Chapter 82: What About Offline Events?

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“… Hey, Alphana.”

“What is it?”

Kanata called out to Alphana, who sat next to him with a tired expression.

They were currently in the middle of a magic practice class, and Kanata’s gaze focused on a girl about to cast a spell.


The girl, Anise, muttered quietly as she extended her hand, releasing something resembling a cold wave.

It spread as if freezing even the air itself, chilling not only the target but everything around it.

As many students gasped in awe at Anise’s magic, Kanata continued speaking, impressed.

“Did you know that Anise was coming to study here?”

“No? Maria and I didn’t know either. We were quite surprised.”

“… I see.”

It seemed Alphana and Maria were also unaware of Anise’s study-abroad plans.

The reasons behind her decision were unclear… Well. Kanata had a pretty good idea why.

“Anise is just like us, after all.”


“There, there, it’s okay.”

When Alphana mentioned ‘us,’ there was only one meaning behind those words.

Of course, Kanata had already understood that from her words and actions. However, he hadn’t given it much thought since he didn’t expect to interact with her, living in the Imperial residence and all.

While Kanata was still in the midst of his own worries, Anise’s study abroad had a significant impact on him, as it gradually brought the two of them closer in their hearts.

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“Oh, she’s looking over here. Let’s show her.”

“Doesn’t it feel a bit chilly? Are you okay?”

Kanata and Alphana had already finished their practical exercises, and other students were still in the midst of theirs, so their attention wasn’t on them at all.

However, apart from Alphana’s comforting warmth, Kanata didn’t want to think about this cold air that, while not piercing, still pricked at his skin.

“Hey, what are you two cuddling for?”

Upon hearing that voice, Kanata sighed, knowing who it was.

As he turned his gaze away from Alphana to the source of the voice, he saw Anise, wearing the designated school uniform, staring at them with her arms crossed.

“Well, Anise-san, is everything okay with your practical exercises?”

“I got told to stop because the temperature was dropping too much. I knew that, but I wonder if the teachers are struggling to handle me?”

“Well, it’s to be expected.”

Being a noble of the Empire and famous as one of the Gravatt twins, the teachers must be troubled about how to handle her.

Anise laughed at Kanata’s words and, along with Alphana, took a seat on his other side.

“Well, it’s fine even if it takes a long time. I just want you to accept me slowly. I just want to be by Kanata’s side.”

“… So, that’s what it was about?”

“That’s right.”

Yes, she was another girl who had fallen in love with Kanata through Haishin.

Their meeting was incredibly coincidental and sudden, but Anise seemed completely captivated by their brief exchanges and the tremendous power of magic he possessed. Lastly, when he showed her his resourcefulness in a critical moment, it was a complete turnaround that enchanted her completely.

“… However, I understand the burden you carry, Kanata-sama. Even though I said I wouldn’t cause you any trouble at first, I truly am causing you distress like this.”

“Oh, is that how it feels? Despite doing something as grand as streaming, you’re worried about such small things?”

“Small things… are they?”

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It seemed for Anise, they were indeed very trivial matters.

However, Kanata had recently started thinking about various things, influenced by his memories of his past life or rather, his preconceived notions.

(This world is different from the previous one. So maybe it’s better not to overthink things too much.)

There were clear differences between his previous world and the current one.

First of all, magic, an unscientific concept, actually existed. There were even individuals called heroes and demons, depending on the location.

It was the fantasy world he had once admired… Well, Kanata was the one who merged it with the culture of streaming, but nevertheless, this was undoubtedly a different world from his previous life.

“… Phew.”


“Oh? Have you sorted out your feelings a bit?”

Kanata nodded in agreement.

Anise, who laughed with amusement aside, wondered about Alphana, who blushed and gazed at him intently. What was going on with her?

“Well… It’s that… I mean, your expression just now. It looked so composed and dignified, and it made my heart skip a beat…”

“… I’ve been thinking the same thing. You’re head over heels, aren’t you?”

