Chapter 54: Returning to Hometown

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“Alright, everyone! Let’s do another livestream today!!”

It has become a tradition of the night, although sometimes he also livestream in the morning or afternoon, depending on the situation.

Keen observers have started to speculate that Haishin’s true identity may have a busy job in the morning and afternoon or perhaps a student.

: Here we goooo!!

: I’ve been waiting for this all day!

: Haishin-samaaaa!!

: I love you!!

: Haishin-sama is mine!!

: Mine too!!

Today, as well, the comments section was bustling with activity.

It had been some time since he had travelled between the Principality and the Demon Kingdom, and many things had happened in the meantime.

First, the infamous Haishin shirt was released.

“There were quite a few people wearing Haishin shirts in the city, which was kind of complicated.”

This statement might reveal that Kanata was in the capital, but with the cooperation of Athena, who lives in the Kingdom, the shirts got sold simultaneously in both countries.

Although Kanata only witnessed the commotion in the capital, Athena’s report indicated that the shirts sold out in less than 30 minutes.

: I’m from the Principality, and it was really crowded!

: Yeah! Everyone was swarming to buy it!

: I got scolded when I wore it to school, you know?

: Well, that’s obvious.

: … I just wanted to be wrapped in Haishin-sama when I wore it to school.

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: Oh, um…

Kanata was grateful that people bought the shirts, but he couldn’t help but laugh at the thought of someone wearing them in public.

While a certain Goddess wore it all the time, Kanata thought she might not listen even if he warned her, as she might be a bit crazy.

(… But the material used is of good quality, and it feels great to wear.)

By the way, Kanata was wearing that shirt properly now.

He didn’t have the courage to wear it outside, so he only used it as room wear. Since it was similar to the clothes he had worn in his past life, he felt a wonderful sense of calm.

“I’ll be reading your letters today, then.”

It’s time for Haishin’s famous letter-reading segment.

Most of the letters this time were about the shirt, with many grateful words expressing anticipation for future broadcasts.


In the midst of all that, a letter arrived that was a surprise, though there was no way to know if it was genuine or not.

“Nice to meet you, Haishin-dono.

I am a prime minister in the Empire, and our country intends to host you as a guest of honour.

His Majesty is jealous that the Kingdom and the Principality have already beaten us to it.

If it’s alright with you, we would be honoured if you would consider visiting the Empire.

Of course, Haishin-dono’s will is the most important, so we would be grateful if you were to consider it.”

The letter read.

For Kanata, the Kingdom was his homeland, and he had only recently visited the Principality for the first time, so the only large country he had yet to go to was the Empire.

“The Empire, huh…? It’s a country with a strong military industry, right? What kind of place is it?”

: It’s kind of noble, isn’t it?

: But it’s been fading quite a bit because of Haishin-sama’s influence.

: Haishin-sama’s influencing things there too?

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: It’s a thrilling place to want to go to.

: There are also many good people there.

: But lately…

As can be seen from the comments, there seem to be some suspicious movements within the Empire, but life there seemed to continue as usual.

No matter how serious things get, the Emperor and his subordinates are all excellent people, so there was no need to worry.

“Well, I’d like to visit the Empire if I have the opportunity.”

When he mentioned this, the movement in the comments section accelerated.

Stalker-like comments asking when he would come, how he would come, and even those saying they would follow him increased.

Naturally, there were also comments with familiar tones mixed in, and Kanata could only smile wryly.

“Anyway, it’s just a thought. A thought. I’m busy too, and it’s hard to leave my current location without a proper reason.”

There’s no way he could just travel back and forth between countries like it’s nothing, and that’s the conclusion Kanata has to come to in the current situation. 

After a little more small talk, Kanata ended the stream.


As expected, he felt a little tired after talking for a few hours.

Kanata lay down on the bed and remembered something from back then.

“… The lap pillow felt good.”

The lap pillow felt amazing under the pleasant atmosphere. 

He thought the same thing when Kanna gave him a lap pillow at the brothel before, and the sense of calmness he felt when he touched their kindness seemed like it could become a habit.

[TLN: cri* It was a lap pillow.] [EDN: Lmao.]


However, Alphana’s words came to mind when he thought about her.

“I love you.” 

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Those words burned into his mind.

That was undoubtedly a confession, a confession of love to Kanata.

“… I can’t believe she said that to me.”

In the end, Kanata couldn’t find the right words to respond. 

He certainly thought Alphana, the beautiful girl he had met since coming to this world, was amazing and wished he could be in a relationship with her.

“I’m not asking for an answer. I just wanted you to know how I feel.”

That’s what Alphana said before they parted ways that day. 

Since then, some time had passed, and Kanata had many opportunities to see Alphana at the academy and spend time with her and Maria after class.

“Alphana hasn’t changed at all.”

She was still the same as always, treating Kanata naturally as if that confession had never happened.

“… hmm.”

It would be great if he could live as he pleased without worrying, but Kanata didn’t know if it was the right thing.

Even so, Kanata thought he absolutely needed to come up with an answer.

“Well… let’s put that aside for now.”

Since there was nothing Kanata could do by worrying, he decided to put his thoughts about Alphana aside for the time being. 

The next thing Kanata thought about was the upcoming long holiday. 

Kanata’s school has a holiday system, and a ten-day break is approaching next week.

“Basically, there’s nothing planned, so everyone is free to do as they please. You can stay in the dorm or go back home. Well. Since it’s a rare holiday, I’d like to say that you should cherish the time with your family that you don’t normally get to see.”

It seemed that nobles would study estate management at home, but most nobles and commoners usually visit their hometowns.

“Maybe I should go home, too.”

Even if he says he’s going back, he will probably only stay for about three days, but even so, it might be nice to at least see his parents for the first time in a long while.

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Thinking back, Kanata laughed that he hasn’t been back to his hometown for quite some time now and that when he does, he will likely spend a lot of time talking.

“Well then, I guess I’ll go to bed now.”

Kanata said as he got into bed and went to sleep. 

However, just before he fell completely asleep, Aphana’s smile came to mind and disappeared.

Days passed, and the day finally came to return to his hometown. 

Kanata consulted with his teacher and was able to arrange for a carriage to take him part way along the road to his hometown. It was because his grades were reasonably good they were flexible with him.

However, because of that, he was once again looked at with unpleasant gazes by some of the commoner students, including the noble students…but he decided not to worry about it anymore.

“Oh, it’s been a long time since I came home… but…” 

Kanata said, looking tired.

“Fufu, I wonder what Kanata-kun’s hometown is like.”

“Is this the village of Roggin? … I’ve never been there before!”

Sitting across from Maria and Mira, Kanata couldn’t help but feel excited.

“I’m really looking forward to it. Kanata-sama, please introduce us to your family ♪”

“… Sure”

Alphana was sitting next to Kanata with a big grin on her face.

For some reason, the three accompanied Kanata on this trip home. 

Kanata wanted to ask if there were any problems with the Saint and Princess leaving the capital, but they were generally free-spirited, so Kanata decided not to ask.

“Well, with Mira here as well…” 

“Yes! I’ll protect you!!” 

‘… Well, I couldn’t ask for better bodyguards,’ Thinking so, Kanata chuckled.

And since both Maria and Alphana are very good at magic, there seems to be no need to worry about anything after all.

(Normally, they would have noticed something by now. Why hasn’t anyone said anything?)

Kanata couldn’t help but feel like some mysterious power was at work… something like a supernatural power that could sew up and modify thoughts.

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