Chapter 80: Where Does Kanata Stand?

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The mock battle between students from the Kingdom and the Empire had ended safely after the surprise attack from Fest. 

Fest’s rampage was impressive, but he couldn’t push through Maria and Alphana’s cooperation, and Kanata’s solo capture of Base C was the most significant achievement.

“I never thought Anise would lose. Kanata, you are strong.” 

Fest praised Kanata after the mock battle ended, and the students from both schools exchanged words of congratulation.

Although Kanata had indeed fought against Anise, there was a difficult issue with explaining the part about dealing a fatal blow. However, Anise had explained it well.

“I was completely overwhelmed by him ♪. Not just my body, but my heart was also in his grip. Even now, Kanata’s voice keeps echoing in my head ♪.”

From others’ perspectives, it might be hard to understand what Anise was talking about. But Maria and Alphana seemed to have understood to some extent and even comforted Kanata for the hard time he had.

However, this mock battle brought a change in Kanata’s position in a way. Even the Empire didn’t expect Anise’s loss, and it was an unbelievable achievement for the Kingdom, excluding Maria and Alphana.


Kanata had finished the mock battle and was now at the second-day banquet. He had moved to the corner of the hall and received envious and incredulous looks from noble students.

“I’m surprised too. I never thought things would go so well.”

Anise would have very likely won if he hadn’t taken the risk of using infinite magic power.

But it was precisely because he strongly thought about Maria and Alphana, who were waiting for him, that he could find that breakthrough.

“Wonderful! As expected of young people who will carry the future!!”

The mayor who hosted the event in Fortuna spoke with excitement.

It wasn’t just Kanata and the others competing. Teachers, the mayor, and related parties had all been watching the battle to some extent.

However, thanks to the countless giant ice pillars created by Anise, it was impossible to see Kanata’s movements clearly.

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“… Ah, I’m tired.”

Yes, Kanata was really tired and exhaled. He slowly drank the juice in his cup to calm himself down.

“Kanata~? Kanata ♪.”

“… huh?”

Amidst all this, Kanata seemed oblivious to the presence of someone nearby due to his intense concentration.

When he looked towards the voice with the cup on his lips, Anise was standing there with a smile, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.

Unlike yesterday’s school uniform, she wore a black dress that made her hair colour stand out.

She casually shook her long blue hair, but now it was tied up in one place.


“Yep ♪.”

When he called her name, she nodded happily.

Her b*****s, which could be said to specialize in showing off, swayed loosely, and Kanata inadvertently looked at it before quickly averting his gaze.

Although his gaze was probably clear to Anise, she didn’t seem to dislike it and approached him even closer.

“Um… Close, aren’t we?”

“We are close, right? But didn’t I tell you? I can’t be away from you anymore ♪.”

“… Huh…”

Her way of speaking was elongated and different from Mint’s, but unlike the laid-back Mint, Anise spoke quite confidently.

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Her demeanour was somewhat reminiscent of a gal from Kanata’s past life. It was a fresh sensation in this world.

(She looks like a gal and is kind of erotic. No, just so erotic.)

Anise’s hot gaze directed at him clearly showed the colour of lust, not just in her clothing but in her eyes. If they both went to a room together, he would surely get devoured in no time.

However, Kanata wasn’t trembling with fear, perhaps because he was used to being around beautiful girls or because of his experience with Kanna.

“I’m still kind of dreaming… Is it really true?”

“Yeah. Just as you thought.”

“I see… That’s really great. I might be the happiest I’ve ever been.”

She probably had no intention of teasing or mocking Kanata with her words or actions. Her ice attribute was the opposite of her passionate approach toward Kanata.

“Just so you know, I have no intention of telling Fest or the Emperor. I don’t think Kanata wants that either, and the reason you’re not revealing your name or face is precisely for that reason, right?”

“Well, you’re right. Thanks, Anise.”

“No, that’s why I feel superior ♪.”

He thought it might be more dangerous if Anise knew about it rather than if anyone else in the Empire did.

Fest had also indirectly said something like Anise would never cause trouble for Haishin. So, Kanata decided to believe them.

“There you are, Anise.”

“Fest? What’s up?”


Fess came in, dressed as nicely as Anise.

He looked from Kanata to Anise and let out a somewhat tired sigh as he continued his words.

“Sorry, Kanata. Anise seems to have taken a liking to you.”

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“Hahaha… Seems like it.”

“It’s not just liking, you know? I want to marry Kanata.”

“If Kanata agrees, then it’s fine, right? I’ll take over the family business. You can leave the family matters to me. Our parents won’t complain about a commoner as their spouse either.”

“Hey, wait a minute. Why are you just assuming things?”

It was a conversation that flowed so smoothly that it was hard to tell how serious they were. Anise was somewhat natural, and Fest may have had a bit of that as well, making things a bit troublesome for him.

“Well, forget about that. What really happened? The teacher who examined Anise was quite surprised. You were smiling while your nose was bleeding, and your body was even convulsing, but there was nothing particularly abnormal… I can’t help but be curious.”

“Well, let’s just say we had a very intense time. And it’s a secret from Fest.”


Kanata sighed, hoping Anise wouldn’t say anything that would cause any misunderstandings.

Afterwards, Maria and Alphana also joined Kanata, and they had a different conversation from yesterday with the same group.

“Both of you, it was fun today.”

“Likewise. As expected of the Flame Twin, it was a great experience.”

“Me too. It was all thanks to Maria being by my side, but your strength is not to be underestimated.”

Maria and Alphana exchanged words with smiles on their faces. However, the atmosphere changed slightly when Anise joined them.

“Hello there ♪. Before I could go up against you two, Kanata got the better of me today. But next time, I’d love to face you head-on ♪.”

“That’s right… Fufu, but I believe we can get along well with you.”

“Fufu, that’s right. Looks like we’ve got another one ♪.”

Kanata and Fest then watched the three girls getting along well after they found common ground. It was a heartwarming sight that showed how even those of high status could still enjoy a common topic and have fun, just like anyone else.

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“I also want to fight with Kanata next time.”

“Please stop. I don’t really like fighting that much.”

“Is that so? But still, you defeated Anise. I’m not going to underestimate you.”

Regarding the strange increase in evaluation, Kanata sighed once again.

“At any rate, if you have free time, please come visit the Empire. I’ll have the entire Gravatt family greet you.”

“… Are you serious? We just met yesterday, didn’t we?”

As Kanata spoke, Fest laughed in agreement.

“Anise isn’t shy around people… It’s not that. But because of the power she holds and the reputation of the Gravatt family, she has seen many different kinds of people. That’s why her judgment of people is very high. That’s why she hasn’t really taken a liking to anyone… So if she likes someone, then I also like that person.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s how it is.”

They smiled at each other and shook hands. 

For Kanata, Fest was also easy to talk to, and he felt a similar sense of familiarity to with Cid, whom he had met in the Principality.

In this way, through this incident, Kanata made acquaintances he could rely on among the members of the Empire.

Later when Kanata and the others were about to return to the Kingdom… Anise conveyed some meaningful words to Kanata.

“Well then, see you soon ♪.”


What does this mean…?

And so, despite various encounters, the group magic mock battle came to an ending.

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