Chapter 12: And someone was thinking of the one who had gone

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There is a small village in the mountains, quite far from the royal capital of Sistol.

The small village named Roggin is a thriving agricultural community, which depended on selling things to the capital. Many others make a living by selling vegetables and other products grown in Roggin village to the rest of the world.

“Finished. I hope he’s doing well.”

The one who muttered that was a stout woman.

She was a very strong lady with a big body that could easily carry heavy things. She seemed to have a lot of muscles and great force.

“Meza, I think it’s time for lunch.”

“Aiyo. I’ll make it soon, so wait for a while.”

The woman called Meza paused to respond to her husband’s voice.

As she washed her dirty hands, she thought of her son, who was no longer in this village.

“Mom, I’m going to the academy. Since I’ve got quite a bit of magic power, I’m going to make it as big as possible.”

So saying, her son set out for the royal capital in high spirits.

As a mother, she was sad to see her son go, but she wanted him to achieve his potential if he was born with quite a large amount of magical power.

Above all, there was no way she could deny that her son wanted to do so.

“Kanata… How are you doing?”

Yes, this well-built woman named Meza was Kanata’s mother.

Although she was in touch with him regularly, Kanata seemed to be the same as ever through his letters.

Well, she had yet to know that he was Haishin, who was now a big influencer to the world… Or rather, this place was too rural for Haishin’s name to reach.‎

“What exactly are you doing, Kanata?”

Though Kanata sends her a good amount of money every month, she doesn’t know how he earns it.

Still, she doesn’t believe her son is doing anything illegal, so she doesn’t spend the money sent to her and keeps it safe.

She left it for Kanata to late use himself in case something happened.

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“Oh, is Meza going to lunch now?”

“Yes, Chief, I intend to.”

It was the village chief who approached Meza.

The village chief was at an age where he seemed like he could die at any moment, but he was healthy enough to walk around the village like this.

“You’d better make him (husband) a nice meal. I’m also on my way for a lunchtime talk with a messenger from the capital.”

“Ah, is that so? How come they’re here all of a sudden?”

“Yes. At first, I thought something was fishy, but it seems it was on behalf of Lady Saint.”

“Oh, my God!”

Meza revealed her surprise at the village chief’s words.

It was unusual for a messenger from the royal capital to come to this remote area, and what’s more, they were coming on the saint’s behalf.

A letter arrived first, asking if they had any problems or if there was anything they needed, and then arrangements were made for a messenger to visit the village.

“I would like to see if a road could be built to connect us to the city.”

“I’m going to suggest it. I don’t know what kind of response I’ll get, but I’ve heard that Lady Saint is very kind. Since it’s her messenger, I guess there isn’t much to worry about.”

Meza smiled and said, “Yes, that’d be great.”

The village chief met and talked with the messenger, but it seemed the saint had already given instructions regarding road maintenance. So, it was fine even if the village chief didn’t make any suggestions.

“If I may ask, have you seen this place before?”

“No, Saint-Sama never leaves the capital.”

“… Hum.”

So it was unclear if someone told the saint or if the saint found out about them some other way.

Well, at any rate, if she can do a little good for the village this way, he would be happy as a village chief.

“Thank you for your charity, Your Holiness.”

“Let me tell you one more thing… Well, Saint-Sama is attending the academy right now.”

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“We’ve heard that she seems to be enjoying herself every day, so we’re happy for her.”

Afterward, they made small talk while making arrangements for the future.

It was a remote place with nothing but old-fashioned buildings, but even so, the messengers, who never uttered a word of complaint, were said to have been greatly welcomed by the other villagers.


“Hey, Alphana.”

“What is it?”

Kanata was about to leave the school when Alphana stopped him and asked if he would like to have a short talk with her.

Although Kanata was requested to hide behind the eyes of other aristocratic and commoner students, he had no particular reason to refuse, so he nodded in agreement.

“You all right over there? With all that saint’s business and stuff.”

