Chapter 52: Still a cherry on the stairway to adulthood

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“Hey Kanata, why don’t you stay in the Demon Kingdom forever?”

“I can’t do that, sorry.”

“… Muu.”

Kanata headed for the Demon Kingdom as soon as he returned from the Principality, but of course, he had his own place to live and must return home.

Even though he had the fortune of waking up in the morning in Shrouza’s chest, just like yesterday, Shrouza, Lucia and Garula were also by his side.

“Next time, I hope you’ll come to the mansion where the succubi live. I promise you the best hospitality.”

“Don’t go there, Kanata. It’s true that those succubi, including this b*tch, are in the category you can endure, but they’ll probably captivate you to the core of your bones.”

“What’s wrong? We succubi are—”

“It’s already decided it’s no good.”

“… yes.”

Scolded by Shrouza, Lucia became sad.

Kanata laughed at their usual exchange and decided to make this kind of proposal.

“Next time… Can I bring some of my acquaintances?”

“You mean Alphana and Maria? I welcome them.”

Kanata smiled. Apparently, she was in welcoming mode, which was good.

After that, Kanata was transferred back to the Kingdom with Shrouza’s magic and immediately returned to the dormitory.

“… Something like that happened, huh.”

Since he was used to being in his room a lot of the time, returning to the dormitory room after a few days felt somewhat nostalgic for Kanata.

Feeling at home in a place that had not changed since he left for the Principality, Kanata jumped and dove into bed.

“This is it… this is what makes me feel at home.”

Even though Athena’s mansion bed was comfortable, his own bed was truly where he could feel at ease.

A faint, sweet scent lingered on his bed, but he didn’t pay it much attention and just became one with his bed.

“I’m not going to stream today. If I hadn’t gone to the Demon Kingdom, I would’ve just gone to bed last night like usual.”

He felt bad for his listeners waiting for him, but his curiosity to visit the Demon Kingdom couldn’t be denied.

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He thought of leaving out some parts of the exchange at the castle with Shrouza and Lucia, etc. because there were some things that were embarrassing, but he will tell them that the Demon Kingdom was a good place to live.

“… that was fun, seriously.”

Comparing it to Kingdom may not be fair, but he might say that the Demon Kingdom had better public order.

That’s partly because Shrouza’s governance was strong, and the presence of trustworthy subordinates like Lucia and Garula was probably a big factor.

“… even so.”

Kanata recalled waking up in the morning with his face buried in the bed.

Earlier, one would say he was surprised to see Shrouza’s b*****s in front of him but was, in fact, not. Now, in his slightly drowsy state, he actually reached out, wondering what it was.

“… Oppa—!”

“Amu… Kanataa?”

He had touched Alphana’s and Mira’s b*****s by accident. This was the first time he had felt them directly with his hands.

“… Let’s just say it was just a dream.”

The knowledge that dreams were packed with natural instincts is something he learned from textbooks, but Kanata nodded, thinking that it was exactly as described.

As he was 17, he couldn’t help but have such feelings, and it was only natural for him to be more conscious when he touched it with his hands.

“Let’s go outside.”

Feeling that it wouldn’t be good to stay in the room alone, Kanata quickly stood up.

Once outside, Kanata headed for the main street lined with stalls where he usually buys and eats, a lively and bustling place, especially since it was early in the morning.

“Nothing much difference in the Capital City and the Demon Kingdom. Peace, peace.”

Though, conflicts never go away, neither in the past life nor the present.

But now, there were no outbreaks of battles with demons, and miraculously there were no conflicts between countries either.

“Kingdom, Empire, and Principality are rich in many ways and are unlikely to fight with each other. But other small countries and countries that do not interact with each other are different. Even small disputes can turn into big ones, so diplomacy is important in this sense.”

He recalled such words said by a teacher.

Hopefully, there would be no major conflicts, which was what everyone and Kanata in this era wanted.

“… Ah?”

As Kanata was eating skewers from a street vendor, he saw a familiar scene that gave him a feeling of deja vu.

“Hey, what do you say? Please, come with me,” a man said.

“If you want that, come to the shop. Follow proper order, please.”

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“I don’t have the money to buy you for a night. Come on,” the man insisted.

“You’re persistent. Get your hands off me.”

Kanna was involved with a man who was not in good shape.

It seemed she could not escape as she got gripped by the wrist. Kanna’s gaze was filled with contempt.

