Chapter 26: Haishin ain’t stopping!

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“Hey, hey! Do you think Haishin is going to appear again today?”

“He will! And I’m really looking forward to it!”

“Are you also going to watch him today?”

“Of course, I will!”

The world was truly in the age of Haishin!

Even within the Royal Academy, the influence of Haishin was tremendous.

On that day, Haishin revealed that he possessed unlimited magical power, and it caused a beautiful aurora in the night sky, later known as God’s Miracle, that became etched in many’s memories. 


While the academy got enveloped in the Haishin boom, Kanata was thinking about what a terrible thing it had become.

Although Kanata was not against the idea of becoming popular—he felt it was an honour—, the fact that such a phenomenon occurred was unexpected, and the aforementioned ‘God’s Miracle’ also caused Kanata to feel a strange sense of pressure.

(What a God’s Miracle, you idiot! That was just a coincidence! And I shouldn’t have mentioned the aurora!)

That’s right, Kanata uttered the name of that thing floating in the sky.

[It’s like the Aurora Borealis. Ain’t that beautiful?]

Just to reiterate, there was no such phenomenon as the Aurora Borealis here in Ataraxia.

So while people wondered what this was all about, Haishin’s words, they were words that had a clear answer to this phenomenon.

In other words, this aurora outbreak was deemed intentional by Haishin.

“… Haah. Well, whatever will be, will be, right?”

It’s not that Kanata’s secret is known. It was just that his secret as Haishin is known to the world.

So, as before, Kanata intended to continue broadcasting his work while keeping his appearance as Haishin a secret without any particular concern.

“Alphana-sama! What kind of person was Haishin-sama!?”

“What did you talk about!”

“I’d love to hear about it!”

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And in an even more straightforward form, people swarmed Alphana with questions of Haishin.

Apparently, the same is true for Maria, who belongs to the SSS class, and the two appeared on the streaming with countless questions and envious glances.


It wasn’t in the original plan for them to appear. However, Maria and Alphana, who have an unparalleled name value in the Kingdom, suggested that they might be able to prove a point by appearing in the video, which they did.

Naturally, there was some concern that this would cause a problem because they would have to show their faces, but they told him not to worry about it.

“Kanata-kun, I want you to continue to stream with comfort, so please let me… okay?”

“If Kanata-sama is willing to do this much for his people, I can at least do this much… right?”

He was a little scared there, but… eventually, he agreed.

They both said it was payback for the many quality times they had as followers of Haishin, but it was actually Kanata who owed them a big favour for this.

“… Well, I’ll at least think of something in return.”

The class was over, and it was time to return to the dorms.

“What the heck is this Haishin nonsense?’

“… But nobody has expected him to show up like that…”

“Aan? You’re on Haishin’s side!”

“I didn’t mean that!”

Naturally, as he was received favourably, he was also being resented.

Basically, the commoners are very accepting of Haishin, but some nobles hate him, and you may see scenes like this.

However, due to how well accepted Haishin was, not only at the school but in many other places, they were considered something like heretics.

(People have their preferences, you know. I’m not going to deny that.)

Rather, Kanata told his followers there was nothing wrong if someone didn’t like Haishin and that they shouldn’t overreact.

(And the way things get done at Senshi… It’s just…)

He found out later that the nobles of the small nation Senshi spread falsehoods against Haishin and got kicked out of the country… Apparently, they were hurt pretty badly, though not as bad as they should have been.

It wasn’t only that. There was also a rumour that they were also found guilty of gathering slaves and siphoning off their magic power in an attempt to imitate Haishin.

(No one can copy me or follow me on their own… Still, at least I’m the one who triggered it. I just hope the slaves have good aftercare.)

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There will be no need to worry about the slaves, as this got mentioned in his stream.

Maria and Alphana also told him that if it is too much for the Senshi alone, the Kingdom will lend a helping hand.


“Ah… Alphana.”

Maybe he was in a daze, as he didn’t even notice Alphana was beside him.

Because she is a saint and an equal-minded person, people still look at her, especially the nobility, in a way they don’t like. However, they don’t say anything because Alphana sincerely hates such discrimination.

“Is something troubling you?”

“No, not really.”

“Is that so?”

She closed the distance between them and looked into his face.

