Chapter 75: To the City of Fortuna

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No matter how large a country is, it is not a monolith. It was evident by looking at the recent civil war in the Empire, and it was impossible to grasp all the reasons for dissatisfaction that led to such conflicts.

Well, this particular conflict in the Empire was orchestrated by those who disliked the current Emperor.

“The current emperor must be ousted, and the nobility’s traditional rule must be restored.”

This is a common story.

The current Emperor is strongly influenced by a certain entity, and the policies the entity promoted were being implemented on a large scale, achieving success.

Although it wasn’t clear whose influence the Emperor was under, his policies have been accepted by the people and supported by his subordinates as essential for the better governance of the country.

“Indeed, I, too, initially thought it was a pipe dream, but I realized that his policies need to be put into practice to be truly effective. Listen, it’s fine to have pride as a noble, but unnecessary pride must be discarded.”

There was certainly something smouldering among those who caused the civil war when their pride as nobles and consciousness of being above commoners was deemed unnecessary. 

Ultimately, the civil war they caused was quickly suppressed, and almost all of the dissidents smouldering within the Empire were eliminated.

“… Just who is he… the Haishin who can move that Emperor to action!”

Among those punished with the death penalty, some remain imprisoned. Even among these criminals treated almost like prisoners, it became known that the Emperor suddenly became serious because of Haishin’s words.

The name Haishin was well-known within the Empire, but those prideful considered his name taboo and did not listen to his stream willingly.

“It’s all because of him… that b*****d, Haishin.”

Whispering such words, the male ringleader beheaded on the guillotine died with thoughts that no one could understand anymore, let alone Haishin, whose name was muttered as a nuisance.

Well, the civil war in the Empire ended too quickly, as mentioned. This event not only highlighted the country’s instability but also showed that, with Haishin’s voice, the Emperor could quickly crush the enemy if needed.

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“With this, Haishin can come to our country without worry. If he informs us, we will welcome him grandly! Huh? Why am I working so hard? That’s obvious, you fool! … I don’t want the Kingdom and the Principality to keep getting preferential treatment!”

The current Emperor who rules over the Empire holds a somewhat special position, but it is no longer something that is particularly concerned about within the Empire.

“I’m waiting for you, Haishin… you’ve captured my interest. I want to meet you soon and have a conversation with you.”

The Emperor wishes to meet Haishin.

However, surely Kanata… Haishin does not want to meet the Emperor. And even if he did meet, he would never reveal his true identity. This is because trouble seems to follow Haishin wherever he goes, and Kanata knows that it is something he definitely does not want.

“Kufu… Kufufufufu!!”

It would be better for the Emperor not to know.

Probably, no, definitely, he would cry if he found out.


And so, after the resolution of one of the Empire’s problems, some time passed. Finally, on the day before the long-awaited magic group mock battle, Kanata and the others who were participating arrived in the town of Fortuna, located on the border between the Kingdom and the Empire.

It was not held in the Kingdom or the Empire on purpose. It was instead chosen to be in a suburban city located in between.

“I’ve never been here before.”

“It’s been a while for me. It seems to have changed quite a bit.”

“I haven’t been here in a while either. Oh, that building doesn’t seem to have changed.”

From early morning, they travelled enjoying the wyvern’s flight. Kanata was almost in a dream-like world.

The feeling of swaying softly was pleasant, and the sensation of holding Alphana in his sleep without realizing it was also pleasant.

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“In any case… ufufu ♪. It was a truly happy moment ♪.”

“… You’re so unfair, Alphana.”


Probably, what Alphana remembered was what happened until just now, and Maria was jealous of Alphana’s words. 

To explain briefly what happened, Alphana sat next to Kanata with Maria in front of them, but as mentioned earlier, Kanata unconsciously held Alphana in his arms and slept.

“Huh, why am I—”

“Kanata-sama ♪.”


He was holding Alphana close with his right hand and, by some coincidence, gently squeezed her b*****s as he slept. With the two of them cuddling up like that, Maria, who could only stare at them from the front, couldn’t help but be jealous.

“Right after you hugged this girl, she immediately made a face, you know? Her nostrils widened so much that it was an amazing face, like something Saint Alphana-sama shouldn’t have.”

“I-I wasn’t making such a shameful face!”

“I saw it, and it was quite a sight!”

“I wasn’t making it! Besides, wouldn’t you be doing the same if you were in the same position!?”

“I would, and do you have a problem with that!?”

It goes without saying that Kanata put his head in his hands, pleading for them to be quiet. 

Afterwards, the teacher watching the two’s exchange with amusement finally spoke up, and they went to the inn where they were staying. 

This time, about thirty students came from Kanata’s academy, and they were provided individual rooms. It was a good treatment.

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“Anyway, it’s natural, but it’s a shame there isn’t a single commoner… In the end, what Alphana said doesn’t concern the other classes.”

In fact, when the two of them sat next to Kanata on the way here, they were troubled by the intense, hateful stares they received.

“… sigh. Being popular is tough.”

Since he’s actually popular, there’s nothing he can do about it.

There will be a meeting and dinner with the people from the Empire at the reception hall owned by the mayor who governs Fortuna, but they are free until then.

“Well, for now, we’re free…Mira.”


Mira appeared silently.

He understood that Mira usually accompanies him on trips, and it was the same this time.

She only follows him with the single-minded intention of protecting him, without the intention of causing trouble for Kanata.

“Just to make sure, are you staying in this room?”

“Yes. If it’s a problem, I can find another place to stay…”

Although Kanata intends to tell her to do so if necessary, he cannot say it strongly when Mira sounds lonely.

“Well, it’s fine for you to stay since we’re free anyways.”

“Thank you very much!”

Mira replied with a beaming smile.

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Having Mira here is reassuring for Kanata, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the safety of Maria and Alphana was guaranteed to some extent, even if they were apart.

The teachers were also present, and the security was tight, so there shouldn’t be any unexpected events. But Mira, who has made a legend under the name of Raven, has a significant presence.

“Kanata-sama, please do your best in the mock battle this time!”

“Yeah. Well, I’ll do my best in my own way.”

Regarding this mock battle, it seems quite a few powerful people from the Empire will be participating this time. Rumour has it that their abilities are on par with or even greater than Maria’s, so Kanata got a little anxious, but he could only think that he’ll manage somehow.

As he was considering what to do now that he was free, there was a knock on the door.

“Kanata-kun, can we come in?”

It was Maria’s voice, but Alphana was probably with her too.

“Come on in.”

When he conveyed that, Maria and Alphana came inside.

“Oh, Mira-san is here too.”

“Fufu. She’s Kanata-kun’s bodyguard, after all.”

“Yes! Of course, but I’ll protect both of you as well!”

Maria and Alphana seemed to be comforted by Mira’s radiant smile.

Watching their reactions, Kanata muttered to himself.

“… Even though I’m not much better, Maria and Alphana don’t seem to care either.”

Mira’s response was so natural that Kanata couldn’t help but shudder a little.

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