Unlike before, Kanna got protected by guards, and she quickly left the man’s grip.

“Fine. Just leave me. I’ll leave.”

“If you go any further, I’ll have you thrown in jail.”

The man got taken away, and Kanna rubbed her wrist and sighed.

Normally he would have just passed by without caring, but since he knew Kanna, he approached her with concern.

“You alright?”

“Oh, Kanata-kun?”

The moment she saw Kanata, her sharp gaze immediately changed to a softer one.

It was common for such fights to happen, but the number of soldiers patrolling increased because of incidents like this.

“I think he grabbed you by the wrist?”

“… Yeah, but it’s fine. It’s not a big deal.”


Kanna looked down with a slight tinge on her cheeks.

She seemed embarrassed about something, but unfortunately, Kanata couldn’t figure out the meaning behind her expression and just tilted his head.

For some reason, Kanata felt like Kanna was shaking her shoulders every time he spoke, but he couldn’t quite understand why.


“What’s wrong?”

Kanna noticed something and approached Kanata. And then she murmured, “This scent…”


“Kanata-kun, what are your plans for today?”

“I don’t have anything in particular…”

“Then can you give me some of your time?”

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Kanata nodded to Kanna’s proposal since he didn’t have any plans. Then, they headed to the building where Kanna works, a brothel, and entered through the back door to avoid being noticed.

“Oya Kanna… and the guest from the other day.”

“Yeah, hello.”

As they passed by the owner, Kanata headed to Kanna’s room. 

This was the second time he entered her room, but he still didn’t understand the significance of entering the room of a high-class courtesan like her. 

It wasn’t just a physical relationship, but something deeper.

“Kanata-kun, do you know what it means for a prostitute to let a man into her room?”

“I’m not sure…”

“Fufu, well, that’s okay.”

When a prostitute deals with a customer, they use a room that is kept clean and can be reached quickly in case of an emergency, but generally, people do not enter privately owned rooms.

“It means they trust. As for the rest, you’ll see…”


Kanata’s heart pounded at the whispered words.

The memory of the morning with Shrouza and the excitement felt with the succubus, Lucia, was surpassed by something else.

(Kanna-san is supposed to be human. What is this erotic feeling… Such a high-class technique!)

Well, even if she didn’t have the title of a high-class courtesan, anyone would be thrilled by Kanna, whose every movement arouses a man’s lust.

“Are you excited?”

Apparently seeing through him, Kanna stood before Kanata as she said this.

“Ufufu ♪.”


Standing in front of her, Kanna closed the distance to Kanata and sat on his legs.

As for Kanata, he couldn’t escape because he was sitting on the sofa, and just in front of her were Kanna’s melons.

“Hey Kanata-kun, why don’t you let this lady take care of everything?

“Ah, um…”

His brain seemed to melt when she whispered sweetly.

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‘You should just give in to those words. Only happiness awaits you,’ whispered something hidden deep in his heart.

Sometime later, Kanata came out of the room.

Naturally, the owner, passing by, saw the moment, but Kanata, in a daze, did not notice.

“Fumu, Kanna seems to like him a lot.”

Of course, he didn’t hear that muttering.


“Kanata-kun, you’ll fall if you keep spacing out like that?”

“… Ah.”

Kanata finally came to himself when he reached the back entrance.

It was said that brothels are places where customers are shown dreams and offered healing, and Kanata recalled how fluffy it was like a dream.

But once it was over, he felt strangely calm.

“Kanata-kun, sometimes healing is really necessary, you see? This isn’t something dirty, but a time to heal your heart.”

“… that.”

“Next time, be sure to be ready for the real thing, okay?”

Laughing mischievously, Kanna waved her hand and returned to the building.

Kanata continued to stare at the door for a while, even after Kanna was out of sight, then finally started to walk away.

“… it was amazing.”

Suddenly, he understood a little bit about what it was like for a man to be addicted to a brothel.

Well, it was good to know that it was a time to heal the soul, though not to the point of devoting one’s life to it.

“What was so great?”

“Well, of course… huh?”

Due to being too absorbed, he didn’t even notice someone else was there.

Although he thought he recognized the voice, he turned to see who it was and saw—

“Good day, Kanata-sama. it’s a coincidence to meet in a place like this, isn’t it?”


Alphana stood there, wearing the same white robe as the one from the night before.

She looked at Kanata with an adoring smile. Her beauty was too much to bear.

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