Chapter 93: Is This The Emperor!?

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Once again, a troublesome person had arrived… Kanata sighed, but it was simply because she was speaking too fast, causing Kanata to miss the most important part.


“What’s wrong? Do you have something to ask me!?”

“S-So close!!”

As the woman with fiery red hair approached, Kanata took a step back.

Anise, with a tense expression, had inadvertently taken on the look of a troubled child. Mira, on the other hand, stared at her with a bewildered expression.

“Hey, Kanata, did you miss the important part?”

“The important part?”

Anise slowly explained to Kanata as he tilted his head.

“This person is none other than the current Emperor, Rosalynde Xandard.”

Upon hearing that she was the current Emperor, Kanata widened his eyes in astonishment.

Though he couldn’t fully grasp what was being said, when he saw Rosalynde’s confident and dignified appearance, he finally understood.

“… The Emperor!?”

“Yes. I am the most powerful person in the Empire!”


This silence precisely reflected Kanata’s current expression.

Anise had briefly informed Kanata about the Empire, including through the suggestion of attending a handshake event. 

In Kanata’s knowledge, it was natural to imagine the Emperor as a man. So the fact that the Emperor of the Empire was a woman was a significant surprise in itself.

“… I’m a bit surprised, and I have many questions, but… well…”

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“Cease with such formalities. Are we not close?”

It seemed Rosalynde already considered herself quite close to Kanata, as her demeanour was noticeably gentle. Of course, Kanata couldn’t help but wonder what she was talking about. However, Kanata had a strong intuition that Rosalynde was a forceful woman.

“For now, let me explain, okay?”

Everyone present was curious about why such an important guest was secretly staying in the capital, not just Kanata.

“Well, actually…”

To summarize Anise’s explanation that followed:

She had come here because she wanted to meet Haishin, and that was her sole reason.

“In the first place, I had my suspicions when Anise started studying in the Kingdom. But during the live stream when that earthquake occurred, I became almost certain. I have known about you since the early days, just like Anise. That’s what it means to be a fan.”


Her being a fan was a delightful thing, and having someone as influential as Maria’s parents expressing interest in him was even more heartening.

However, Kanata couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by the fact that the ruler of a country would go to such lengths, coming incognito like this.

“I always acquire what I desire. Haishin… No, let me call you Kanata. You may call me Rosa as well.”


Rosa slowly approached Kanata and firmly grasped his hand.

The touch of her fingers, though belonging to a woman, felt slightly rough, likely evidence of having held various weapons for a long time.

“Kanata, I want you to come and live in the Empire.”

“Eh? No way, I don’t want to.”

“… Hou?”

Rosa’s gaze sharpened.

Kanata felt the distinct pressure characteristic of people from the Empire, which he had experienced when dealing with Anise. He almost took a step back but managed to hold himself together. 

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While he was indeed curious about the unknown Empire and had a desire to visit it someday, the idea of leaving the Kingdom and living in another country had never crossed his mind.

“There are many people in the Kingdom who have taken care of me. Besides, I don’t want to leave the place I’ve grown so familiar with. So, I can’t accept your invitation.”


To be honest, Kanata didn’t fully grasp the fact that the person in front of him was the Emperor, so he maintained a defiant posture. However, in this particular case, it seemed to work in his favour.

Rosa, left dumbfounded by Kanata’s response for a while, suddenly burst into laughter, causing her shoulders to shake.

“Hahaha, to think you would refuse my invitation as the reigning Emperor. You’re the first person to do so, Kanata.”

“I don’t think it’s about being the first or anything like that…”

While Rosa had claimed to always get what she wanted, she didn’t seem intent on forcing Kanata, or rather, Haishin, to ignore his own wishes.

It turned out that her invitation to move to the Empire was 90% genuine and 10% a joke, as Rosa merrily explained.

“That’s pretty much serious, Rosa-sama…”

“Did you say something?”

“It’s nothing.”

Rosa glared at Anise, but Anise brushed it off as if it were nothing.

