Chapter 84: Whispering Of The Light 

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“Wow, it’s really impressive!” 

Kanata complimented as he looked at the specialized microphone before him.

Finally, the ASMR microphone he had requested had arrived from Cid, even though he hadn’t asked for it. Its design seemed to understand Kanata’s thoughts completely as if it were made specifically for him.

The shape, resembling a human head, would surely play a significant role in conveying Kanata’s emotions to his audience.

“I believe it’s called a binaural microphone… In my previous world, I never had the chance to buy something like this. It’s amazing to think I can find it in this world.”

He sincerely thanked Cid for reminding him of the connections from his past life.

Although Cid was the one who crafted this microphone, Athena had provided significant assistance in obtaining the necessary materials. Kanata felt the need to express his gratitude to both of them.

“So finally…”

With this microphone, he was fully prepared for ASMR.

However, whether he should do a live stream where many listeners would listen to it was another question, and Kanata was still undecided.

“I did try to create scripts that catered mostly to a female audience… But the thought of other men listening to them is h**l for me.”

The lines he had prepared, which Maria, Alphana, Mira, and Anise had listened to, were heavily tailored for women and made him cringe. Kanata believed it would be mentally challenging for men to listen to them as well.

“If that’s the case, can’t we somehow limit it to a specific audience… Or should I just boldly try it once and say, ‘This is what it is’?”

After that, Kanata kept thinking about how to present it until finishing dinner after taking a bath.

“Oh, is it already this late?”

Lying on the bed, Kanata was lost in his thoughts for quite some time. Even though he hadn’t intended to stream that night and wasn’t quite ready to sleep, he realized that merely pondering wouldn’t lead to a clear solution.


It was perhaps due to endlessly thinking on the bed that a woman unforgettable to Kanata appeared in his room after a long time.

“What are you so troubled about?”

It was the Goddess Isla, appearing without a sound. 

Her knack for appearing out of nowhere hadn’t changed, and her otherworldly beauty was offset by the Haishin-sama shirt she wore, making Kanata unable to react at all.

“Oh, Isla. What is it?”

“What do you mean, ‘what is it’? Your reaction is so cold, Kanata.”

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Isla pouted and lay down next to Kanata on the bed. She brought her beautiful face close to Kanata’s and smiled sweetly.


Even though Kanata’s initial response was lackluster due to her sudden appearance, as mentioned earlier, Isla’s beauty was truly otherworldly. In other words, it was only natural for Kanata to be taken aback by it.

“I won’t let you escape.”


However, this was the physical prowess of a goddess. 

Kanata tried to sit up to distance himself, but Isla’s arm held his head tightly. Captured, he got drawn towards her chest.

His head was nestled in the ample cleavage, unable to even breathe properly due to the softness pressing against his face.

“Oh, you can’t breathe? You’ll be fine like this.”


Kanata thought Isla was doing something to him, but the discomfort disappeared.

“I’m directly sending air into you now. So don’t worry. Air should circulate properly.”

“…~ ~ ~ !!”

“Hey, don’t struggle too much inside a woman’s chest.”

Still, Kanata was eager to be released.

Perhaps finding even his attempts to escape endearing, Isla demonstrated another unconventional feat that would defy Kanata’s common sense.

“Well then, let’s do this. Now you won’t be able to escape from me.”

“… Huh?”

It was a strange sensation.

As if his entire body got enveloped in something, and before Kanata could even question it, his freedom of movement got taken away.

“Hey, what’s happening?”

“Now, you are assimilating with my body. That’s why you can’t escape.”

Indeed, it was exactly as she said.

Kanata’s body, embraced by Isla, had become partially assimilated with her body. It felt as if everything, from the blood flowing through his veins to the beating of his heart, was in perfect sync with Isla, creating an illusion of complete unity.

“I must say, it’s quite something to experience this sense of unity… Fufu, it’s a realm impossible to reach through mere physical intimacy between a man and a woman, don’t you think?”

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Indeed, Isla’s words were true, but this kind of realm was not what Kanata desired.

Sensing that Kanata was not welcoming the situation, Isla tilted her head in confusion and reluctantly released him.

“I… went through a lot just now.”

“It’s because you were struggling.”

“No, I admit the sensation of your chest was incredibly amazing. I acknowledge that. But things can get dangerous when it’s you, Isla, you know?”

“You’re being mean. I’m a kind goddess present anywhere.”

