Chapter 74: Alphana’s Anger

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“Well then, Kanata-kun, we want you to do your best as a member too.”

“… Understood.”

Kanata nodded, although his voice didn’t sound entirely enthusiastic.

He was currently in the staff room where teachers gathered, and he had been summoned after the decision was made.

“I kind of expected it, but I got selected, huh?”

He got selected for the magic group mock battle against the Imperial Academy.

Among the dozens of selected members were Maria and Alphana, but other than them, all were noble students.

Normally, Kanata wouldn’t think much about it, but the fact that there was not a single commoner besides him was a source of worry for him.

“… sigh.”

There was no point in worrying, and he had strong allies. But Kanata didn’t want to accumulate any more hate.

“Well, it’s just stupid. I already have a lot to worry about.”

Kanata laughed, acknowledging that he was starting to become like the protagonist from his previous life who hated standing out.

However, as a boy at his age, he didn’t completely lack the desire to stand out, so he tried to remain positive.

“I’m back.”

Unlike his new friends like Thomas and Ron, Kanata still didn’t have any close friends in his class, so he was met with jealous gazes, mixed with resentment, from both noble and commoner students in the same S-class.

(They already know, huh? Well, it’s to be expected if I am called by the teacher at this time.)

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The nobles being selected were one thing, but because Kanata was chosen over other noble students, he could feel their hatred, as if magic was about to fly towards him if he looked carefully enough.

In the current situation where he could hear curses if he listened carefully, Alphana spoke up loudly.

“Why are you looking at us like that?”

“… huh?”


They looked puzzled as Alphana pointed it out to them. Though Kanata had also noticed it, he had no intention of saying anything, so he was not surprised when Alphana spoke up.

“Kanata-sama was chosen for his abilities. The teachers at this academy don’t show favouritism just because they like someone or have connections. They evaluate the students’ abilities carefully before making their judgments.”


“But then why are we…!”

The noble students seemed to know what was going on but didn’t realize that their way of thinking was fundamentally flawed. Pride that they should be superior to Kanata, a commoner, no matter what could not be shaken off, and so they thought, ‘Why weren’t we chosen?’

“Why aren’t you guys, huh?”

Alphana sighed after muttering. Even the female students around her seemed to distance themselves a little from the cold atmosphere surrounding Alphana. 

Kanata thought that if someone said anything that would step on a landmine, Alphana would definitely explode, but they didn’t disappoint him.

“This is just ridiculous! Why should commoners be evaluated more highly than us nobles!? They are not chosen like us, but just poor people who will always drag us down—”

That was as far as he could go.

“Be quiet.”

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It was a quiet voice, but it had the power to freeze everyone in their tracks.

(I’ve never seen Alphana like that before.)

Kanata saw Alphana show her anger openly for the first time. Until now, Kanata had only seen her gentle smile and cute expressions when competing with Maria. Kanata had never seen her angry before. Alphana’s open anger was probably not only because the nobles’ heartless words were directed at Kanata but also toward all commoners.

“If you have anything more to say that insults the common people, go ahead and say it. I truly despise all of you.”

“Uh… ah…”


They were intimidated by Alphana’s overwhelming presence and feared being disliked by the holy maiden, the Saint.

The individuals who had just directed hateful glances toward Kanata a moment ago quickly averted their eyes and acted as if they were not involved. However, they were still listening to Alphana’s words. 

“Regardless of being nobles or commoners, we are all human beings. Yet, I cannot understand how you can say such cruel words based solely on a difference in social status.”



They didn’t seem to have any intention of arguing back. 

Alphana still had something to say, so she slowly walked toward them. 

Kanata felt a bit sorry for them as he watched them tremble in fear as she approached, but even he couldn’t stop Alphana now.

“I have one question for all of you,” Alphana said as she approached the noble students. Her voice was slightly kinder than before.

“How do you think a country is formed?”

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They looked at each other with fear before answering hesitantly, 

“Because there is a king who governs the country… that’s what we think.”

“Don’t you think a country can be formed as long as there is land and a king?” 

Alphana nodded at their answer, but it wasn’t the answer she was looking for. 

After prefacing that their answer was not entirely wrong, Alphana looked towards Kanata and the other commoner students and continued speaking.

“Since there is a king, it’s not entirely incorrect. It’s just a play on words, but I believe a country is made up of the many people who live there. A country cannot exist with only a king or just land; it takes the people living there, holding hands and supporting each other to form a nation. It’s the people who give a country its shape and form, not just the physical aspects of it.”

Kanata thought that Alphana wanted to emphasize the importance of people living together and supporting each other regardless of social status to create a desirable country.

“Do you think that a country can only exist with nobles?”


“Not everything relies solely on nobles, but they do collect a significant amount of taxes from the commoners. We also eat the crops they work hard to cultivate,” Alphana continued, pointing out that the nobles are supported by the hard work of the commoners.

Many students nodded in agreement.

“Although the nobles may stand above the commoners, that doesn’t mean they can look down on them or insult them. Nobles exist because of the support of the common people, so it’s their responsibility to protect and care for them.”

It’s true that the commoners also work hard to support the lifestyle of the nobles, and while Kanata was happy that there were no tax declarations in this world, he realized that they were still paying taxes in some way.

“However, it would be difficult to change old entrenched ideas held since long ago. Moreover, even if I were to say more, it would be met with further resentment. Nevertheless, please keep in mind that whether one is a noble or a saint like myself, the reason we have been able to live without the inconvenience is because of the support from the common people.”

After Alphana finished conveying her message she returned to her seat.

Although no one was giving Kanata unpleasant looks in this atmosphere, it goes without saying that Alphana’s words just now were words of hope for the common people.

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It’s unclear whether or not her words had an impact, but a commoner sitting next to Kanata whispered something softly.



“Congratulations on being chosen. Do your best.”

“Yeah, thanks.”

Although he was a student who had previously ignored Kanata, perhaps Alphana’s words had made him reflect on something.

In principle, adults should be the ones to teach children about these kinds of things, but there are times when words spoken by a saint of the same age can resonate more.

This incident was undoubtedly the moment when Alphana’s words were etched into the students’ hearts.

It was a small positive turn of events for Kanata, but well. Things don’t always go so smoothly in the world.

A few days later, the feared civil war broke out in the Empire.

This turn of events made it impossible to hold the group mock battle, and cancellation was even considered. But the words that Kanata spoke as Haishin changed everything.

“Rather than a civil war or a war, it’s only people who get hurt. So I hope it settles down in a good direction as soon as possible. That way, I can travel to the Empire with peace of mind.”

Those words prompted the Emperor to take it seriously, and the civil war was easily brought to an end.

It’s strange how the world works.

“Now Haishin will come for sure! Ahahaha!”

As expected, this world is just weird.

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