Despite not knowing the exact connection between Rosa, the Emperor, and Anise, the noblewoman, they seemed to have established a fairly equal relationship.

“While it’s my first time meeting both of you today… What kind of relationship do you have?”

Kanata had many questions about the prominent figure before him.

In response to his inquiry, Anise and Rosa exchanged glances and simultaneously continued with the following words: “Because we’re fans of Haishin.”

“No, that doesn’t explain anything,” Kanata was about to interject with a retort, but Kanna nodded understandingly.

Mira, seeing this exchange, nodded in agreement, saying, “Well, if that’s the case, then there’s no helping it.” Kanata, observing their reactions, once again felt a sense of disarray in this world.

“Well then, it’s fine. We have plenty of time ahead. I plan to enjoy the Harvest Festival today and leave soon after.”

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“… Sigh.”

“Anise, why are you letting out a sigh of relief?”

“Huh? Anyone would feel relieved once the storm has passed.”

“You’re saying the same thing as one of my ministers…”

“Minister Butcher, right? That guy is also getting tossed around by Rosa-sama, isn’t he?”

Their conversation resembled that of close friends, and it was heartwarming to witness. 

Despite the considerable age difference, Rosa’s appearance looked to be in her twenties, so in a sense, they even appeared like sisters.

(… So this is the Emperor they speak of? It’s even harder to believe now.)

Rosa is said to be the strongest Emperor who quelled the civil war within the Empire through sheer force. However, it is unimaginable that the woman in front of them is the embodiment of such power.

Although Kanata never vocalized his thoughts, Mira, sensing what he was thinking, whispered softly,

“She may appear like this, but it’s not an exaggeration to say that she is unmatched in terms of raw martial and magical prowess in the Empire. Moreover, when it comes to military strategy and tactics, no one can surpass her. She is rightly feared as the Goddess of War and Military.”

“… I see.”

Kanata responded to Mira’s explanation but still couldn’t fathom it.

The current gathering consisted of Haishin, an assassin, a high-class courtesan, the Ice Witch, and now the Emperor—a truly surreal combination.

If this were a story within a story, there might have been a world where they formed a party and went on adventures with this group. The thought of such a dream-like combination made Kanata sigh once again.

“… Sigh. Whether it’s being favoured by the King or the Emperor, should I just be happy about it?”

“You should be pleased about that. You are also well-liked in the Principality, aren’t you? In a way, you are like a bridge connecting all the nations.”

Kanata chuckled and dismissed the notion of being such a grandiose figure.

Having encountered the Emperor in this manner, Anise took the opportunity to bring up that topic.

“Rosa-sama? It seems Kanata has something on his mind.”

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“Hmm? What is it?”

“… Ah, I see.”

Kanata understood what Anise was getting at and thought it was a good opportunity to bring up that topic with Rosa.

He explained that he wanted to plan a significant event to show his appreciation to the listeners who supported him as Haishin. 

Rosa responded by patting her ample chest and telling him to leave it to her.

“In that case, allow me to contribute as well. We have thoroughly eliminated any troublemakers, so there should be no issues in holding a large event in the Empire. Of course, you need not worry about security. I will personally ensure your safety and never leave your side while you are in the Empire.”


What started as a simple suggestion was turning into something much more significant. 

If Kanata were to say he wouldn’t hold the event in the Empire, Rosa might end up in tears. Strangely enough, Kanata could foresee such a scene unfolding.

“It’s turning into quite a big deal… Truly, Kanata-sama!” 

“Then we, including the girls from the brothel, must attend!”

From there, things moved swiftly, and many plans were discussed. 

Kanata, viewing it all positively, decided to plan the event with a forward-thinking mindset. 

However, there was a surprise waiting for him at the end.

“Alright, Kanata-kun, shall we start experimenting with ASMR at my place?”

“Sure. Let’s get started—”

“ASMR? What’s that?”

The Emperor of the Empire, Rosa, was known for being unbeatable. However, that day, she experienced true surrender for the first time.

—This world is truly doomed. 

He felt like someone whispered that.

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