Another aftershock shook the ground but it didn't deter the determination of the miners who are continue digging inside the tunnel, this time they no longer run outside for safety instead they pressed on forwards breaking new grounds and they went deeper and deeper into the collapsed tunnel with their common goal to reach the location of the trapped miners as fast as they can.

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Thankfully there is no more aftershock and earthquake in the next thirty minutes.


While in the trapped miners location...

Unfortunately, the soil was now up to the trapped miners' shoulder. They can almost smell death entering their nostrils. They looked at each other with despair and tears in their eyes.

"George, are you okay?" John asked his bodyguard.

"I'm already dead boss," whispered George in a low voice, he already resigned to his fate.

John closed his eyes and prepared himself for the worst.

They waited and waited for another aftershock or earthquake so that the torture will finally come to end. At this point in time they were already prepared to die, death is a better alternative than being continually tortured not knowing what will happen next...


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The breakthrough comes at 10:00 PM that night. The trapped miners heard the sound of the ventilation system being knocked softly by an object ten times as if the one who does it gave them a signal that they were approaching and the sounds are getting closer...

John and the miners stared at each other feeling a bit hopeful, yet they didn't give in to the hope completely afraid that they will only get disappointed again.

As the sounds of knocking were getting closer to their location they now dared to hope.

Five minutes had passed...

Ten Minutes...

Fifteen minutes...

Thirty minutes more...and the soil that blocked their vision that leads to the holding station near the entrance was slowly being parted bit by bit and soon enough they saw the first ten faces of the miners who are on the forefront holding their digging tools in front of them, the smile on their faces is priceless!

At last! Finally!

They found their comrades alive!

There were tears in their eyes.

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A loud shouting of extreme jubilation and happiness echoed from the inside and traveled fast into the entrance of the tunnel! Everyone is rejoicing!

Soon enough the first miner was being freed from the confinements of the soil, followed by another and another until all of them were slowly getting out of the tunnels entrance safely.

The Medical staff was on standby nearby...

They began checking the vital signs of the trapped miners. The check-up lasted for one hour. No one of the trapped miners was suffering from severe cut or injury, but some of them were now suffering from a traumatic disorder that needs trauma counseling.

John was being silent with the whole medical procedure, after Dahlia, this is the second worst experience of his life. He survived Dahlia's episode, he survives again this time.

The medical team gave the majority of the trapped miners a go signal to rest, while the five miners who suffered traumatic disorder will remain under observation until tomorrow.

Ramon already charged John's cell phone so that he and Catherine can have a talk.

"Boss you need something to eat?" he asked.

John nodded his head. "I want a cold soda I'm very thirsty!" he said.

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"How about you George?" asked Ramon to his fellow bodyguard.

"I want some rice and delicious fried chicken bro! I'm so hungry!" exclaimed George.

The relatives of the miners were finally notified that their loved ones were already rescued safe and sound and resting, they will be reunited with them soon after the medical check-up is done. There is great rejoicing at their end as they were being contained by the staff in the 2nd floor of the coal mining office building since day 1 of the tragedy. They were being held there so as not to cause disturbance during the search and rescue operation inside the tunnel.


Ramon gave John his cell phone.

"Please call her, Boss. She's been dying to hear from you. I haven't called her yet to tell her the good news. Just so you know, she is the one who suggested to send the rusty steel bars inside the ventilation system and attaching the pen and paper so that you can send messages outside, she was also the one who suggested that all miners will start digging at once and no one should rest because time is the essence during search and rescue operation. She has been browsing online regarding coal mining accidents just to contribute to the rescue operation. Your woman contributed a lot to this operation even if she was a thousand miles away," explained Ramon.

John was amazed by Catherine's resourcefulness. He called Catherine.

"Hello love...miss me?"

"OMG! You're alive!" Catherine shrieked into the phone 'coz she can't contain her happiness, then she starts sobbing.

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"Hey stop crying, am already rescued safe and sound!" he started laughing to cheer her up.

"You scared me to death, if that place is near I would jump right into the tunnel with you!" she sobbed.

"Lol, you shouldn't. It' okay for me to die, but you should live 'coz you are still too young to die," he said softly.

"I'm willing to die with you, John," she said her voice full of love and devotion.

"Hahaha, no one's going to die, Catherine. I still have to marry you. I love you so much, the thoughts of you keep me alive down there. I would also like to thank you for your idea regarding the pen and paper attached to the steel bar. It helps us tremendously to keep our morals high while being trapped in the deadly collapsed tunnel. And for suggesting to make all the workers work at once that was a brilliant move! You really are my savior, my angel! Thank you so much, love!"

Catherine laughed. "You have to pay me later with my services, John," she giggled.

"I will pay you a hundredfold when am back home, love," he grinned.

"I just want you to know that am very happy that you came out alive, John. I am waiting for you here. Rest well now and I will call you tomorrow. I love you so much. Kisss...muaahh!"

"I love you more, Cath. Take care and talk to you later. Bye."

Their conversation is a bit short but nonetheless it warms John's heart and filled his entire being with an extreme love for Catherine.

For the first time in the last 3 days, he finally able to breath fresh air again. See the trees, the mountains, feel the wind caressing his skin and was just being in the open space makes him appreciate life the more. It's his second chance of life! How many lives does he have that he continues to evade death? Maybe he was just lucky that today along with the miners their lives were extended a bit longer. He prayed in silent and Thank God in heaven for his second chance in life.

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