“I’m fine. I always give instructions at night or in the morning, and there are no matters that require my presence right now.”


Kanata was relieved to hear that it would be all right.

It is true that when she appears as a saint, she is at large meetings and conferences with other countries.

Even now, it is hard to believe that this petite girl sitting next to him held such a high position, but Kanata got reminded that being a saint is a great job after all.

“More importantly, Kanata-sama, what happened to the person behind you today?”

“Oh… Something about him not feeling well or something, so he took the day off.”

The particular boy who was said to be noisy towards Kanata was absent from the academy today, which is unusual for him.

The teacher said he was apparently sick, but Kanata didn’t care, especially as he was not interested in it.

“As expected of a saint to worry about your absent classmates.”

“Fufu, that’s not it. I don’t think I’m being nice.”


The image of a saint is one of charity, but she shook her head that this was not the case.

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“I was chosen to be a saint simply because I had the aptitude for it. The real me is not such a beautiful existence. I usually get angry, say I don’t like what I don’t like, and sometimes I get frustrated when I don’t want to do something troublesome.”


“And… will even try to eliminate any entity I find disturbing, no questions asked.”

There was a tremendous amount of pressure in her voice.

However, Kanata did not think that it was not particularly saintly.

Because getting angry, disgusted, and bothered are all natural human feelings.

It was a feeling of knowing again that saints do not accept everything, even though it is a matter of course.

“Speaking of which, the thing you asked me before, what was it all about?”

“Ah, you mean about Kanata-sama’s hometown?”


The day before yesterday, Alphana asked Kanata about his hometown.

When he told her it was a small village far away, she looked interested and asked him what kind of place it was.

“The road leading to the village is a real wreck. It would be a lot easier if it got fixed up a bit.”

“I see… Is there anything else?”

The conversation they had was still fresh in his mind.

He even felt bad that there was nothing of particular interest to talk about, even if the other party was a saint.

“I learned a lot about a place I’d never heard of before. It also made me think about what I can do to help.”

“… Well, if it helps you learn anything, it’s good.”

“Yes ♪.”

He didn’t understand what she meant, but the atmosphere was a little scary, so he didn’t ask for more details.

While they were talking, an even more unexpected person came along.

“I knew you were here, Alphana.”

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“Oh, come, Maria.”

It was Maria who came.

As for Kanata, he was surprised by the suddenness of it, but next to him, Alphana spoke up and said it was okay.

“I’ve heard a lot about you from Alphana, and I’ve always admired your magic skills.”


Maria then sat down next to him.

Maria and Alphana. Surrounded by these two beautiful girls who one would never easily meet, Kanata put a lot of effort into his cheeks, trying desperately not to smirk.

(… Maybe I’m in the middle of a popular phase?)

He thought about it but then chuckled and calmed himself down, thinking that he would soon find out it was not true.

But for some reason, Maria kept staring at Kanata’s face.

Kanata looked to see what was wrong with that gaze, which seemed to be earnestly searching for something, but it was Alphana who drew her attention.

“You shouldn’t stare at people’s faces so much, Maria.”

“… Ah, I’m sorry.”

“No, I don’t mind…”

He returned it plainly and quickly changed it back to an honorific, but Maria laughed at him with a chuckle.

“You speak normally with Alphana, don’t you? Then you don’t have to use honorifics with me either. We are equals in the academy. You can forget about my title of princess.”

“Am I allowed to?”

He changed the honorifics to tame-mouthed, completely the opposite of what he had just said.

Maria didn’t look uncomfortable and nodded that it was okay, so she was happy with this.

(Let’s put this feeling on the streaming today. Who would have known that chatting with such beautiful girls would be so nice!)

Thanks to these girls, Kanata had a story to use for his streaming.

Incidentally, Maria continued to stare at Kanata’s face in a way he wouldn’t notice.

What does it mean and what will it bring… is something no one knows.

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