The Black Horse

Chapter 58.6

Chapter 58.6

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Saving Oneself from a Desperate Situation

Translated by Wook
Edited by sienz


The place of the game was at the river in front of the guard station. As a place for daily training, the water surface is wide, the bottom of the river has less silt, and the still water is deep, which is very suitable for training.


Bai Shiqi took off her robe and got on the big ship of the guard station. The four people who volunteered to participate in the competition, along with the referee and some onlookers, all got on the ship as well. When the ship reached the heart of the river, Bai Shiqi jumped into the water. She wore tight-fitting waterproof clothes and didn’t splash any water when she dove into the water. According to the criteria of a diver, this entry position could get a high score.


By the time the other four jumped in, she was no longer visible on the water.


After those few people jumped down, they couldn’t find anyone. Two of them dived into the water to look for Bai Shiqi, and the other two floated on the water to watch. One of them suddenly felt that his ankle was dragged by someone and hurriedly struggled: “Come here, quick…” Before he finished calling for help, he had been dragged into the water and choked on water. By the time the others reacted, he had been struck at the throat. If it weren’t for mercy, he would have been killed in a hit.


The other companions responded to support, but they didn’t expect Bai Shiqi to swim faster than the fish. They only saw her figure, but when they went to catch her, she had already sneaked back behind.


Everyone: “… …” Is this person a fish?


There was a fierce battle in the water. The four strong men were made confused from drinking the river water by her, and there was no counterattack; Battle in the water was different from on land. The tall and robust ones wouldn’t be as flexible in the water. The four people were often beaten in places they couldn’t see, almost drowning in the water, and finally they were dragged one by one and thrown onto the shore like dogs, lying on the shore panting, spitting out half of the water before they came back to life.


A‘good’ brother leaned over and asked them in a low voice: “How is it?”


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The four weakened people told their colleagues: “Get lost!”


“If you lose, you lose, why do you put your anger on my head?” The man touched his nose and hid away.


When Bai Shiqi came ashore, Zhao Wujiu quickly took a towel and handed it over: “Hurry up and wipe your hair, go back and change your clothes before the next one.”


It was uncomfortable to wear the skin-tight clothes, because water was still dripping all over the body.


Taking this opportunity, the other four soldiers that were chosen were not discouraged. They all got on the ship, full of confidence, and vowed to get back one round: “We have already lost one round. If we lose another round, we really have to obey unconditionally.”


Their colleagues all had high hopes for these four, and told them all sorts of thoughts: “There’s only one Young Leader Bai, and there are four of you. Even if you just run around, he will get exhausted before you.”


Bai Shiqi changed to a skintight short, and all five were now onboard. 


The four people got on the ship with full confidence, but something unexpected happened. They really didn’t expect Young Leader Bai to move as swiftly as a monkey, no weapons could stop her, and on the contrary, one of them got kicked by her.


The other three made up their minds to besiege her, and they managed to block her under the mast. Unexpectedly, she showed a bright smile and rushed up. In the blink of an eye, she climbed to three meters high. Facing the three people below, she sneered: “Now you know why I let you practice mast climbing, right?”


The three soldiers: “… …” They really want to beat that person, but unfortunately, they are not as good as the other party!


In the actual combat drill, the four losers were dumbfounded and kicked into the water one after another. They were utterly defeated.

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Luo Dajue was not sure whether his old face had blackened or reddened out of shame. On one hand he disliked the poor skills of his subordinate, on the other hand, he felt that they were too undisciplined. He didn’t know what to do, and yelled angrily: “Now you know that there are people more talented than you in the outside world, right? Slacking in training, you should be glad that you only faced Young Leader Bai this time around and not real pirates. Otherwise, your life will be gone, and there will be no need to train!”


This is exactly what Bai Shiqi wanted to say to the soldiers. She stood on the ship and said to the soldiers on the shore: “I know that training is boring, tiring, and bitter, but you can’t avoid this. When I was a child, I was whipped by my father to practice qigong. There are some words that I still remember clearly.”


“My father said that instead of being hacked to death in the river tomorrow, it would be better if he beat me half to death with a whip today. I thought he was very ruthless at the time, but my countless escapes from death in the future made me look back. I’m very grateful to my father. Without his tough training, perhaps today I will only be a spineless coward living under his shadow. If I meet the pirates in that condition, I can only wait for my death.”


The soldiers who were listening were emotionally moved, especially those people who lost under her hands. Only in desperate situations would people reflect on the undisciplined and arrogance of the past, and regret that they didn’t learn more ways to save themselves.


“I have dealt with the pirates on Lianghuai more than once. They are cruel, vicious, and have no scruples. If you hesitate even just a little bit, you may lose your head. So… His Highness has specially formulated high-intensity training. The plan is to ensure that everyone can survive the process of suppressing bandits in the future, and eliminate them once and for all. We can only obliterate their nests if we are stronger than the pirates!”


