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Danger danger pervert detected!

Tan Hua had a shiver thinking Nan Shen might be a gay but then her focus was switched to how Nan Shen manage to slip his hand inside the towel without making the towel fell.

Oh he was so good in it! So skillful!

Author: ヽ(#゚Д゚)ノ┌┛Σ(ノ´Д`)ノ

Wait wait this is not the time to admire his skill. She was the one being exploited!

"Big bro!! What are you doing?!" Struggling with all her might but still be extra careful not to touch the hairdryer, Tan Hua tried to stop what Nan Shen was doing. If he kept stroking her bare back won't he realize she was a girl?!

"What's wrong we are both man and you are my little brother. It's already weird you wear towel in that way tell me are you trying to become like a girl?" Grinning with an evil smile, Nan Shen didn't stop his hand at all.

Slowly but sure he stroke Tan Hua bare back feeling how smooth it was even though when he peek inside he vaguely saw bruises here and there.

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"W-ah! Wait wait no who says I want to become a girl?! I am just embarrassed to show big brother my skinny body..." Tan Hua could be a genius in making excuse but as she blabbered her reasoning her body would jolted every time Nan Shen stroke her back gently.

Wait wait wait!!! Isn't this dangerous?! It is right?! Is it only her or this seems too sensual??

"Hm I see" Seeing Tan Hua face was already super red and tears began to form at the edge of her eyes, Nan Shen decided not to push her too far. After all he still had a ton of ways to make her cry. ( ̄ω ̄)

Nan Shen slowly retract his hand out from Tan Hua back which was covered with towel as he back to drying Tan Hua hair.

Sensing Nan Shen evil 'claw' had go away from her back, Tan Hua who was about to cry immediately beamed with excitement she even hummed happily finally feeling free.

She didn't know why but this devil suddenly behave! Oh God just now she thought her identity would be revealed but it turned out Nan Shen was still in the dark about her secret.

Thanks Shen Ling!

Poor doggo just right after she thanked the God who was watching anime back in her house, Nan Shen began to carry his next plan.

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Tan Hua heard a rustling sound but she didn't know what it was until she saw Nan Shen leg moved closer to her leg. Not only moved closer. It even rubbed against her leg!!

Wait wait wait. Her position was now sitting right in front of Nan Shen who was also sitting on the bed so technically her body was within Nan Shen leg and her back was close to his front body.

Now...what happened when this devil close his leg a little and even rubbed it against her leg?!

I-it was horrible horrible!! Terrible!!

"B-big brother?!" Tan Hua didn't know how many times she had call Nan Shen 'big brother' everytime he began acting like a pervert. This was surely another plan to revenge her like?! He was bullying her!!

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"What? I just feel cold" A good liar who said he hate liar finally shrugged his shoulder acting innocent as he kept rubbing his legs to Tan Hua lower half.

The way he moved his legs made his thigh rubbed against Tan Hua waist area also touching the towel.

"B-but" Tan Hua didn't believe what Nan Shen said at all. Cold?! It's spring for God sake! This bedroom didn't even have the air conditioner turned on. Please choose a good lie please!!

"Ssh don't move" Nan Shen blew air to Tan Hua ear while circling his leg to Tan Hua leg and closing it making Tan Hua body trapped within his leg. If he move forward a little closer even his 'little brother' down there could touch Tan Hua butt.


The hot breath hit Tan Hua ear when Nan Shen whisper to ear made Tan Hua heart skipped a beat despite already knew Nan Shen did this to bully her.

M-meanie! Evil Devil!! (///Σ///)

Tan Hua had her face burnt with embarrassment. She really was no match to Nan Shen shameless action but she felt even more defeated because she still love this devil!

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Okay she was masochist confirmed. Despite being bullied like this she still love him in the end no?! Argh!! (」゚ロ゚)」

Nan Shen saw Tan Hua who was fidgeting and seemed to be lost in her mind and couldn't help but felt satisfied. He really love bullying this little doggo.


While blowing Tan Hua hair with the hairdryer, Nan Shen would occasionally touch the wig and tuck it up a little to see a strand of blonde hair hidden beneath.

So her real hair is blonde. Beautiful. If only he could one day see her in her real hair it would be good.

15 minutes later....

Smiling while peeking Tan Hua hair, Nan Shen finished drying Tan Hua hair and it was time for his second evil plan!

"Now your hair is dry time to change your clothes!" Nan Shen smiled happily as he throw a bomb to Tan Hua ear.

C-changing clothes?!

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