Catherine and Sherry were having a conversation in the cafeteria during lunchtime.

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"What happened to you Sherry? Why you didn't report for work yesterday?"

Sherry just showed her a mysterious smile and continues chewing her food.

Catherine finds it odd that her friend is not saying anything this time.

"Hey, spill the details! What happens in the disco bar? I sleep through it," she said.

Sherry gave her a bright smile.

"Mark and me bonded well through the night and ended in bed entangled in each other arms." Sherry grinned remembering so well the moment Mark kissed her lips, unclasped her bra and discarded all her clothes and they have sex all night long. He was such a wonderful lover, very good in bed! She still got that dreamy lusty look in her eyes.

Catherine's eyes almost pop out from its socket. "Oh my God! I thought you had a crush with Jerome? Why you ended with Mark instead?"

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She still finds it hard to believe.

"You have a one night stand with Mark?" she continues bewildered.

Sherry stared at her amused. "Yeah. I don't usually behave like this with other guys but Mark is special. I think I'm falling fast...falling hard with Mark."

A smile of happiness burst out from Sherry's face still enamored with her new found love.

Catherine shook her head. "Awww, how romantic! So, what about Jerome?" she asked feeling sad all of a sudden.

"He is clearly unto yo. Besides I think Mark and I have something in common, we just really clicked as if we have known each other for a long time. He is a single dad and had a cute daughter. I am amazed and impressed that he was able to raise his daughter on his own. Such a wonderful man!" Sherry was all praises about Mark.

"Nice. You found love in the arms of a man you just meet. I am happy for you. How romantic indeed," she muses.

Sherry's cell phone beeps...She checked it right away with a wide smile on her face even before she read the messages. "It's a text message from Mark!" she giggled.

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Catherine looked at her friend with amusement in her eyes. She had never seen her looked so happy and blooming until today.

"I wish you good luck with your new found love, Sherry! Hope this one won't end in heartaches. I wish you two a happy long lasting relationship."

"Thanks, Cath! You know what? Everything in life is a gamble. You will never know the outcome of everything unless you try entering into a relationship and then just go with the flow. If Mark is my soulmate that yet remains to be seen. Our relationship is still too young, only time can tell if what we have right now will grow into a beautiful love story. But I'm open to everything. In the end, the outcome may not what we always wanted. Even though I was hurt before I already move on, I'm ready to love again, I'm more than ready to enter into a new relationship with Mark this time. I wanted to give our relationship a try. I want to see if it's worth in the end."

"Aren't you afraid you will get hurt again?" she asked her.

Sherry smiled and patted her friend's shoulder. "Getting hurt is part of the process of falling in love. Some married couple will get divorced and live separate lives down the road. Some will stay together until their golden days. Breakup among lovers happens all the time, no one is spared with it. You can only hold on to your feelings and keep the love alive if both parties will continue working on the same common goal but if one of you will let go and stop loving your partner then the pain will start destroying the love you had for each other. As I have said before, everything in life is a big gamble you will never know the outcome until everything falls into place."

Catherine was amazed by the deep of Sherry's wisdom about relationships with the opposite sex.

"Have you been hurt before, Catherine? As in you were in the situation when your boyfriend betrayed you, cheated on you and eventually break up with you, breaking your heart into tiny pieces? Have you experienced that?" asked Sherry.

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She shook her head. "No. John is my first love. We haven't broken up yet and he had never cheated on me yet. So, I have no idea how painful it is if he will cheat on me one day. But he loves me so much, he won't cheat on me am pretty sure of that!"

Sherry smiled. "My dear, it's rare to find a person who never experiences heartache in his or her lifetime. You're still young a lot of things will happen in your life and heartaches might be one of them. It's either one of you will cheat or betray or each other, hopefully not. In case you don't know, it is a general knowledge that if you enter into a relationship there is only two outcomes, happiness or pain."

Catherine pondered for a moment but she refused to acknowledge Sherry's word of wisdom that it's either John or she will betray each other. She got a chill just thinking about it. She won't betray John, she won't cheat on him, she was so sure of himself that she smiled at her friend in full confidence. "I won't cheat or betray John for sure!"

Sherry nodded her head. "Of course we are good girls, we don't hurt or betray our boyfriends, right?"

They smiled at each other...

Ten minutes later, they rose to their feet, exited the cafeteria and resumed their daily routine.

Catherine was pushing her trolley and was delivering essentials to the 5th floor when Mike called her and asked for extra tissue. She gave him the tissue and then left.

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Mike watched her retreating back with a longing in his eyes. He will be patiently waiting for the right time when his world and her world will collide, he will grab the chance to catch her during her fall. That is why he needs to be visible in the sideline for now.


That night in Dolingag province of Zamboanga Del Sur...

John was sprawled in his bed looking at Catherine's sexy photos, he missed her terribly!

Thirty minutes later he had fallen asleep while watching their sex video. That night he dreamed of her, they were swimming in the lake, Catherine was wearing her bikini showing him her hourglass body and him on his swimming trunks. They were frolicking in the lake enjoying each others company. She swam away from him and he swam after her.

When he catches up with her, he embraces her tight. He began kissing her lips, they shared a passionate kiss, then his mouth ventures lower to her neck showering her skin with light feathery kisses. His tongue finds it's way into her chest, he lowers her bra down and sucked at her nipple, licking each of the twin peaks, Catherine moaned in delight, she wrapped her arms around his head.

John's hands went lower and cupped her bikini bottom, then he starts kneading her core. She gasped with the hot sensation gripping her body. He lowered her bikini and right there in the middle of the sleepy lake he entered her several times. The lake was filled with their grunting, gasping, and nonstop moaning. Before the night is over, they reached the peak of their union five times. They looked at each other fully satisfied, happiness glowing on their faces.

That was just a dream...

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