Chapter 53: Love (V2- END)

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“Fufu ♪.”

“It’s an ambush!” “Enemy attack!”

Such alarms were ringing in Kanata’s head.

“Yaa, Alphana.”

“Yes ♪ Hello, Kanata-sama…”

It was a very beautiful smile. That smile was so holy that it purified everything stagnant in one’s mind.

However, Kanata wondered if it was his imagination that he was feeling somewhat pressured by her smile and kept his mouth tugged back.

“… Erm.”

“What’s wrong? Did you do something you can’t tell me?”


He could say that he did and that something he did was naughty, but as Kanata, there was no way he could say that with stupid honesty.

There was no way he could tell her that I had tasted a glimpse of Kanna’s technique as he was carried away by the mood because she was a classmate before she was a saint.

“I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“I see…”

With her hand on her chin, Alphana smiled and looked around before saying,

“Are you free now? Would you like to spend some time together?”

“Sure, I don’t mind. But is it okay for you, Alphana?”

“Yes, I have some free time.”

“Okay, let’s go together then.”

So, it was decided that he would spend some time with Alphana. 

He had walked around town with Alphana many times since they met, but thinking about it again, she behaved quite differently from what he imagined a saint to be.

“Hey, Alphana.”


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“I thought saints were supposed to be a little less free. Basically, they would stay in secrecy, or rather, they are strictly protected… sometimes they are sent into battle.”

That was Kanata’s understanding of a saint.

Even in the novels and manga he read, the existence called Saint was special enough that it was difficult for them to even go out alone… He thought that way.

“Certainly, there are aspects like that, but that’s something from long ago. At least for me, I spend my time freely, and that is recognized by both the church and royal family.”

Kanata nodded his head.

Although she is indeed a saint—a special one—, he was relieved to see that she apparently is not as restricted as Kanata had imagined.

Alphana chuckled at the sight of Kanata.

“Are you worried about me?”

“Well, yeah.”

“I’m happy.”

Perhaps not only Kanata but other people would also say similar things.

Even so, Alphana seemed as if she would say that Kanata’s words made her the happiest and smiled.

“Kanata-sama, would you like to go somewhere a little more private?”


Alphana led him to the shade of a large tree.

The benches were just recently placed, making it an exquisite resting spot, and there were few people around, so it was comfortably quiet.

“Kanata-sama, would you like a lap pillow?”

“… Eh?”

Kanata was taken aback by Alphana’s tapping on her lap, but he could not shake his head at her eyes staring at him.

Kanata gingerly laid his body down and rested his head in her lap.

The shade of the trees blocked the sun’s rays, so there was no glare even when he was on my back like this… And best of all, the softness he felt on his head and the spectacular view in front of him.

“It’s just the two of us like this. May I ask you a few questions?”

“Go ahead.”

“Thank you.”

Kanata nodded to Alphana about asking any questions she wanted because there was basically not that much to be asked.

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Alphana pretended to think about it but quickly continued her words.

“What made you decide to stream, Kanata-sama?”

“… hmm.”

Why did he decide to do the streaming? It was simply because he wanted to do it.

And to be even more precise, he only started for that reason because he yearned to be a streamer in his previous life.

“I wanted to do it, so I guess…”

It was too easy an answer, but Alphana nodded in understanding.

He thought she would ask for more details, but she didn’t and gently stroked Kanata’s head.

Alphana’s tenderness conveyed through the palm of her hand made Kanata feel a sense of receptivity.

“But even so, it’s still embarrassing for me to have people like Alphana know that I was talking recklessly before.”

“Haha, but I don’t think you said anything wrong. You should have more confidence in yourself,” Alphana said with a smile.

Alphana’s words were full of affirmation for everything that Kanata had said. She never rejected him and her kindness always allowed her to understand whatever he said. Though not everything she said was positive, if Kanata said something wrong, she would tell him.

“Kanata-sama, would you mind listening to me as well?”

“Of course.”

Kanata nodded pleasantly.

The warm sunshine, the flowery scent emanating from Alphana, and the feeling of her stroking his head made him want to nap. 

But Kanata was trying his best not to fall asleep.

