Chapter 83: Finally, It Has Come To This

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“I can’t accept this!”

“Now, now…”

Maria muttered in front of Kanata.

It was already after school, and Kanata and the others were free, but Alphana had to leave early for the final preparations for the Harvest Festival. Anise, who was currently a hot topic, tried to join Kanata and the others, but she ended up being surrounded by classmates.

“Wait, Kanata!”

Kanata steeled himself against the calling voice.

Being surrounded by many classmates and bombarded with questions was also the duty of an exchange student.

And so, while he was alone outside, he ran into Maria, and that’s why they were walking together like this.

“As for Alphana… Well, let’s forget about her. But Anise is an SSS class! So why is she placed in the S class!?”

The reason for Maria’s dissatisfaction had been apparent for some time.

The class placement system was based on the measurement of potential magical power, something explained multiple times.

According to that system, Anise’s magical power should have placed her in the SSS class, but for some reason, she was in the same class as Kanata and Alphana.

(She probably forced her way in… Was I the cause of that? Maybe that’s why the teachers were troubled when Anise came here.)

Kanata felt a little sorry for the teachers.

“If things turn out like this, I want to be in the S class too… but that’s selfish of me, and as a princess, it’s not allowed… Uu, Kanata-kun!!”

“What do you want me to do…”

He sat down on a nearby bench to relax a bit with Maria, who lightly tapped him on the chest.

Somehow, it’s quite rare for Kanata and Maria to be alone together like this, and while Kanata felt a bit nervous, Maria looked very happy.

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“Kanata-kun ♪.”

Resting her head on Kanata’s shoulder, Maria had a dazzling smile that completely hid her previous demeanor.

Since confessing her feelings to Kanata, Maria had increased these kinds of physical interactions, making Kanata’s heart flutter with any contact.

Compared to Alphana, Maria had a certain elegance and a lack of composure, but there was no doubt that she possessed many charms as a woman.

“… Just calm down.”

Kanata murmured softly.

Spending this leisurely time with a girl who had undoubtedly become an important existence to him was truly something precious to Kanata. 

In this world, which could be described as bloody and where danger lurked around every corner, especially compared to his previous life in Japan, peaceful moments like this held great value.

“… Alright.”

Summoning his courage, Kanata extended his arm.

In a posture that could be considered embracing, he reached out to hold Maria’s shoulder. Amidst the uncertainties and unanswered questions, Kanata didn’t know if this action was truly the right thing to do.

“… Fufu ♪.”

But even so, Maria looked happy.

After maintaining that position for a while, Maria suddenly said something.

“Kanata-kun, if we continue like this, it’s going to be quite something, don’t you think?”

“Quite something?”

Kanata tilted his head in confusion, and Maria continued her words.

“A lot of girls, including me, Alphana, and Anise this time, are gathering. They say heroes attract attention, so maybe you should be aware that you’ll get surrounded by many women from now on?”

“No, no, that’s…”

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The so-called harem. A dream any man has at least once. Naturally, Kanata has that longing too, but in reality, it seems quite challenging.

While feeling complex about Maria’s words, there was a hidden excitement within Kanata, proof of him being a man.

“Oh, there you are!”

As Kanata and Maria were spending their time leisurely, another voice echoed.

It was clear who the voice belonged to. 

She suddenly appeared and silently sat down beside Kanata, sandwiching him between them.

“Kanata ♪.”

Of course, it was Anise.

Perhaps she’s the one who expressed her affection to Kanata the most directly among the women he has met so far. She wholeheartedly showed her love for Kanata.

“Hey, Anise, why are you in the S class?”

“I told the teacher I really wanted to be in the S class!”

“… Just like that? What about the rules? What about the rules?!”

In a sense, you could say she’s quick-witted or flexible… Well, from Maria’s perspective, who knows. But she doesn’t intend to complain too much about it.

(… It feels like I’m doing something really bad.)

Spending this bright moment with two girls, Kanata couldn’t help but feel a sense of guilt.

It’s true that Kanata’s former values hindered him, but perhaps it’s good to firmly instill in his mind and body that he is now living in this other world.

“By the way, you know… The Kingdom is quite leisurely compared to the Empire.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s like, there’s less bloodshed, fewer conflicts among students, and it’s a bit boring.”

“I’ve heard about it, but is the Empire really like that?”

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Kanata didn’t understand what Anise was talking about.

Then Anise explained. It appears that conflicts among students are a common occurrence in the Empire.

It seems to happen due to the urge for battle that stirs the blood, but Kanata couldn’t help but imagine the horrifying scenes that would never be seen in the Kingdom, and he uttered these next words.

“… A gathering of battle maniacs, huh?”

“Hahaha, you said it. But I don’t think you’re wrong.”

People of the Empire fundamentally have the idea of understanding themselves through battle, experiencing the reality of life through battle, and seeking their end in battle.

The term ‘battle maniac’ Kanata mentioned truly suits them.

As the most powerful military nation in this world, the Empire is the last country you want to make enemies with. So for the Kingdom and other allied countries, there is no other entity that can provide as much reassurance.

“Come to think of it. Fest seemed to be enjoying himself when he charged in alone… If someone like him appeared on the battlefield, the enemy would definitely hate it, right?”

“Yeah, that’s true. I’m the same as Fest, with the same blood flowing in me.”

In other words, Anise and Fest can be described as battle maniacs.

When Kanata had a one-on-one match with Anise, he didn’t see that side of her much. But he recalls the time they faced Fest together with Maria and Alphana, and he seemed to be enjoying himself.

“Please, restrain yourself when you’re here, okay?”

“I know, geez. I’m a shy and quiet girl in front of the person I love, you know ♪.”



“What’s the matter?”

Anise seemed dissatisfied with Kanata and Maria’s dumbfounded expressions.

Being honest with her affection means that even when she’s dissatisfied, it shows in her attitude. However, in Anise’s case, even that seems to transform into affection towards Kanata.

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Anise suddenly embraced Kanata’s head against her own chest.

Startled by the sudden action, Kanata tried to pull away, but Anise didn’t let him go and enveloped him with the sensation of her ample bosom.

“This is how I’ll treat you when you react like earlier… How does it feel, struggling like this? Reflect on your actions, okay!?”

Although she meant it as a punishment, it didn’t feel like a punishment at all.

And so, they spent a lively after-school time like that. Then, Kanata returned to the dormitory, feeling a sense of relief.

“Oh, Kanata-kun. Just in time.”

“What is it?”

Kanata stopped as the dormitory head called out to him.

“There’s a delivery for you, Kanata-kun.”

“… Ah, I see. Thank you.”

It was quite a large box.

Kanata checked the sender, and it had the names of Cid and Athena written on it from the principality.

“They finally did it!”

Kanata immediately brought the package to his room, trying to contain his excitement, and opened the box.

“Oh… I didn’t specifically ask them to go this far… but it looks pretty good!”

It was the ASMR microphone he had requested. It had finally arrived at Kanata’s doorstep.

Now, the forbidden door has been opened.

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