Chapter 92: Her Name is Rosalynde

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“Alright then, Kanata-sama, I’ll go buy it real quick!”

“Oh, okay.”

“Be careful, alright?”

It seemed they were selling a special fruit assortment, like a parfait in words that Kanata could muster, exclusively for the Harvest Festival.

Kanata was going around the festival with Mira and Kanna, but when Mira saw that dessert, her eyes lit up, and she dashed through the crowd.

“… Is she actually a child?”

“Ufufu, she might appear that way, but Mira-chan is a very remarkable girl.”

Kanata nodded in agreement with Kanna’s words.

Mira did have the adorable flaw of being attracted to delicious things, but the power hidden within her was tremendous. If one knew everything about Mira, no one would dare underestimate her.

Since she had already quit the assassination business, she now simply lives in the capital as Mira and seems genuinely happy.

“I’ve heard about Mira-chan, but I wouldn’t have believed it without your words, Kanata-kun. People can be truly deceiving based on appearances.”

“Well, she did hide her true self well, but I agree. If someone as cute as Mira approached you like that, you’d definitely let your guard down.”

If a cute girl like Mira suddenly approached, one couldn’t even imagine that the next moment their head would be severed.

In truth, Kanata had once become a target for Mira, but only Kanata and Mira knew about that, so it remained their secret.

(Well, if Mira wasn’t a fan of Haishin, I would have gotten killed… I have a lot to be grateful for when it comes to Haishin.)

“Anyway, it’s always so lively here every year.”

“Well, it’s like a festival that comes once a year.”

Kanata and Kanna sat in a relatively quiet place they had chosen. 

The people gathering in quiet places were either tired of the commotion or simply preferred such locations, so although there were many people, it was peaceful.

“By the way, Kanata-kun.”


“It seems like you have something on your mind.”

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“… Um, why do you think that?”

When Kanata asked, Kanna smiled and said she understood.

“I think I’ve mentioned this before, but to some extent, I can understand what men are thinking. I can’t read minds, but Kanata-kun is quite easy to read right now.”


Yes, Kanata did indeed have one concern.

It wasn’t about the Harvest Festival, nor about the encounter with Julius earlier, and certainly not about Isla, despite caring about her.

“Well, actually…”

The thing he was currently concerned about was related to ASMR.

Kanata was extremely grateful to Cid for creating something so powerful that it made Isla ascend.

He had various plans and intentions to do ASMR, something popular in his past life, as a streamer… However, after seeing Isla, he couldn’t help but think that it might still be too early for humanity.

“… I mean, I might have phrased it as if we created the ultimate weapon for humanity, but still…”

“… Yes, that’s true.”

In fact, Kanna had heard about ASMR before through Alphana, so she imagined various things. Kanata didn’t miss the slight blush on her cheeks.

“I’ve heard it once before through Alphana-sama. Even then, it had quite an impact, but if it’s even more powerful, I would love to experience it. It’s a mix of curiosity and fear, though.”

Even if it was just a recording, it had a great effect on Alphana, and it seemed like it could impact Kanna as well.

Despite being a courtesan who had entertained countless men and easily controlled her own pleasure, Kanna would probably be unable to resist the perfected form of ASMR that could render her helpless within minutes.

“But wait a moment.”

At that point, Kanata realized something basic.

When he tried it on Isla, he neglected his basic control of magical power, the modulation of the magic wavelength he had been doing until now, due to the overwhelming excitement. 

In other words, he theorized that if he reduced the amount of magical power given a little, it would create a more pleasant listening experience.

“Why didn’t I think of that from the beginning? But this should work.”

Sometimes, as humans, it’s important to be calm and reflect on the basics.

If there’s a chance to try it again, Kanata strongly felt that he should establish it as solid content to repay the assistance of Cid and Athena.

“It seems like you’ve sorted out your thoughts, right?”

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“Yes, though there will still be some adjustments to figure out how to test it.”

“I see. Hey, Kanata-kun, if it’s alright, could I also be of some help?”

“… Kanna-san, you?”

Kanata crossed his arms and pondered.

There wasn’t much Kanna could do to assist with this matter, and the only thing she could do was help research the best way to regulate the power.

In other words, it meant she would have to listen to ASMR audio for a long time.

“Well, it’s not much, but…”

“I’ll do it.”

When Kanata explained, Kanna asserted with pride that she would help.

Taken aback by her enthusiasm, Kanata instinctively took a step back. However, since it was necessary to have someone listen, he was truly grateful for her suggestion.

“I’ll do it too!”


