Chapter 25: There was “once” a Haishinsha

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After enlisting the help of Maria and Alphana, Kanata immediately sprang into action.

The only thing to do was to make the camera detachable so that it could be moved around by hand for remote streaming.

But as far as this one goes, it was fine.

“Hey, hey… are you sure you’re okay?”

“I’m nervous…”

Maria and Alphana were restless behind Kanata as he prepared.

It is now dark after the sunset, and the place where Kanata and the girls are is a room specially prepared for them.

“Hey, hey. I don’t mind if you quit after coming here…”

“I’m o-okay!”


While smiling at the two, who seemed to be going crazy, Kanata thought back to how this happened.

The purpose this time was to erase the rumours circulating about Haishin, but Kanata also wanted to see what he could do to help.

(… But maybe that’s just shallow thinking.)

As a matter of fact, he now began to think that what he was about to do was too rash.

What Kanata set out to do was simple: to prove by pouring magic into the orb now at hand with the help of Maria and Alphana.

On second thought, if they say that the orb was tampered with, that would be a complaint, and if you were one of Haishin’s detractors, they were certain to want to take advantage of it.

“… Well, let nature take its course.”

So Maria and Alphana also decided to help him in an even more unexpected way.

And he couldn’t imagine not doing anything after having gone this far. In order to spend his days as Haishin happily and to provide the same quality of time to his listeners, he had to overcome this issue. 


Only Kanata, Maria, and Alphana were supposed to be in this room, but it felt like the air was shaking.

When he turned his eyes, only the hand appeared, and a thumbs up were given as if to tell him to do his best.

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“… Fuu.”

“… Suu.”

The hand’s owner was Mira, who seemed to be watching over them in a place they couldn’t see.

Even though she was merely watching, it is undeniably the fact that she was the ultimate type of stalker… though we should leave that part aside for now.

“It’s about time. Both of you, let’s get started, shall we?”



The two got into it with a huff, and Kanata handed the camera to Alphana.

Alphana took the camera nervously, trying not to scratch it, and pointed the lens at Kanata with all the caution she could muster.

Kanata’s reflection in the lens was black-clad and wearing a mask.

It was a measure to ensure that his face would never get seen, and what he was doing this time was the first attempt in this world of streaming.



And so began what would later become the legend of Haishin…

On that day, the broadcast viewers saw something different from the usual.

The ability to stream from the camera meant that Haishin’s hand was visible in the video, but this time it was a person wearing a dubious mask.

[Hi, listeners, have you been waiting for me?]

With a light tone and voice, it was definitely Haishin’s.

Although his exaggerated gestures were a little awkward, the presence in his black robe was definitely Haishin.

[This is the first time I showed myself like this in front of everyone. Well, I can’t show you my face to have some privacy.]

It was an unusual delivery that was more obvious than fire.

The followers who genuinely like Haishin, and even the haters, were drawn to his unusual appearance.

Although it was impossible to tell where he was now against a completely blank background, it was possible to see his followers, who were not satisfied with just his voice and his hands, going crazy somewhere.

[There’s a reason for this unusual style. Recently, there is a rumour going around that I’m causing a lot of casualties in some countries to do streaming. I know it sounds like a selfish thing to say, but the fact was that I couldn’t prove it with words alone. Well, it seems that all the listeners believe me.]

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Many of his followers nodded their heads in agreement.

In the first place, it is thought that Haishin is an extraordinary being just for having created the culture of streaming in this way.

And the rumours that Haishin mentioned were indeed whispered, but then the more obvious they were, the more noise they would make.

[It’s a rumour without basis, but it’s not impossible that someone who doesn’t know the truth about me would come to that conclusion… No, that is a huge pain! Hey, you hear me, you naysayers? You’re the reason I haven’t been able to sleep at night. You’re the reason I’m troubled.]

‘Hm? That’s not really normal,’ the listeners chuckled.

But now that he had spoken the truth about himself, the listeners stared at the screen, wondering if that meant that they would be able to get to the bottom of Haishin’s little-known secret.

[Well, I’d like to explain to you how I’ve been able to continue to broadcast. And that’s why my collaborators have come a long way to help me.]

Collaborators. There were many who were surprised by the word.

Until now, Haishin has never shown anyone’s presence and has been working alone to stream his content.

So it was natural for them to be curious to know that there was someone who was able to meet him.

