Chapter 95: Haishin-sama Makes An Appearance At The Harvest Festival

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The second day of the Harvest Festival arrived. 

For Kanata, the encounter with Rosa, the Emperor, was a big event, but it ended without any issues. 

After completing the experiments related to ASMR, Rosa left for the Empire with her skin strangely glowing.

“There’s no need to greet the King. After all, I came here secretly without others knowing about it. Isn’t there a saying that says it’s not a crime if you don’t get caught? So, if we keep quiet, there shouldn’t be any problems.”

Rosa was truly a free-spirited person. 

After she was gone, Kanata let out a sigh of relief as if a storm had passed, and Anise seemed to go back home as soon as possible.

“She’s not a bad person, but it’s really something, isn’t it? It’s not something you see every day.”

Indeed, Kanata couldn’t help but chuckle at Rosa’s entirely unconventional behaviour as a ruler. 

The information about Rosa’s appearance was only shared among those who met her, including Kanata. However, since Rosa wanted a place in the organization supporting Haishin, Kanata had to explain the situation to Maria and Alphana.

“So she was here…”

“She’s truly something, isn’t she?”

Both Maria and Alphana had encountered Rosa a few times in diplomatic settings, so they were already aware of her eccentricity. 

Nevertheless, it was crucial not to make enemies with the Empire, and Rosa’s presence was formidable.

“Alright, today is the final day of the festival, so let’s enjoy it to the fullest.”

As usual, Maria and Alphana were busy with their tasks for the Harvest Festival and weren’t by Kanata’s side. 

Even though it had only been a few days, it felt strange not having those two around, as they were usually together at the academy for the most part.

“It feels lonely… Well, that’s troublesome.”

With Isla’s magic undone, they wouldn’t interact like before, which was unavoidable. But still, the feeling of loneliness grew, albeit slightly.

Kanata chuckled at his own sentimentality and headed toward the town to enjoy the final day of the Harvest Festival. 

“There are so many people today too.” 

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Just like yesterday, there was a considerable crowd, with numerous individuals who appeared to be foreigners. Given that the Harvest Festival was a grand event in the capital, it attracted a lot of tourists.

“Athena and Cid wanted to come too.”

It seemed that the two from the Principality also wanted to join, but at the last minute, Lisa caught a cold and couldn’t participate. So they decided not to attend and let her rest.

Kanata had been looking forward to seeing them again since their reunion in the Principality, but oh well, no one could blame anyone for this situation.

“Hey, I’m a customer, you know? I came all the way from far away, and you’re fooling around!?”

“Do it, boss! Knock ’em out!”

A voice of anger rang out, followed by cheering voices.

Now, Kanata’s gaze turned towards the commotion. It came from a particular stall among many, where a duo dressed in foreign attire seemed to be causing a ruckus.

“They’re idiots. There are so many soldiers around because of the Harvest Festival.”

Kanata thought just as the overconfident duo was approached by soldiers from behind.

The soldiers had a menacing appearance and imposing physiques, causing the troublemakers to scatter in fear. However, since they had caused a disturbance, they couldn’t escape without consequences. 

They were taken away like cats grabbed by the scruffs of their necks.

“I knew there would be people like them, but it’s a relief that they’re not gathering around Maria and Alphana, who are busy with their work.”

It was only natural for the security to be tight when there were both a princess and a saint present.

Kanata had the urge to stay nearby and keep an eye on things, but Maria and Alphana had specifically asked him to enjoy the Harvest Festival. So, Kanata muttered while surveying the surroundings.

“I guess I’ll go around trying various foods! I’m going to fully enjoy this festival!!”

With that declaration, Kanata enthusiastically began exploring the stalls.

“Oh, what’s there?”

Amidst all this, a peculiar event was taking place in front of the Veneti brothel, where Kanata had been greatly assisted yesterday.

While the brothel was primarily a place where men sought comfort, today, both men and women were looking at something happening in front of the brothel.


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Women from the brothel were dancing to the accompaniment of musical instruments. 

They dressed in costumes resembling those worn by dancers rather than their usual revealing dresses. 

Though, to put it bluntly, the costumes were still quite revealing.