Alphana nodded in response to Anise’s question.

The three of them continued to have a relaxed conversation until the end of the class. As they were about to part ways, Anise uttered something like this.

“Well, I’ve said a lot, but I also want to be a part of Kanata’s daily life. Of course, I intend to appeal to you as a woman in various ways, alright?”

“… Yeah.”

“Kufufu ♪.”

And so, a girl named Anise became a part of Kanata’s daily life.

During lunchtime, various discussions were held including Maria, and without any doubt, Anise joined the group that supported Haishin-sama.

Anise had a free-spirited and desire-driven side but was also conscientious and abided by promises.

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“Hey, hey, how about expanding this in the Empire too? We can secure support from my family, and there’s so much we can do.”

“That’s a good idea. Let’s consider expanding in the Empire as well…”

“In that case, what about this? If we utilize this route…”

Naturally, with Anise joining, there were prospects for merchandise sales previously unattainable in the Empire.

According to Anise, there was still some resentment among the older generation towards Haishin, but it is said the Emperor would silence them soon, so there was no need to worry.

“Ah, that was so much fun ♪.”

At the end of such a day, Anise wore a beautiful smile and exclaimed.

Considering the changes in her environment and being surrounded by completely different classmates, it must have been challenging for her, yet her smile showed she was fulfilling herself to the point where those challenges were not noticeable.

“You were truly lively from start to finish, huh?”

“Fufu, but I also had fun watching you all.”

Kanata thought the same.

He could sense a gal-like vibe in Anise’s words and actions, which he associated with his previous life, but her vibrant personality was so refreshing that it felt right.

Anise could easily make Kanata and the others laugh with her antics, despite only being her first day at the school. She had already become accustomed to being part of their group.

“It’s definitely going to be fun, you know? Kanata is here, and Maria and Alphana are also really nice people. In the Empire, everyone keeps their distance because of my family background, you see.”

It seemed that Anise had her own circumstances as well.

However, looking at Maria and Alphana, who supported him, and now Anise, who joined them, Kanata couldn’t help but think that he was also supported by many listeners.

“I kind of… want to do an event where I can properly thank the listeners as Haishin, not just the usual thanks I say during streams.”

Kanata thought, envisioning an event where he could express his gratitude directly to the audience.

“An event? Hmm…”

While Maria pondered, Kanata murmured the following.

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“Like a handshake event, or maybe having a few seconds to talk with each person.”

It referred to real-life events that famous streamers in his previous life used to hold. For Kanata, it was just a casual remark, thinking that it didn’t necessarily have to become a reality. However, the girls reacted sensitively to his murmuring.

“I think it’s a good idea. Of course, if it’s okay with Kanata-sama.”

“I like the idea. Just having the opportunity to meet Haishin-sama in person at a handshake event would make the listeners happy, wouldn’t it?”


“Ah, you don’t have to take it too seriously, okay?”

Kanata panicked as they started to seriously think about it. It was especially Anise who fell silent as if lost in thought.

“… In that case… Hmm, I do it? Yeah? Alright!”


Anise clapped her hands and started talking.

“Of course, it depends on whether Kanata wants to do it or not, but if we’re going to have an event like that, where we can actually meet in person, we’ll need quite a bit of security and preparations for any unforeseen circumstances, right?”

Kanata and the others nodded.

“In that case, how about doing it in the Empire? I think if we ask the Emperor, he’ll immediately agree, and his close aides are already fans, so there shouldn’t be any issues!”

“In the Empire?”


Kanata and the others pondered Anise’s suggestion.

While they heard some unsettling words, it was clear that Kanata’s murmuring was about to materialize in an unexpected way.

However, no matter what she said, dealing with the Emperor made it hard to believe that permission would be granted so easily.

“It’ll be absolutely fine. If we don’t get permission, he must be an imposter.”

“Is that certain!?”

Kanata’s stomach felt a bit uneasy, wondering how it would turn out.

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