Chapter 85: It Was Too Early For Mankind

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“Excuse me.”

“Ah, yes.”

It was a little while after the event that could be called an experiment using binaural microphones, or ASMR.

Although Kanata was concerned about Isla, who had suddenly disappeared, there was nothing he could do about it, so he let it go.

After tidying up the broadcasting equipment and microphone, Kanata was about to sleep when another beautiful woman appeared silently before him.

“… Who?”

This woman, with a tan complexion, unlike Isla’s fair skin, was incredibly beautiful.

She exuded a sacred aura, just like Isla. Kanata was certainly surprised but decided to quietly wait for the woman to speak.

“It seems you’re surprised by my sudden appearance, but that’s understandable. To explain simply, I’m kinda Isla’s colleague who was here earlier.”

“… So, you’re a Goddess?”

“That’s right. Oh, don’t be so tense. You can be your usual self with me, okay?”

With that, Kanata decided to interact with her in his usual manner.

“It was already time for you to sleep, wasn’t it? I don’t intend to take up too much of your time. I’ll just explain what is happening to you right now.”

“… Something is happening to me?”

“Ah… You can call me Leanne. I probably won’t be around much longer, so you don’t have to remember it if you don’t want to.”


She introduced herself as Leanne.

However, Kanata was more curious about what was happening to him than her name.

Nothing particularly unusual had happened to him, and he didn’t feel any different than usual, but it bothered him.

“You were under Isla’s magic all this time.”

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“Isla’s magic?”


Then Leanne explained in detail.

Apparently, Kanata had been affected by Isla’s magic, which distorted people’s perceptions. The reason things didn’t become a big issue, even with Maria, the Princess, and Alphana, the Saint, being with him, was because of that magic.

“So, that’s why it was so easy for them to accompany me to my hometown…”

“That’s right. Normally, interfering with the consciousness of the people living in that world is an act not allowed for the goddess who manages that world… Well, it’s her we’re talking about.”

“… So, Isla is known for that kind of thing?”

Leanne nodded deeply in agreement.

Although she had said she would disappear soon, Kanata still offered Leanne some tea.

“Thank you.”

Leanne sat down next to Kanata on his bed.

“It tastes delicious. So, this is the tea from the mortal realm.”

“It’s delicious, right? I’m quite fond of it.”

“I see. This flavour, too, is something created by the people living in this world… It’s truly wonderful and precious.”


Leanne’s words were filled with compassion for the people.

Truly, it made Kanata feel that this was how a goddess should be. Leanne’s smile was so beautiful. 

After drinking all the tea in the cup and taking a moment to compose herself, Leanne began to speak again.

“Let’s get back to the topic. There was a camouflage magic cast on you in this world, making your existence ambiguous. But I want you to understand that it was all done out of concern for you. Isla, as a goddess, possesses extraordinary power, a strong ego and possessiveness… I truly question how someone like her became a goddess, but nevertheless, she cares about you deeply.”

“… Um, I’m not sure if I should be happy or exasperated.”

—Indeed, Leanne laughed at that response.

“Even if you behaved in a way that made others question it to some extent, Isla’s magic made it ambiguous by seeping into the consciousness of the people around you. However, due to a minor issue Isla encountered, that magic has been lifted.”

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“Did I, like, do something?”

“You did. You completely made Isla ascend to heaven.”


Though he really didn’t want to think that ASMR was the cause… Leanne pointed her finger at the neatly arranged binaural microphone on the desk.

“Most likely, that’s the cause.”

“No way…”

“Can you explain what it is?”

Kanata proceeded to explain ASMR to Leanne, using the same explanation he had given to Isla. Naturally, Leanne had no knowledge of what ASMR was since it was unfamiliar to her.

“In the world I came from, it was quite common.”

“I see. Well, assuming that was the cause, I would like to give you some caution.”

“… Understood.”

Kanata had a vague idea of what she was going to say, but he straightened his posture and listened attentively to Leanne’s words.

