John had a hard time sleeping last night. He was thankful that he got in touch with Grace right away and inform her that Catherine was hanging out with Jerome in the Zenith Disco Bar and she agreed with his request to fetch Catherine home because he doesn't trust Jerome a bit.

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And how come Catherine has fallen asleep inside the disco bar? Unless he drugged her? He was suspicious of Jerome.

Right now early morning he was waiting for Catherine's reply with his question. He had sent a lot of questions to Catherine last night until now not a single question has been answered. Maybe she was still sleeping, but she has to report to work later, she should be awake right now.

His cell phone rings...

He picked it up and his caller is no other than Catherine!

"John...good morning!" she said in a weary voice.

"Are you okay, Catherine?" he asked in a worried tone.

"Yeah. I'm still sleepy though, but I'm already awake and about to take a bath. I have to call you first because you send me a lot of messages last night. I'm okay, John. Please don't worry about me."

"Catherine, listen to me! Do not ever go out with Jerome ever again! Do you understand me?"

"Why?" she asked puzzled.

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"I don't trust that Jerome guy! Sooner or later he will do something bad to you. I warned you already behaved yourself while am away."

"I'm behaving. But you don't really have to worry much because I go out with Sherry and Jerome also brought his friend along, there's four of us hanging out in the disco bar. Besides, you don't have to worry in the future because I won't go back to that establishment ever again. Regarding Jerome I won't go out with him anymore so that you don't have to continue worrying about him," she said.


"Yes, promised!" she replied.

"Good! I don't want anything bad happened to you, Catherine. I only want you to be safe all the time, so please stay away from Jerome, avoid him at all cost, okay?"

'Yes John, rest assured I will obey you this time. I love you! I have to take a bath now. Call you later. Kisss you...mwuaaaah!"

"I love you too! Take care always!" said John.

Their communication ended.

John stared at his mobile device, he opened the photo gallery of his cell phone and Catherine's face floated in the screen, a bright smile appeared on his lips. He missed her so much! Probably two weeks more to go and he will be back in his business headquarters in Makati City. For now, there's still a lot of things to do and evaluate in the coal mining site. If he wants to go back to Makati City he will make sure all things have been ironed out here before he will fly back home.

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Catherine entered the Presidential Suite after she was done with her daily routine on the 4th floor. She starts dusting the surface of the furniture around her and changed the bed sheet in the bedroom. With nothing left to do and ten minutes left to spare, she jumped right into the bed and decided to have a power nap. She shut off her eyes and about to doze off but her cell phone rings...

She pulled it out from her pants pocket.

"John my love...," she said in a sleepy voice

He chucked. "That's my line, Cath!"

She smiled amused. "Am about to sleep," she said.

"Huh? Where are you? Still at your house?"

"No. I'm at work, to be precise I'm inside the presidential suite#1. I'm currently sleeping in the bed," she giggled.

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"OMG! You're a lazy worker! Let me call the general manager so that they can fire you! You are wasting the hotel's salary given to you!" he laughed amused by her antics.

"Shhh, it's a secret between you and me, John. Don't tell anyone in the hotel staff or else I will be fired from my job," she said giggling.

"Okay. I won't tell them. I won't report you, but you have to do a thing for me."

"What is it?"

"You're in bed right?" he asked.

"Yes, I am."

"Hmm, strip your clothes now, Catherine."

"Huh? Why would I do that?" he was bewildered by his order.

"Let's have a sex chat," he said in a serious tone.

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Catherine burst out laughing at the other end. "No way! Come fly tonight so that we can do the real thing, I will bring you to the 9th heaven," she teases him.

John laughed harder. "You are such a tease, my love! Wait until I got back. I will make you pay for teasing me!"

"I do miss you, John! Come back soon!" she said sweetly and seductively.

John was silent a bit trying to calm his throbbing manhood between his legs. "Come over here! I will have your plane ticket ready," he said in a husky passionate voice.

"Hmm, I can't. I have duties here and besides, I can't leave mother alone. Just come back soon, okay?"

"Okay my love, see you soon! You take of yourself. I love you so much!"

"Hug you, John. I love you! By for now. I need to go outside and resumed my duty. I will text you later before I will go home. Kiss you...Muahhh!"

She ended their conversation at her end.

She rose to her feet and exited the suite. She wondered why Sherry was absent today? She sent her a text message early in the morning after she called John. She has little recollection what happened last night, all she knows is that she got sleepy in the disco bar and the next time she opened her eyes she was already lying in her bed the next morning.

Yes, of course, she spent the rest of her night talking to John on her cell phone, he kept insisting her to go home early. Hmm, what else she remembers? Her mind was foggy and to avoid having a headache she just stops thinking of what happened last night, the important thing is that Jerome brought her home safe and sound.

She was checking her phone for Sherry's message while walking along the hallway towards the stairway that leads down to the fourth floor, she didn't see Mike watching her from afar.

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