Chapter 94: Getting Hooked On This

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“… This is it! Within this range!”

“Y-Yes… ♪.”

The promised ASMR experiment had given Kanata a definite sense of accomplishment. 

Originally, ASMR was meant to provide comfort and should not have had any strange effects on the listeners. However, Kanata’s ASMR was different. It mercilessly adjusted the voice to the one that would make the listener’s brain feel the most pleasure, resulting in an odd sensation.

“I’d like to try a few more things, alright?”

“Of course. I will always obey your wishes.”

 “… Ah, thank you.”

Kanata couldn’t help but think it was inappropriate for a ruler to say such things.

However, in a way, it was a natural response, considering Rosa’s desire to dedicate everything to Kanata. Moreover, Rosa’s brain was even more intoxicated than usual, contributing to this situation.

(… I understand why he wanted to experiment and verify this ASMR.)

Rosa murmured in her mind.

As mentioned before, the voice gets converted to one that would bring the most pleasure to the listener. For those who idolized Haishin, it transformed into a voice quality equivalent to a drug.

It was a strange sensation that felt like their brains were being directly manipulated—not a discomforting feeling, but one rather filled with immense joy.

(How many times have I experienced it? How much have I endured?)

This time, Mira, Kanna, and Anise, who accompanied Rosa in Kanata’s experiment, had already taken off their earphones and fallen asleep.

Their occasional trembling was likely a result of the intermittent waves of pleasure coursing through them. Amidst that, Rosa alone continued to endure to the very limit of her capacity, truly deserving the title of the War Goddess.

(… But let’s admit it. I have already bared everything to Kanata’s voice. I must receive it, no matter what, even if it’s out of pride.)

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Both her body and heart had succumbed to that voice. 

Though she still cared about the Empire to some extent, she couldn’t help but focus solely on the man before her. He made her willing to offer everything and become a single woman for him.

In the first place, she had harboured intense feelings for him, so it was only natural that this ASMR, accompanied by the overwhelming emotion of finally meeting him, would have such an impact.

“My first defeat… Not bad, not bad at all.”

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s nothing. Carry on.”


Initially, it was about enduring, but it seemed that Kanata had found a range where his voice could reach everyone without any issues. There was no need for restraint anymore.

Kanata’s voice sounded even more pleasant, and listening to it just before falling asleep gave a sense of tranquillity that could easily lull one to sleep.

“I feel like I could just fall asleep like this.”

“Well, that’s part of it, after all. Although, healing power is more likely to come from a woman’s voice than a man’s.”


Kanata chuckled, considering that aspect as well.

Now, as evident from Rosa’s reaction, Kanata’s control over his power was working quite well.

This level should be suitable for ordinary listeners as well. 

However… While immersed in this pleasant sensation, it’s natural to think about the possibility of hearing voices in various situations. And since Rosa is also a woman, she inevitably imagined various things.

(I see, so when I want to release my excitement, I can listen to this… It would undoubtedly bring me immense pleasure.)

In reality, even in Kanata’s past life, there were similar purposes for ASMR, so Rosa’s thoughts, in a way, weren’t abnormal.

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However, the fact that her mind went there in a world where ASMR was not yet recognized shows that she was indeed loyal to her desires.

“Kanata, may I make one request?”

“A request?”

“Yes. Oh, don’t worry. I just want you to say a few lines that would put me at ease in a specific situation.”

Of course, she wasn’t asking him to marry her as a thank-you for participating in the experiment. It was something related to the experiment, and Rosa believed Kanata wouldn’t refuse her request, considering the combination of her desires and the context.

“I’ve always admired the idea of childhood friends. So… if it’s alright, I want you to whisper lines that evoke that kind of relationship.”

She blushed as she said that, but this was another one of her gaps.

Kanata initially looked surprised but then understood and nodded with a smile. He then whispered lines from a childhood friend scenario, fulfilling Rosa’s request.


“I was destined for the future since the day I was born. However, I wanted someone with whom I could discuss equally.”

“What are you talking about? I’ve heard that Rosa-sama has always been eccentric since childhood, and no one can keep up with her.”

“… Uhh.”

“Huh? Why are you crying, Rosa-sama?!”

Kanata’s experiment had come together nicely. 

Even those knocked out by Kanata’s voice at first had now recovered, and the lively atmosphere from earlier had returned.

“What did you do?”

“… Ah~”

Only Kanata understood why Rosa shed tears in response to Anise’s casual remark. 

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It wasn’t a way of thanking her for participating in the experiment but rather because Kanata showcased the whispering in the childhood friend scenario that Rosa had mentioned. 

The result was something that deeply moved Rosa.

“Mira and Kanna seem alright now, right?”



Kanata was surprised when he saw the two who had gone down early, but their appearance was just too suggestive, making it difficult for him to avoid looking at them. 

Well, it wasn’t to that extent, but Kanata understood that through the adjustment of his magical power, he could provide such a pleasant sensation that it would sway their brains.

(… It’s like the ultimate level of enjoyment in that sense.)

The original role of ASMR is to provide comfort. However, naturally, in Kanata’s past life, there were many erotic themes in ASMR.

In his previous life, since there was no magical power, it wasn’t possible to lead people to pleasure solely through their voices. But if Kanata used his magical power without restraint or intentionally increased it, he could lightly immerse people in such situations. That’s why Kanata referred to it as the ultimate level of enjoyment in that sense.

“For now, we have made progress in various aspects. We just need to work with Cid to create a separate medium for storing audio and commercialize it. Then it’ll be perfect.”

“I see.”

“I’ll buy it.”

While it was possible to showcase it during regular live broadcasts, it would be embarrassing for Kanata, to the point of dying from embarrassment. 

Therefore, he decided to follow the approach from the past and make it available only to those who wanted to buy it.

“I’m glad I could be of help, Kanata.”

“Likewise. I really appreciate it.”

It was quite the strange situation that the Emperor herself assisted in this collaboration, but one could say that it was all brought about by the ties Kanata had woven.

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Although this time marks the end of their time with Rosa, it is certain this encounter will bring about even greater challenges.

“… By the way, um…”

“What is it?”

With a slightly embarrassed demeanour, Rosa brought up something.

“If there’s another chance… Um, I’d be grateful if you could let me hear an all-out, no-holds-barred ASMR from you.”

Kanata quickly understood what Rosa meant by ‘no-holds-barred, all-out ASMR.’

While he pondered the implications of that situation, he thought it would be fine if someone personally listened to it and enjoyed it.

“I see… Yeah. I might create that type someday.”


“Is that true!?”

“Are you serious!?”

“For real?”


Kanata was taken aback by their enthusiasm.

Well, only those who have experienced it would truly understand. But having a full-powered ASMR doesn’t lead to fainting, memory loss, or being bedridden. It’s not a drug or a plague. It’s simply an indescribably pleasurable and blissful experience that leaves the brain and the entire body feeling incredibly good. So, there’s no way one wouldn’t get hooked.

Remember this, humanity.

This is what it means to go mad for a favourite.

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