Mira, who had somehow returned, exclaimed loudly.

With her mouth stuffed full of food, she had a silly expression like a squirrel, but she still gave off a sense of alertness to her surroundings, showing her true character.

“Thank you, Mira… But in that case, let’s do it today without delay.”


“Shall we!?”

While amused by their unusual eagerness, Kanata considered going to a spacious area with the device later.

“In that case, please come to my room. What about you, Mira-chan?”

“Is it okay? In that case, I’ll come and join you!”

“I’ll come too!!”

Indeed, Kanna’s private room was significantly more spacious than Kanata’s, so there should be some sense of security even if something were to happen… Though what that ‘something’ might be was a question in itself.

Maria and Alphana would likely be busy during the Harvest Festival today and tomorrow, so it would be difficult to invite them. It seems Mira and Kanna will be the ones to help.

“I really appreciate your help. You know, doing various things for the first time, I realize that relying on just myself has its limitations. It’s quite apparent.”

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Basically, only Kanata understood the principles of streaming and was the only one who knew what it entailed. 

Being the only one who knew meant he could only rely on himself. However, with helpers like Mira and Kanna, the scope of assistance widened, and naturally, there would be more things he could do. So, having someone to rely on was indeed important.

“Please continue to rely on me, Kanata-sama!”

“That’s right. And don’t hesitate to lean on me whenever you want. I’ll make sure to comfort you again.”



Not understanding what they were referring to, Mira, and Kanna, who chuckled and shook her shoulders while laughing, left Kanata sighing wearily.

It seemed like their plans after enjoying the Harvest Festival were settled. 

After that, Mira brought food for Kanata and Kanna, and they were enjoying it when a pair of unfamiliar individuals approached.


“Oh, someone’s coming.”

Kanata had seen the two approaching, but Kanna, who didn’t recognize them, tilted her head in confusion.

“What’s the matter, Anise?”

That’s right, the one who approached was Anise.

She was accompanied by a woman wearing a hood, whom Kanata had seen a while ago. However, Anise’s demeanour today was different, and she seemed tense and nervous.

“H-Hello, Kanata…”

“Hey, what’s really going on?”

Unlike her usual gal-like personality, Anise appeared to be shrinking, as if she was not scared but definitely concerned about something. 

In such a situation, naturally, Kanata’s attention would be drawn to the other woman wearing the hood.

“… Wait, could this presence be…”

Mira seemed to have noticed something, but the fact that she wasn’t being cautious meant that it wasn’t something dangerous. 

However, Kanata also felt it—the overwhelming aura emanating from this woman, reminiscent of what he felt when facing Maria’s parents.

“Sorry, Kanata. Can I introduce her?”

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“Huh? Uh, yeah…”

There happened to be an inn nearby where they could have some privacy, even though they didn’t plan to stay there. 

With Mira and Kanna also present, they stood by Kanata’s side.

Kanata couldn’t help but suspect that this woman held a significant position, but his thoughts seemed too clear.

“Fufufu, indeed. I finally got to meet you.”


The woman removed her hood, revealing long crimson hair and a sharp gaze reminiscent of Shrouza.

“I knew it…”

“Raven, you indeed knew about me.”

“Of course. However, I must admit that I didn’t expect you to know my true identity.”

“It should be obvious. It is my duty to know everything within the Empire. While you may be an assassin, I see you as a cleaner, eliminating unnecessary nuisances.”

“… Hah.”

The woman shifted her gaze from Mira to Kanna.

“You are beautiful. I was enamoured as a fellow woman; you are simply too beautiful. If you’re willing, I would like your receive advice on skincare and such.”

“… Well, that’s fine, I suppose.”

“I appreciate it. Beautiful courtesan.”

Finally, she looked at Kanata.

Her sharp gaze was somewhat intimidating, but there was no hostility whatsoever.

“I am… I am…”


She closed her eyes for a moment, then suddenly opened them wide and placed both hands on Kanata’s shoulders.

“I am Rosalynde Xandard, the current Ruler of the Empire. To be honest, I have become a huge fan of yours. I have always wanted to meet you, so I am truly delighted to meet you today, dear Haishin. Is there anything you want me to do? I am willing to do anything for you, whether it’s spending the night together or anything else you desire. I simply want to fulfill your wishes, to be needed and desired by you, dear Haishin. Please, ask me for anything—”

“… Please calm down, Rosa-sama. Kanata is feeling overwhelmed.”


It seemed a rather troublesome fan had barged in, and Kanata’s face showed exhaustion in various ways.

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