Perhaps finding Kanata’s demeanour cute, Leanne reached out and gently stroked his head.

“Why are you stroking my head?”

“Because I think you’re cute. Now, let me explain.”

One by one, Leanne raised her fingers and began explaining to Kanata as if reminding him.

“It will take a few days for Isla to fully recover. During that time, the magic cast on this world will not function, so if you act conspicuously without thinking, your true identity will be sniffed out immediately. Even if the children you trust make efforts, there will always be limits to what they can do.”

“… Ah.”

“It should be fine to talk at the academy, but if you spend time privately with the Princess or the Saint, or if you go out, more people will notice.”

“… Yeah, I guess.”

For the most part, Kanata didn’t question it much until now.

But the fact that there had been no remarks was abnormal considering the people he interacted with were important women in this country.

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Well, the interactions within the academy were as usual, and he had no plans to go out anywhere, so it didn’t seem like something to worry too much about.

“There’s no need to overthink it. If anything, it wouldn’t be bad to act freely and go as far as you want. Once Isla regains her powers, memories can be altered as much as needed.”

“Can you also do that?”

“Of course, I can do it as well, but the extent of my power is limited to the world I govern.”

“I see.”

It seemed the powers of a goddess had various constraints.

For now, it seemed best to refrain from engaging in conspicuous actions through this conversation with Leanne and minimize close interactions with Maria and Alphana.

(… It feels somewhat lonely.)

As Kanata considered the restrictions placed on their previous interactions, a slight sense of loneliness emerged within him.

He was well aware of the reason behind that loneliness and couldn’t help but smile wryly, realizing that he was indeed attracted to them as well.

“You have a nice smile. Boys are cuter when they smile innocently without being told.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right. I love little boys, you know? I’m weak to their innocent expressions, unaware of the harsh realities of the world.”

“… Shotacon?”

“Shotacon? What’s that?”

“Never mind.”

Kanata distanced himself a little from Leanne.

It seemed that she had somewhat of a deep interest, or rather, a fetish-like preference, and her dignified image had crumbled, albeit only slightly.

“As I mentioned earlier, you don’t have to think too deeply about it. Just be a little cautious, and it should be fine. You have reliable friends around you, don’t you?”

“That’s… true.”

The faces of many people who would support Kanata, including Maria and Alphana, came to his mind, even while being aware of Haishin’s presence. Thinking of them, he felt reassured, as if everything would be fine.

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“Well then, I should be heading back soon… Oh, but before that, could you let me experience this thing called ASMR for a bit?”

“Um… Is that okay?”

“Of course. I’ve been listening to your podcasts, you know? Maybe not as much as Isla, but I always look forward to them.”

Leanne was also one of the listeners.

Although Kanata felt grateful for that, he was too afraid to ask what role he had become among the goddesses.

For Leanne, who had expressed a desire to experience it, Kanata set up the microphone once more.

“Shall we begin?”


Afterward, Kanata performed the same content as he did for Isla.

When it was over, Leanne seemed to experience a dizzying sensation, albeit not as intense as Isla, and she kept fidgeting with her hips.

“… It’s incredible. It feels like my brain is being invaded… Those who like you must find this irresistible. It’s truly like a drug.”

“Is it really that intense?”

“Mm. If I were to put it into words…”

“It’s an entertainment too advanced for mankind.”

With those words, Leanne disappeared.

Kanata decided to take ASMR more seriously and planned to inform Maria and Alphana to be cautious for the next few days.

And so, the magic that had been protecting Kanata was lifted.

While he still needed to be cautious about his actions to some extent, Kanata had forgotten one important thing.

It was about the girls he had met.

The Princess, the Saint, the Demon King, the Assassin, the Duchess, and the Courtesan. Even if they were to find out that Kanata was Haishin, there were significant individuals among his fans.

Would these individuals silently stand by if something threatening approached Kanata?

… Probably not, right?

It will be fine, Kanata. You can relax and trust that everything will be alright!

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