The people on the shore listened to her words. They had no more objections towards the intensity of the training, and listened to Zhao Wujiu while being led by Luo Dajue to train.


Bai Shiqi jumped off the ship and walked slowly over. Standing in front of Zhao Wujiu, she suddenly said seriously: “I have a question to ask Your Highness.”


Zhao Wujiu‘s heart jumped. Thinking that Zhao Ziheng, that leaky-mouthed punk, had reported to Bai Shiqi, he subconsciously said: “Don’t listen to Ziheng‘s nonsense, only lies come out of that kid’s mouth!”


“What does Ziheng have to do with this?” Bai Shiqi looked at him in doubt: “Are you two brothers… arguing?” This situation is strange.


“No.” Zhao Wujiu denied: “I just said that casually. I think that this kid has been loose for too long. It’s time to move his muscles and bones. It’s better to let him train with the soldiers of the guard station tomorrow. What do you think?”

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“As long as Ziheng doesn’t object, I don’t have any position against it, do I?” Bai Shiqi snickered: This is a real biological older cousin! Only a biological older cousin will dare to commit such a cruel act!


She secretly guessed, did Ziheng do anything reckless recently that put Zhao Wujiu in a bad mood, so he used this trick to punish him?


Shu Changfeng smiled secretly, and moved a few steps away silently, staying away from the two of them.


Seeing the fool moving away, Zhao Wujiu brought back the previous topic: “What did you want to ask just now?”


Bai Shiqi walked side by side with his wheelchair: “I just wanted to ask, since Your Highness can already walk, why are you still sitting in a wheelchair?”


Zhao Wujiu‘s eyes swept across his lap. When asked by others, he probably wouldn’t say it, but Bai Shiqi was reliable: “There’s the wretched state of the garrison of Jiangnan Guard Station, and there are also those mange-like bandits. If I show up properly, this group of people will probably be wary. However, if it’s a semi-crippled prince who can’t even walk, what do you think both the guards and the pirates will think?”


“Your Highness is truly a cunning old fox!”


Sometimes Zhao Wujiu really thinks that Bai Shiqi and Zhao Ziheng are similar, the kind of people who could infuriate someone using only words: “Are you badmouthing me?”


Bai Shiqi lowered her head and peeped at his face, and changed the words promptly: “No, no, I mean you’re wise and farsighted.”


The corners of Zhao Wujiu‘s lips were slightly curved. He was obviously enjoying this.


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The soldiers were rushed back to the training ground by Luo Dajue. Shu Changfeng was five steps away, and only Zhao Wujiu and Bai Shiqi were walking side by side. One was walking on foot, the other in a wheelchair, but it did not hinder the conversation between them.


Zhao Wujiu felt this situation was very warm. It was rare to find a common topic, so he said: “I think the iron hook made in the ironworks is very practical,” And: “You won two games in a row, let those people practice more honestly.” After he finished speaking, he regretted it— How could it be all official business?


Zhao Ziheng’s lessons were still in his ears. He had never bothered to think about women since he was a child. Bai Shiqi was the first one, so he really wanted to start a topic, but again, it started with “The soldiers who lost just now looked very foolish, in the end they were thrown into the river and could only look blankly from the shore…” Everything is ruined!


Shu Changfeng vaguely heard their conversation from behind, and he wished to help his master to talk a few more words while secretly complaining: You are about to take a wife, not a military drill master, shouldn’t you be talking about personal matters? Is it possible that talking about official affairs can bring the two people closer together?


However, Bai Shiqi was used to getting along with the people of the shipping group. Most of them are straightforward people, so she didn’t delve into Zhao Wujiu‘s inner thoughts. She just kept sighing: “It takes a thousand days to raise a troop. The combat power of these people in the water is still not as good as my brothers in the shipping group.”


Seeing Zhao Wujiu looking over, she acted like a miser who was holding tightly onto their purse and said: “No, that won’t do! Don’t have any ideas about my brothers! I spent a lot of effort training them. Besides, they are all common people, not soldiers. Aside from taking them out occasionally to suppress the pirates, I guarantee their safety as much as possible. I won’t feel at ease handing them to other people, even if it’s you!”


Zhao Wujiu felt very heartbroken— even if he was no better than that little white face surnamed Qiu, it turned out that in her heart, he was actually inferior to those subordinates in the shipping group?


The truth is always cruel and sad.


He might as well change the topic and talked about his rival magnanimously: “How is Qiu Ying?”


Bai Shiqi: “It’s terrible.” She also wanted to know what happened to Qiu Ying these years, but both Suan Pan and he seemed to refuse to let her know the truth. There is a layer of paper between her and the truth, and she couldn’t see anything, but she always felt that something was wrong.


She sighed: “Let’s take it slow.” Since Qiu Ying appeared, she sighed several times more than before.

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