“I am glad I got to know you, Haishin-sama, and most of all, I am very happy to have met you, Kanata-sama.”

“… Alphana?”

Alphana’s voice was serious for a moment.

“I’m glad I got to know you,” she said with a hint of sadness as if foreshadowing a goodbye.

“… I’m sorry. Did I make you think of something strange just now?”

“No, it’s not that?”

“I see. I should have chosen my words more carefully. I’ll never leave your side, okay?”


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Hearing it straight like this made Kanata feel embarrassed. And it seemed like Alphana’s previous words were not intended to hint at a bad future or to raise any flags.

“What’s wrong all of a sudden?”

“I just wanted to tell you a lot of things while we have the chance.”

As Alphana lowered her gaze, she and Kanata’s gaze met. Despite the large bulge of her chest, which was both good and bad, in a way, Alphana continued speaking while looking into his eyes.

“I initially had feelings towards Haishin-sama, but after actually meeting and spending a few months together, I’ve come to know more about Kanata-sama, and I want to know more about you.”


Kanata could not look away from Alphana.

Her words are so imprinted in Kanata’s mind that they invade his ears in a pleasant way.

“To me, the existence of Kanata-sama is endlessly mysterious while also feeling like someone from a different world. The innovative concept of broadcasting, your actual objective perspective… and above all, your atmosphere is more natural than anyone I know.”

While it’s true that a certain degree of courtesy is important, if the other person forgives and opens their heart, that wall can easily be broken down.

Kanata did not change his attitude towards Alphana, Maria, or even the Demon King Shuroza.

“Even towards me, a saint, and Maria, a princess, Kanata-sama treats us the same, and we find it very comfortable. Of course, the knowledge that you are Haishin-sama cannot be ignored, but meeting Kanata-sama rather than Haishin-sama is the happiest thing in my life.”

“… You believe… that much?”

“That’s right.”

With Alphana stopping, Kanata separated his head from her lap.

However, as he was to call Alphana and turned his gaze towards her, she placed her hands on his cheeks.

“Kanata-sama, whose thoughts I have never seen before, are you really from this world?”


If he was from this world, or so he was asked.

Of course, Alphana didn’t seem to have any proof asking this, and most importantly, she would not have come up with the idea that another world exists other than this one.

Yet somehow, there was a strange conviction in Alphana’s eyes.

“I don’t want to hear the answer, but please let me say this,” Alphana said slowly, biting her words.

They are also the words that will sew Kanata into this world, and above all, they may be the words he has been seeking deep in his heart.

“Kanata-sama, thank you for being in this world… for meeting us and really, thank you.”

“… Ah.”

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Kanata originally wondered if there was any meaning to being born into this world.

Even though he didn’t know why he reincarnated into this world, he lived his life doing whatever he wanted because he had no choice if this was how it was going to be.

But this was the first time he was ever told this.

Seeing Kanata stunned, Alphana chuckled and softened the serious atmosphere.

“I never even thought that… There was a part of me that was a little jealous of Kanna-san. I could tell from the way Kanata-sama was acting that she probably did something.”

“I see…”

It was more awkward than embarrassing to actually get told that.

Kanata still stared at her, trying to avert his gaze but was not allowed to do so because Alphana had her.

“Huh, jealousy you mean—”

The moment he realized that something soft touched his lips.



Alphana’s lips were touching his.

It was unmistakably a kiss, and when she pulled her face away, Alphana was so red that it worried him to the contrary.

“I love you, Kanata-sama. If it comes true, I want to give up my role as a saint and dedicate everything to you alone.”

Alphana’s words, which conveyed a strong sense of determination and resolve, were deeply etched in Kanata’s mind.

Alphana just said she wanted him to live as he always has, but it was not possible for Kanata.

“My heart… it’s beating so fast.”

Kanata, with his hand on his chest, returned to his room and muttered to himself.

He was happy not only about Alphana’s feelings but also about those words more than anything.

“Thank you for coming to this world…”

Those words made him truly, truly happy.


So that’s the end of volume two.

TLN: Now tell! Do you guys want to read it to the end?

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