyone felt overwhelmed.


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“If Young Leader loses, will our training be easier in the future?”


Luo Dajue’s face turned blue, and he wanted to hit this group of subordinates one by one to the ground, but because of the presence of Prince Zhou, he could only endure it temporarily. Prince Zhou’s gaze met Bai Shiqi’s, and he noticed the mischievous look within. Obviously, it was not just these guys who wanted to trample her on the ground. She also seemed to be not satisfied with the training efficiency of this group of people. She really wanted to hit this group of people to the ground. Now she had a fair and honest reason, she seemed reluctant to refuse.


Zhao Wujiu: “If Young Leader loses, your training can be reduced in the future, but if he wins, no matter how much training is increased in the future, you must perform without complaint!”


Everyone cheered: “Will Your Highness honor your words?!”


Bai Shiqi mischiveously aroused them: “Since everyone is afraid that His Highness will go back on his words, it is better to write it clearly, black on white. Everyone presses your fingertips at the back to avoid remorse in the future.”


Luo Dajue’s face blackened almost as dark as a pot with layers of ashes: “You group of monkeys aren’t done fooling around yet?”


Bai Shiqi comforted him: “Lord Luo, don’t worry, I will show them mercy.”


Everyone: “… …” This person is insane, right?!


They clamored to press their fingertips. Shu Changfeng brought a brush and ink, and the deed was written by His Highness Prince Zhou himself. Everyone pressed their handprints one by one, and finally, Bai Shiqi printed her delicate thumbprint to finalize it. On one side, most of the handprints on the sheet of paper are densely lined up.


Bai Shiqi made one final confirmation and blew towards the deed paper: “Come on, everyone pack up and get ready for the water. Pick which ones among you will compete in the water.”


Zhao Wujiu didn’t even sit in the wheelchair anymore and pulled her over and whispered: “In case your body can’t handle it, just come out quickly. You don’t really need to toss around with this group of people. Do you understand?!”


Bai Shiqi had followed the training for several days, and had already figured out their ability in the water: “These people can at most do dog paddle style, there’s nothing to fear. Big Brother Zhao doesn’t need to worry, I guarantee they will be put in order after this, so as to avoid us shouting to death every day.”


Zhao Wujiu couldn’t help rubbing her head: “You are too competitive.” He let her go back to change clothes and get ready to go into the water.

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