[Come. Oh, and give me the camera.]

The change from an acting-like tone, as if he were addressing a friend, was overshadowed by a rustling sound.

The next moment, two people appeared on the screen to their surprise.

[Nice to meet you all.]

[Good evening.]

They were the Kingdom’s princess, Maria, and the Saint, Alphana.

Maria’s face is well-known in other countries, but Alphana is also well-known in many countries and regions as a saint since she made her public appearance.

Imposter, or so it seemed, they thought, although they were too much of the same.

[I’ve decided to show up this time because I want to cooperate with Haishin-sama.]

[It may look complicated, but I want to tell you that we, the princess and saint, are his listeners too. We are fans just like you.]

It’s true that it would be considered complicated, but on the contrary, there were a lot of comments saying that it was great that Haishin had fans like the two of them, and although there were a few, there were also a lot of comments saying that it was not fair that they get to meet Haishin.

[I was happy that they could help me in this way. I didn’t expect these two bigwigs to be listeners, but when I heard that, I didn’t get excited, but the opposite.]

[Fufu, I can still remember how surprised Haishin-sama was.]

[That’s right! It was kind of… refreshing.]

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The sight of Haishin, who seemed suspicious but is now a charismatic figure among young people, and the princess and the saint talking happily with him was too new to them.

It was a scene that seemed to make listeners forget the passage of time, and they felt as if they had seen the further potential of Haishin.

[Well, let’s get down to business.]

The air changed as Haishin said that.

The round orb in the saint’s hand was an item only some knew.

[This orb is a magic item that measures how much magic power a person possesses by touching it. This time, I managed to borrow it thanks to the cooperation of these two people.]

Maria held out her hand to test the orb for measuring magic power, and it glowed gold.

Basically, the amount of magic power possessed is rated by how it glows, and a golden glow is a sign that it is equivalent to the SSS rank.

[My capacity SSS rank, so it glows like this.]

Of course, there is also the strength of the light, but basically, the greater the magic power rank, the more golden and noble the shine may be.

Now that it came to this, they were curious about Haishin’s intentions for borrowing this.

[First of all, I would like to mention… Well, to put it simply, my magic power is limitless.]

Many listeners were a bit taken aback.

However, there were also many who were convinced it was true and many who blindly worshiped Haishin.

It was an unfounded belief that there was no such thing as unlimited magic power, but it was possible because of Haishin.

“Haishin-sama, here.”


The camera was given to Maria, showing Alphana with Haishin and the orb.

The listeners’ expectant gazes were fixed on the screen, wondering what kind of brilliance Haishin and his unlimited magic power would show them.

[Let’s go.]

Haishin held out his hand to the orb.

It turned golden, then black and eerie… then back to golden, then to black again.

It was as if the endless flow of magic power inside the orb was repulsive.

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Naturally, there is no precedent for such a thing, and those who know of the orb’s existence have no choice but to stare at it as if they were devouring it.

[It isn’t going to crack or something… right?]

[Probably not… But I’ve never seen a result like this before.]


And when tens of seconds had passed with the magic power, a change occurred.

The colours, which had alternated between gold and black, began to glow with rainbow colours… and the light leaked out as if it was going to burst.

The three of them were standing right there when the light subsided, as Maria’s voice sounded impatient and the listeners were worried.

The orb was well intact, not cracked or anything, and Haishin, Maria, and Alphana were all tilting their heads, wondering what had happened.

[… What?]



That’s when Haishin and his team noticed the buzz in the comments section.

The rest of the listeners looked out as well, watching on the screen how the three put the camera in its place and gone to check outside had gone speechless and quiet.

Then, something like a rainbow-coloured sea appeared in the sky, which was originally jet black with stars.

It was a phenomenon that does not exist in this world… Yes, it was the aurora borealis.

The exact same colour as the radiance shown by Haishin now dyed the sky of the world of Ataraxia.

[… Perhaps the endless magic power of Haishin-sama that leaked from the orb caused this beautiful miracle?]

Such were all Alphana’s words.

It wasn’t just one person or just one country. 

The aurora could be seen from all countries and regions. It proved the absolute nature of Haishin’s magic power.

That once-in-a-lifetime-only miracle became a legend that got passed down for generations.

~Haishin possesses infinite magic power and can be the light that illuminates all worlds.

“… This has gone over the top.”

Naturally, Kanata held his head.

And the number of believers grew.

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