Chapter 81: Everyone Gathered Together (Vol 3 END)

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The group magic mock battle had ended without incident, and Kanata’s days had returned to normal. 

Although he had spent some time on the expedition for a few days, there was no change in his daily life except for the time spent on the mock battle.

“… sigh.“

After school, as usual, Kanata had been invited by Alphana to the church and was relaxing there. 

He drank the nutritional drink prepared by the veteran sister and took a breath. 

Then, he glanced at the women gathered around the table in the center of the room.

“Alphana, regarding the Haishin-sama shirts, I plan to prepare a system to sell them in the Demon Kingdom before the next production run.”

“Understood. And how many do you plan to produce… About this much?”

“Yes. If we have that much, it should last half a day.”

“What about the badges and the new idea based on Haishin-sama’s mini-characters.”

“For that, please talk to the women in the brothel where I work. They are willing to cooperate with us wholeheartedly.”

The women from the support group were discussing how to develop the Haishin-sama goods in the future. 

Princess Maria, Saint Alphana, Demon King Shrouza, Courtesan Kanna, and even Athena from far away were all cooperating in various ways.

“… They’re a really diverse group.”

Even though Shrouza being the Demon King was a secret, it was surreal to see humans and demons who were originally in conflict exchanging opinions about Haishin’s goods development. 

It was definitely a peaceful sight where they were cooperating rather than fighting. In a sense, they were becoming a bridge between different races.

“They’re really an amazing group of people.”

“Yeah, they are.”

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“But it’s a strange sight. It’s unusual to see that person being so friendly with humans like this.”

Mira, the assassin, and Lucia, the succubus, stood by Kanata’s side. Anyone who doesn’t know them would be very curious about this gathering. 

Even without accounting that Shrouza and Lucia are demons, the women gathered here are all beauties that anyone would want to have by their side—it could be considered a dream-like scene for Kanata.

“Speaking of Lucia-san…”

“What is it?”

“I noticed earlier that you were talking with Kanna-san as if you were old friends. Do you know each other?”

“Ah, I was curious about that too.”

It was a little while ago, but despite meeting for the first time, Kanna and Lucia seemed to hit it off, exchanging smiles and enjoying their conversation as if they were old friends. 

Kanata was curious about the atmosphere that made them seem like longtime acquaintances.

“Oh, that. Of course, we’re not acquaintances, and today was the first time I met Kanna.”


“That’s true.”

In that case, what brought the two of them together like that? 

Lucia smirked meaningfully and continued speaking, exuding the unique sensuality of a succubus.

“Well, we’re both good at manipulating men. That’s where we hit it off.”

“… Ohh.”

“Since Kanna is a courtesan and I’m a succubus… you see?”

Even though Kanna and Lucia were of different species, they were both professionals at manipulating men. While Lucia had the strength of a succubus, described as the embodiment of sensuality, Kanna had a thorough understanding of how to handle men. If those two met, it would not be strange if a conversation would flow smoothly between them.

“Kanata-kun, can I talk to you for a moment?”

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Lucia said so and hugged Kanata’s shoulder. 

With her dress-like outfit still as revealing as ever, Kanata couldn’t help but feel excited when she got close to him. 

Perhaps Lucia understood that as she pushed her impressive body against Kanata’s at a level that wouldn’t be too bothersome for him.

“I sensed your strong smell from Kanna.”

“… Ou.”

“She didn’t say anything, but there’s no way I, a succubus, wouldn’t notice that smell. It doesn’t seem like you actually went all the way, though…”

Lucia said, making a circle with her thumb and index finger and moving it before her mouth as she spoke to Kanata.

[TLN: Ohh!!! They really did it! Dem, Kanata was hiding things from us.]

“After that, just this remains… right?”

She pointed to her cleavage and showed the action of spreading flesh with her fingers and entering inside.

Kanata couldn’t help but blush and look down as Lucia’s actions made it clear that she knew about Kanata and Kanna’s secret affair.

“As expected. I’m so jealous.”

“Well. I mean, I was also swept away by the moment.”

“You’re a man, so it’s only natural, but if that’s all it takes, I wouldn’t mind being your partner.”

Lucia then squeezed her body even closer.

Kanata was definitely aware of Lucia’s voluptuous body, but he was more worried about what would happen next.

For some reason, Shrouza‎ was standing behind Lucia with her arms crossed.

“What in the world are you doing?”

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“… Eh?”

Shrouza‎ grabbed Lucia’s head like an iron claw and lifted her up as if she was going to crush an apple.

Although it made a creaking sound as if she was going to crush her head, Lucia was a demon, after all, so her head didn’t get crushed.

“It hurts! It hurts!!”

“This lewd demon!! You’re never off guard!!”

“I’m a succubus, after all!”

“I’ll crush you for real if you don’t get serious!!”

There was no room for discussion at this point. Eventually, Shrouza‎ and Lucia had a heated argument while the female group and Kanata watched.

They were able to discuss the sales and deployment of Haishin goods, so in the demon world, Shrouza‎, Lucia, and Garula would take charge and also act as vendors.

After the discussion, the group dispersed.

“Well then, Kanata-sama, I’ll excuse myself first!”

“Sure thing. Take care on your way back~”

Kanna, Shrouza, and Lucia left first, and Mira turned her back and walked away as well.

Kanata stayed behind to escort Maria and Alphana back to the dormitory, and they left the church together.

“By the way, Kanata-sama? It seems like you’ve earned the respect of many people.”

“That’s right. I had been thinking about how to deal with those who like to pick on Kanata-kun, but maybe it’s better this way after all.”

“Well, yeah. It’s strange that I’m getting so much attention, but at least it’s good that I’m not being harassed.”

As they walked down the path to the dormitory, Kanata and the girls discussed recent events at the academy. Since the end of the mock battle, rumours had spread about Kanata single-handedly defeating Anise of the Gravatt family.

Thomas, Ron, and some of the commoner students praised Kanata for his achievement. On the other hand, the noble students looked at him with disbelief, but the teachers had apparently discussed the matter in each class, and there had been no confrontations with Kanata.

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“Well, if this means we can have some peace and quiet, that would be great.”

While it was inevitable that his life as a Haishin would become noisier, Kanata hoped that at least his school life could remain calm.

“Well, there’s no doubt you’ll continue to draw attention.” 

“But we’ll always be by your side.”

They both took hold of Kanata’s hands as they spoke. 

Kanata felt their warmth and thanked them for their presence, holding their hands until they reached the girls’ dormitory.

With the end of the mock battle, the latest major event had concluded. As Maria and Alphana had mentioned, Kanata would now receive some attention, but he felt confident that he wouldn’t be bothered unnecessarily.

“Ah. Everyone.”

However, reality was apparently not so sweet.

It was a few days later, and Kanata was excited that the things he had asked for from Cid would soon arrive. A tired-looking teacher appeared.

“… What’s going on?”

The teacher came into the classroom, but the door had been open the whole time as if subtly indicating that someone else was still to come in.

“I would like to introduce a foreign exchange student from the Empire. It’s sudden… And I’m surprised too.”

When he heard ‘foreign exchange student from the Empire,’ a feeling of unease grew in Kanata.

As if to confirm Kanata’s intuition, a beautiful girl with blue hair wearing the academy’s designated uniform appeared.

“Hello~ I’m Anise Gravatt. Nice to meet you, everyone~ ♪”

Anise exuded a cool yet seductive charm, glancing around before finding Kanata and smiling at him.

“… You gotta be kidding me?”

Kanata’s school life was destined to become even more noisy for some reason.

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