Chapter 55: Returning Home with Three Beauties

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“I think I may be interfering too much, don’t you think?”

“Oh? I believe it is in a woman’s nature to want to serve someone she likes. Is that not so?”

“… Don’t forget that you are not just a woman but also a goddess.”

They were conversing at the heavenly throne that overlooked the people below, and the speakers were the Goddess Isla and another Goddess.

“Leanne, if you are wearing that, it’s a sign that you like him, isn’t it?”


The woman called Leanne was also one of the Goddesses, just like Isla, and watched over another world.

The Goddesses moved nimbly and casually between worlds, exchanging conversations with each other. They could even be called friends.

“Well… no excuses. I also like him,” said Leanna, looking at the scene below. Kanata was having a pleasant conversation with Maria and the others.

It was also worth mentioning that both Isla and Leanne were wearing Haishin shirts, which wrapped around their alluring bodies. 

One might wonder what was going on in the heavenly plane.

“… I really envy the peace you have on your side of the world.”

“Your world seems to be going through some difficulties, doesn’t it? Isn’t the boy you reincarnated causing a lot of trouble and on the verge of being killed?”


Leanne waved her hand, and a screen appeared. 

The image on the screen showed a handsome man covered in blood, being held at sword point by an expressionless boy.

“H-hey, can’t we stop here? If it’s your lover, I’ll return her! I won’t touch your lover anymore!!”

“I don’t care about that anymore. It’s none of my business what happens to her. But I can’t forgive you for trying to harm my precious person… I will definitely kill you.”

“Kuh… damn youuuuuu!!!”

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With a swift motion, the handsome man’s head got cut off by a sword.

Watching the scene, Leanne sighed and drank some liquid from a drink she had unconsciously held in her hand. 

Although it was a video, someone had clearly died, but the Goddesses didn’t seem to care much about it.

“At first, I thought he was normal. But I guess humans change quickly when they become drunk with power.”

“Well, I can’t say I don’t understand. We’ve had similar situations in this world. But in our case, they weren’t driven by hatred from the start, and having that child as a support was a big factor.”

‘That child’ referred to Kanata, which was not hard to imagine.

The footage of blood spraying like a fountain disappeared, and Leanne and Isla observed Kanata’s situation again.

For these Goddesses, it was easy to watch Kanata like this, but it also meant that Kanata had no privacy.

“So, you’re interfering excessively, huh?”

“Yeah. Well, no matter how much I say it, you won’t stop, will you?”

“Of course not. Besides, it’s beneficial for that child too.”

The conversation between the two was about Kanata. 

Isla’s interference with Kanata was simply her altering her perception of him. An example of this was the current situation of Kanata, Maria, and Alphana. 

“If it gets widely exposed that Kanata is Haishin, it’s obvious it would be difficult for him to move, so I’m just manipulating everyone’s perception of Kanata, except for a few people.”

Normally, the fact that the Princess and the Saint are close to a mere commoner like Kanata would lead to a lot of speculation.

However, it remained at a minimum, and it’s all thanks to this useless woman…the work of the Goddess.

“Are you so fond of him that you interfere with people’s perceptions of him?”

“Yes. Didn’t I say it? When you’re interested in a man, you want to do everything for him.”

Isla giggled.

Her smile was not pure, but it also had a faint darkness to it.

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Even though she was a sacred Goddess, there was a hint of evil in Isla’s mannerisms. She was quite powerful among the Goddesses, and Kanata, favoured by her, could be said to be truly fearless.

(… Well, he’s not particularly aware of Isla, but in a sense, his peace is guaranteed.)

With that in mind, Leanne saw Kanata enjoying himself again.

Although Leanne also likes him, she is not as deeply involved as Isla.

However… The place much more peaceful than the world that Leanne was looking at was a little enviable.

“But… Alphana, was it? That girl is so willful that she can resist my rule. How audacious.”

Finally, Isla muttered that while looking at Alphana instead of Kanata.


“… Huh?”

Kanata had no idea that such an exchange between Goddesses was taking place far up in the sky, but he tilted his head to the road leading to the village of Roggin.

“Is there anything wrong?”

“Did something happen?”

Maria and Mira noticed Kanata’s confusion.

Only Alphana giggled to herself, and Kanata couldn’t understand what was so funny. But he opened his mouth with interest as he looked outside.

“Well… this is the road leading to Roggin, but this area should have been a little rougher. And if we go any further, even a carriage would have had difficulty moving through.”

Kanata opened the window and looked into the distance.

It was a well-maintained road that continued, with railings placed several meters apart, possibly for the elderly.

“… Are we on the right road?”

“We are! If we keep going this way, we’ll definitely reach Roggin.”


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If Alphana said so, then there was no mistake.

Moreover, even though the road was now neatly paved, the village of Roggin was definitely in sight.

“Well, I don’t really understand, but this is amazing. With this, carriages and the like should be able to enter the village smoothly.”

Surprised but grateful, he decided to ask his parents if they knew anything once they entered the village.

Afterward, they rested to avoid overworking the horse on the hill, and finally, Kanata and the others arrived at the village of Roggin. 

“… Is this real?”

But, of course, Kanata was surprised. 

Although the buildings hadn’t changed, a defensive wall was built to protect the village.

Depending on the season, small magical beasts would sometimes enter the village, causing injuries or damaging crops. 

This wall was built to prevent that, and it was so impressive that one could understand its purpose at a glance.

“… Kanata?”

“… Ah!”

Someone called out to Kanata the moment he got off the carriage.

It was someone who was closer to Kanata than anyone else—his mother, Meza.



Meza ran towards Kanata with a loud voice. 

As she embraced Kanata, who she hadn’t seen in a while, she hugged him tightly as if to confirm the feeling of her son.

“… Geez, Mom, you seem to be doing well.”

“And you too. But anyway…hmm?”

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Meza stopped moving and looked at the women who were standing behind him. 

Other villagers also turned their attention to Kanata and Meza, as her voice was loud.

(… We need to start explaining a lot of things.)

Kanata was worried about how to explain everything, but Meza spoke up.

“Seriously, three girlfriends!?”

“Why are you saying that?”

Upon hearing that, Kanata remembered his own mother. 

She was generally unaware of the situation and wasn’t very familiar with Maria or Alphana’s faces. 

If she knew them, she would realize it would be unusual for them to be in such a place.

“Well, first of all… shall we introduce ourselves?”

Before Kanata could finish his sentence, Maria and Alphana had already stepped forward.

“Nice to meet you, Kanata-kun’s mother.”

“Nice to meet you, Kanata-sama’s mother.”

Slowly they bowed their heads.

They bowed slowly and elegantly. 

Their refined movements were so beautiful that Meza was taken aback. Even Mira, who was left behind, bowed as if learning from them.

But then she suddenly dropped a bombshell. 

“Nice to meet you! Until recently, I was an assassin!”


Kanata was troubled about how to introduce the three of them.

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