The sweet flowery scent tickled his nostrils, and her immense beauty made him pull back his body.

“Is there anything I can do for you?”

“No, I’m fine.”

Maria is no different, but Alphana started to speak to him extremely often after he told her he was Haishin.

Kanata was happy that the girls were generous enough to say they were his fans and wanted to be friends with him, but something hidden behind their eyes sometimes frightened him.

“Fufu, you see Kanata-sama.”

“What is it?”

She quickly moved her lips to Kanata’s ear.

“I’m looking forward to your streaming today!”


He always wanted to be famous, not without a desire to be flattered.

So it was impossible not to be happy when a beautiful girl familiar with the situation told him that she was looking forward to the event.

(… Alphana and Maria both are really good people.)

Kanata nodded again at how wonderful these girls were, reflecting that this was truly a wonderful world to be in.

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“… Fufu.”

Well, it would be nice to be able to notice their deepest thoughts, but Kanata didn’t yet have the observational skills to detect that much.

“Well, I’d better be on my way.”

“Yes. See you tomorrow ♪.”

Maria was not at the academy today because of her formal duties as a princess. But like Alphana, she offered kind words whenever she saw him, so Kanata was truly grateful to have them as friends.

After parting with Alphana, he immediately returned to the dorm and found that his room was the same as usual.

Kanata muttered quietly, though he didn’t think it was possible.

“… Mira.”

“Can I help you?”


His vision wavered, and Mira appeared before him as if to show she had been there from the beginning.

Although her smile was cute and lovely, perhaps because she was happy to be called by Kanata, from Kanata’s point of view, there was nothing else to do but to hold his head up.

“… You know what? Why don’t you just go back to your empire? Are you going to be a real stalker?”

“I have no intention of doing so… I just want to protect you, Kanata-sama.”

It is true that Kanata was more than reassured to be protected by such a skilled person like Mira, but it made him feel uncomfortable to be around her all the time.

And the fact that she said everything she does is for him and that she will never cause him any trouble is also completely stalker-like.

“What about your work as Raven? Are you fine leaving it?”

“Yes. I plan to retire from my job as Raven. I am sure my father in heaven will celebrate my leaving.”

“… Is that so?”

His stomach churned as he wondered if they would say that Raven’s disappearance resulted from Haishin’s influence.

Well, the controversy would descend upon Haishin had been temporarily resolved.

However, there may still be many anti-Haisin in the world. 

Although they may have been stopped during their ambitions… there may be others sharpening their blades to reach him one day. 

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“Well, even if that’s the case, I’ll just go on my merry way!”

Streaming cheerfully and providing followers with a good time is what being a Haishinsha is all about.

Kanata was even more fired up and vowed to become even more popular.

He was able to go from just podcasting his voice to hands-only streaming, and this time, he managed to go beyond that boundary to a method of filming and broadcasting. 

[TLN: Kinda like Vlogging.]

Kanata couldn’t hide his excitement, thinking that there were many more things he could do from now on.


Reincarnation; there is always a meaning to it.

The being that guided Kanata and blessed Kanata’s future laughed happily.

”Fufu, you really seem to be enjoying yourself. I didn’t expect you to handle the unlimited magic power I gave you like that. It’s funny… Very funny, human child.”

She was a divine being, an object of absolute devotion not to be seen in public.

Although her face is hidden behind a white veil, her high-pitched, clear voice is unmistakably that of a woman.

Even if it was impossible to see the full features, her beauty was something that can’t be described in a single word.

She was a true deity, or perhaps you could say a goddess.

“Oh, it’s really funny… this thing called streaming.”

Even though she was a divine being, her sense of fashion was already done for.

She was wearing a shirt that wrapped her intensely uneven body, and on that shirt was printed a figure in black and a mask. Yes, it was Haishin from the day he performed the miracle!

There were even strange words painted on the back, saying, “I am Haishin.'”

I dare not assert who she is, but Haisin’s wicked influence has even reached this point.

I’m not sure if this world is safe anymore… I’m not just a little bit worried, but a lot more worried.


So that’s the end of volume one!

I couldn’t have done it without you, my readers, so thank you so much!

I’m not used to gory otherworldly stuff, so this one had the element of streaming in it!

See you next time!

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