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Her heart beat for her wig! With Nan Shen blowing her wig wouldn't he saw her real hair underneath?!

Thinking like this Tan Hua abruptly turned her head around but at the same time the hairdryer on Nan Shen hand burnt her right ear when she turned her head around.

"Wuah!" Tan Hua shrieked when her ear got burnt by the hairdryer making Nan Shen immediately put down the hairdryer and blow air to Tan Hua red ear.


"I already warn you not to move around! Now look" Nan Shen blew air to Tan Hua ear as he touch her cute little ear which was red from the hairdryer burnt now.


Tan Hua heart beat faster for Nan Shen now when she felt the cool sensation on her hot ear. Her ear hurt when the hairdryer touch it but then after Nan Shen blew her ear it felt good!

"U-uh brother I'm al-" Tan Hua was about to stop Nan Shen from blowing her ear again when the man suddenly licked her ear startling her to death.

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"A-ah!!" Tan Hua body jolted when Nan Shen licked her ear very suddenly before his face move away from her ear starting to turned on the hairdryer again.

Of course Nan Shen did it purposely. He saw how cute Tan Hua ear was and had this urge to lick or even bite it but thinking it would hurt her if he bite her ear, he settled down with licking.

Hehehe who told her to act rude to him first? Now face your punishment!

Tan Hua face blushed red even when Nan Shen only lick her ear for a second or two. She still could recall the sensation of his warm and sticky tongue rubbing the edge of her ear.

His hot breath hitting her ear and his tongue sliding down her ear really made her lost all her energy.

She lost! Really! She didn't expect this devil to bully her to such extent. Now she realized it was a big mistake to ever offended him!! o(╥﹏╥)o

"Now not hurt anymore right" Grinning, Nan Shen enjoyed every reaction Tan Hua show him when he blow her ear as well as licking it.

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"Y-yes thank you!!" With her face red down to her neck Tan Hua turned into a living statue while answering Nan Shen obvious teasing question.

Nan Shen saw how red Tan Hua face was to her ear even her neck was also red from being embarrassed and couldn't help but chuckled.

This girl reaction is really the best! If he could make her cry for a while it would be the best.

Nan Shen eyes moved on to Tan Hua bare shoulder and neck as he start drying her 'hair' again this time keeping a distance between Tan Hua hair and the hairdryer.

Hmmm a part of her body also got bruised from those bastard huh?

Now now after he had his fun here he would also have fun torturing those bastard just wait. How could they hurt such a delicate and cute girl like this?

Nan Shen left hand subconsciously move stroking the bruise on Tan Hua bare shoulder and neck area making the girl shivered feeling Nan Shen warm hand on her skin.

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(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ oy! keep your hand to yourself!! Don't touch her you-

Tan Hua was about to curse Nan Shen when she heard his soft voice as he stroke her shoulder gently.

"Is it hurt? the bruise..." Nan Shen voice sounded mellow but his hand which holding the hairdryer kept moving skillfully.

"N-no it's not that pain- wah!" Tan Hua lie about the bruise not being painful at all so when Nan Shen pressed it a little with his index finger Tan Hua shrieked this time with her body shuddered.

"See what a liar" A hint of anger could be seen in Nan Shen eyes seeing Tan Hua try to act tough and strong even though she was a girl.

What is not painful this kind of bruise everywhere she dare to say it's not painful?!

Nan Shen felt angry when Tan Hua couldn't care enough for her own body and instead of saying the truth she try to act strong. This irritate him greatly.


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"U-uh it hurts it hurts!!" Tan Hua finally cried a little when Nan Shen pressed her bruise again even though he only use very little strength.

Fine it hurts great devil!! Satisfied?!

"Hmph don't ever lie again I hate liar" Nan Shen harrumphed but he stroke Tan Hua bruise a few times before moving his hand down to her back about to check whether she had wound there too.

Tan Hua could only shut her eyes tight while cursing Nan Shen to be shameless saying he hate liar when he himself was a top notch liar!

Tan Hua was busy cursing Nan Shen inside her mind so she didn't realize Nan Shen hand already trailed down to her back now slipping inside her towel.

She only realize it when she felt something warm and ticklish on her back which seemed to be a certain devil evil 'claw'.

"Ah! Big bro-" Tan Hua body jolted when Nan Shen hand stroke her back inside her towel ringing the bell inside her mind.

Danger danger pervert detected!

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