Chapter 13: This is going to be huge

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“All right, I’d better be on my way.”

“Yeah. See you later.”

“Kanata-sama, let’s talk more next time.”

Alphana let out a passionate exhale as she watched Kanata’s back while he left.

(Kanata-sama… Haishin-sama… Oh, how wonderful, how lucky I am to meet the man of my dreams like this ♪.)

Alphana muttered in her mind, knowing the fact that Kanata was Haishin.

She was aware of it since the day they ran into each other on the street, and his hand was like what she saw on stream.

“… I’m curious. But I know it can’t be true.”

Maria blurted out, and Alphana’s smile deepened.

Truthfully, Maria was unaware of Kanata’s true identity and was bothered by his accent and speech, which she pointed out earlier.

But even so, it may be inevitable that one couldn’t come up with the idea that Haishin, who she admired, was so close.

(Maria will soon find out, but until then, it’s good that I’m the only one who knows about Kanata-sama ♪.)

By the way, they both know they both were Haishin’s followers.

However, they did not tell each other they were simps, nor did they know that when alone, their personalities changed so much merely by listening to Haishin’s voice.

All they knew about the other was that the other was a fellow follower.

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“That’s really unusual. For Alphana to be friendly with a man.”

“Is that so? I think it’s normal for classmates.”

“Ara, but I heard you being salty about other men?”

“I don’t know. I just don’t like it when people talk to me when they don’t have any particular use.”

It’s not hard to see why people try to please her because she is a saint.

If Alphana comes to favour someone, they may receive an important role or even be considered special.

There were definitely people getting told by their families to find a way for Alphana to remember their names.

“As I told you before Maria, Kanata-sama helped me in an accident. There are other reasons, of course, but what better reason could there be to be friends with him?”

“… Well, yeah. But be careful, okay? He’s a commoner, and you’re a saint. Though I don’t care about status, there’s still a strong sense of discrimination among others.”

Alphana knew all about that.

That is why she was conscious of meeting with him in secret so as not to cause Kanata any trouble.

Although it was not necessary to do so, he was so careful that he never forgot to check for the presence of anyone approaching him in the academy.

“As Haishin-sama said, discrimination is really a barren thing. Why can’t they understand that?”

“It’s true! If only they had listened to Haishin-sama, discrimination would be… Ahem, Alphana is right. It’s really barren.”

Oops, she gave Alphana a deceptive look, which made her look at Maria suspiciously.

She thought that maybe Maria was also devoting everything to Haishin, just like her, but Alphana nodded her head, thinking that it was still good for now.

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“Kanata-sama has left, so I’ll be going now.”

“I guess so. I think I’ll go back to the dormitory and relax today.”

And so Alphana parted ways with Maria.

As long as she attended the academy, Alphana had to stay in the dormitory, but just like Maria, she got a special private room.

It would be scary to imagine what this saint would do if she were to find out that Kanata also has a private room for himself.

“I’m back… Oh, that’s right. I’m the only one here.”

Just out of habit, she greeted just like she did when she returned to the church.

Chuckling as she remembered that she was alone, she put down her luggage, sat down on her bed, and reflected on the day.

“Kanata-sama… Haishin-sama… Ahh, it’s hard to discard either way of calling you. But since you have given me permission to call you by your true name, I’ll call you Kanata-sama.”

Kanata, just calling that name, filled Alphana’s heart with passion.

(What is he doing now~? Is he preparing for the stream at night?)

It was all Alphana thought about without blinking.

Her body was facing the wall, but her gaze pointed straight toward Kanata’s room in the men’s dormitory.


It’s a mystery whether she was aware of it or was doing it because she knows where Kanata’s room is.

“Kanata-sama, I have something to repent to you for.”

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She laid her hands on each other in front of her chest.

She looked like a saint praying, looking very holy even though she was in her room, dimly lit, without anyone watching.

“When you allowed me to call you by your name, I had sinful thoughts of marrying you, even if only for a time.”

Alphana continued to speak.

To confess her sins.

“It is foolish for a mere saint like me to think of such a thing with Kanata-sama. You are the Supreme Being, the God, whom it is impossible for a little girl like me to stand next to.”

Kanata never thought of himself as such an exalted being, but Alphana’s warped values didn’t help.

“But… But if you want me to, let me give this body and soul to you. Ahh, Kanata-sama… Kanata-samaaaa!”

It seemed she couldn’t control it anymore, so she moaned in agony.

She may be crazy, but she was thinking about the necessities and showing her natural cleverness without regret.

Kanata was giving his invaluable time to Alphana as Haishin.

If so, she would like to give something in return, so she decided to get to know Kanata’s surroundings first.

“Where is your hometown, Kanata-sama?”

“Where am I from? Roggin, from the countryside.”

From there, she learned of his hometown, and knowing that the roads were in bad condition, she immediately sent out some instructions.

Power abuse? A monopoly? She didn’t care about it because, for Alphana, service to God’s equal is natural.

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“Kanata-sama, I would like to eventually talk with you while you are Haishin-sama, but… You won’t reveal your name and face. Then I will treat Kanata-sama as just a classmate until the time comes for something to change.”

Haishin’s name was already widely known in this world.

She knew there were many forces recognizing him as a powerful existence and wanted to have him as a national figure, but she also knew many sinister forces wanted to get rid of him.

To deny him is an insult to God, and anyone who insults Kanata or speaks out against him, no matter how small, must get eradicated.

“Kanata-sama, I will watch over and support you from the shadows. That is my role and the meaning of life. All my power as a saint is for you.”

She had long since surpassed the level of being a crazy simp.

Alphana wanted to become useful for Kanata in any way possible, and she really believed that’s what she was supposed to do as a believer fascinated by him.

“… In that case, it might be good to recruit people who worship Haishin-sama.”

Alphana thought it would be a good idea to create a community of those who were fascinated by Kanata as a Haishin and had been following him for a long time.

A kind of fan club that gathers those who are willing to risk everything for him.

“It’d be wonderful. I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of people will be there.”

Thus, a community was about to be formed without Kanata’s knowledge.

When it grew enough, she intended to tell Kanata about it on his stream. If he recognized it as a good thing, it would become an officially recognized fan club.

Well. Aside from Kanata, Alphana, the originator of the idea, would never have thought of the following…

Not only did people from different statuses, such as nobility and commoners, but also bigwigs of various countries, the King of the entire Demon race, a legendary assassin, high-ranking adventurers, and former slaves would become a part of it… Naturally, there is no way someone would predict that such a gathering would be possible in future.


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