They were performing a mesmerizing dance, and although unintentional, the high-class courtesans emitted an alluring charm that enticed men. 

As a result, many of the men watching them seemed to be quite excited.

“But they’re still maintaining their boundaries. Good for them.”

It would be great if those who had caused a ruckus earlier could learn from these customers that only showed appreciation through applause.

Since Kanna was among the courtesans, Kanata naturally caught her attention while watching from a fair distance. 

Kanna winked at him while dancing, and in response, Kanata chuckled. 

He waved his hand playfully, and it seemed to lighten her expression.

After taking some time to admire their dance, Kanata resumed exploring the stalls. 

“Where should we go next?”

“Let’s see. What do you think?”

By chance, he ran into Mira and Anise while wandering together, so they decided to spend the day together again.

As the three strolled through the bustling town, they suddenly heard a loud commotion coming from a particular location.

“What’s going on?”

“I wonder what it is?”

The commotion was coming from the square in front of the church… in other words, where Maria and Alphana were. Kanata immediately dashed towards the noise, with Mira and Anise following closely behind.

As they got closer, the commotion grew louder, and Kanata overheard what had caused the uproar.

“Princess and Saint! We want to meet Haishin-sama too!”

“Yes, yes! It’s unfair that only you two get to meet him!”

“He lives in the capital, right? Please let us meet him!”

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It was in a sense, something anticipated, yet at the same time, an event they didn’t want to happen.

Requests to meet Haishin and to have a conversation reached Maria and Alphana one after another, and it seemed as if everyone gathered in the square was echoing those sentiments.

“… Seriously? Those people?”

Anise was also visibly taken aback, right beside Kanata.

Meanwhile, Mira, who had disappeared unnoticed, landed beside Kanata and explained what she had quickly figured out.

“The initial commotion was caused by tourists from other countries. However, rumours about Haishin-sama have been spreading even within the capital, and it seems to have exploded in this manner.”

“I see…”

It was the inevitable consequence of Haishin’s previously hidden existence coming to light so blatantly, and above all, it was likely another result of Isla’s magic undoing.

In front of the agitated crowd, the soldiers, as well as the members of the church, including Maria and Alphana, were doing their best to calm the situation.

“… Please, stop.”



Kanata knew how busy Alphana had been preparing for this Harvest Festival.

He knew that Maria had been fully supporting Alphana as a friend, and he had witnessed them diligently organizing and managing everything, accompanied by the joyful laughter of children.

It wasn’t just Maria and Alphana but many others who had worked hard for this Harvest Festival.


Isla’s magic coming undone was certainly one of the contributing factors.

However, it was evident that the root of the current chaos lay with Kanata, and he understood that the streaming incident during the earthquake had been the decisive blow.

“Shall I silence them all? Turning this whole area into an ice world?”

“Shall I eliminate the insolent ones?”

In response to the menacing words of the two, Kanata unexpectedly felt a sense of calm. 

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He had thought of something and made a request to Mira.

“Mira, can you carry me to my dorm room right now?”


“Ah, geez! It’s become such a mess!”

“… But in a sense, it was inevitable.”

Maria and Alphana were desperate on the stage. 

The commotion had grown much larger than expected, and angry voices echoed through the air, causing nearby children to become frightened.

The soldiers were also trying to calm the situation peacefully, but their efforts proved ineffective. 

Alphana even considered using some powerful magic to silence the crowd.

(Something Anise might consider, isn’t it?)

No, Alphana, it’s precisely what Anise would have thought of.

Before Alphana could do anything, Maria seemed to have reached her limit and might have done it herself. But just as she was contemplating whether to exercise some self-control, something new occurred.

“Cease this commotion at once.”

“… Huh?”

“This voice…!?”

A loud voice resounded across the square in front of the church.

Its power was enough to instantly silence the tumult, and everyone closed their mouths, directing their gaze toward the source of the voice.

“Is that…”

“… Kanata-sama?”

There, on the roof of the church, stood three individuals. 

Two women, who were strikingly familiar, wore black-themed clothing, and something covered their faces.

And standing between these two women was a man wearing a black robe and a mask—yes, it was Kanata as Haishin.

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