Although Kanata thought her definition of ‘kind’ was different, he chose not to voice it further to avoid further trouble.

Isla was without a doubt a goddess-like figure worshiped in this world, but she also seemed interested in the binaural microphone.

“Oh my, what is this?”

“Oh, that is…”

Kanata explained what the microphone was and how it was used.

“ASMR, huh… Will it create a different sensation from your previous streams?”

“Yeah, that’s right. I’ve been pondering about that.”

Observing Kanata, who crossed his arms and started thinking again, Isla clapped her hands.

“In that case, Kanata, why don’t you let me listen to it?”

“… Eh?”

“Well, I’m curious, you know. As this world’s Goddess, it’s important I am the first to know what kind of power it holds!”

“… Hmm.”

He certainly wanted to test whether this microphone would function properly and demonstrate its effectiveness. He had planned to seek assistance from Maria and the others, but it was fortunate that Isla offered to help in this way.

“Okay, let me prepare a bit.”


Well, regardless of everything, Kanata also wanted to try using this microphone as soon as possible. Although it was called ‘preparation,’ it didn’t take long, and the space for showcasing the ASMR was quickly set up.

“I’ve got to put this on, right?”

“Yeah. Ideally, headphones or something similar would work better…”


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“Yeah… Just think of it as something that covers the entire ear like those earphones.”

“I see.”

As for the headphones, Kanata thought he should consult with Cid about it later. 

With such thoughts in mind, Kanata powered on the terminal. Isla had already put the earphones on and was eagerly looking at Kanata, excited about what would happen.

(… But what kind of lines should I use?)

Kanata pondered what words would resonate with her as a goddess and blew into the microphone as a trial.


In that instant, Isla exclaimed in surprise. 

Rubbing her ears, she widened her eyes. Gradually, her cheeks flushed, and her gaze toward Kanata became heated.

“Are you okay?”

“I-I’m perfectly fine!”


He ended up calling out just like that, but Isla’s reaction was proof this microphone was functioning properly.

Even without such a microphone, Kanata’s voice, thanks to his magical power, would be converted into the most easily understandable voice that resonates with the listener’s brain. It could be said that once the boost was applied to that voice, the effect became even more pronounced.

Kanata stepped away from the microphone for a moment.

“Well then, I’ll just… Or rather, I’ll make up various situations and speak accordingly. Let me know your impressions later. Of course, please understand that I have no intention of demeaning or humiliating the Goddess Isla in any way.”

“It’s alright. Even if you were to say anything to me, it wouldn’t hurt me.”

Kanata was grateful for those comforting words. 

He approached the microphone and brought his face close to the part shaped like an ear.

(Should I go with the vibe of an obsessive male who can’t stop thinking about a beautiful goddess?)

Kanata understood what kind of lines would resonate, as yandere was his favorite, so he knew what would work.



Isla’s body trembled. 

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Since Kanata didn’t know how his voice was being transformed, he continued while observing her reaction.

“Isla, why do you look at other people? You’re supposed to be my goddess. Don’t make me jealous anymore. Please.”

“S-stop… just a moment…”

“Even though I love you so much… Why do you always make me feel like this, Isla? If you make me feel like this any longer—”

“No, stop… my mind is being violated—”

“I’m going to make you mine and mine alone.”

By the way, Kanata felt embarrassed while uttering these lines. 

Nevertheless, he did it in order to test the effectiveness of the microphone… but that’s as far as Kanata could go with the lines.

“… Nooo ♪.”



Isla’s body disappeared as if turning into particles. 

It seemed shouting loudly through the microphone was the trigger for her strange behaviour, and Isla lost her power and returned to her original place.

At the moment she disappeared, it was clear that her nose was bleeding and her body was convulsing immensely.

“… smells kinda sweet?”

Kanata’s bed, where Isla was sitting, was soaking wet.

Kanata folded the sheets and left the room to do the laundry, wondering what exactly caused it to become so wet.


“Hey! Isla, are you okay!?”

“Don’t… don’t touch me right now!”

“What are you saying!? What happened!?”

“A-Ahhhhhhhh ♪♪.”

What transpired in the vast sky above, only the goddesses knew. 

However, it was certain that Isla became the first victim of the ASMR and remained unconscious for a while.

As a result, the magical power she had been using weakened, and the camouflage placed on Kanata began to fade away.

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