The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 110: 110

John declared that there will be no work in the next two days so that everybody can rest and enjoy some quality times with their family. He also invited all the miners along with their family and it's compulsory to attend the party that he was planning on the third day as a celebration and thanksgiving for the trapped miners rescue from untimely death, there will be a priest officiating a mass and later on foods and drinks will be serve to the attendees.

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He was also planning to give cash gifts to each of the 350 employees who work hard in his father's coal mining business. He will give a uniformed amount of cash gifts to each of them regardless of their ranks and superiority.

He just wants to see their smiling faces full of life...

He was so grateful for the new life that has been given to him so he will give something back in return to the people around him and to express his gratitude to God for giving him a second chance to live again.

Ten minutes later...

He was talking with Mr. Fajardo at the balcony on the 3rd floor of the coal mining headquarter.

"Mr. Fajardo...I want you to contact the Priest who will officiate the mass on this coming Thanksgiving event, then give me the list of food caterer near this area if they can accommodate more or less 360 people to feed this coming Saturday. We also need to rent chairs and tables for the occasion. I am planning to give each employee a cash gift..."

Mr. Fajardo's face shows worry. "Sir, I am afraid the funds we have right now is only good for the miners' salary and for other important business running operations. We can not afford to spend on another spur of the moment expenses..."

John looked at him the eye. "Worry not Mr. Fajardo, the money that will be used for the Saturday's event will come from my personal wallet and that also includes the cash gift. Just make sure all the employees will attend. Attendance is a must! No attendance no cash gifts!" he firmly said.

Mr. Fajardo's worry began to fade away. "Thank you, Sir. Anything else, Sir?"

John patted the old man's shoulder and released a smile.

"Regarding the future of this company, I would also like to tell you that I've changed my mind and after careful deliberation I have decided that I will let you continue to manage this coal mining business, but make sure no mistakes next time! In the next few days, we will have an extensive discussion on how to improve the safety of our men working in the tunnel underground. If we need to purchase modern machinery and equipment's to improve the efficiency, productivity and safety of our miners then we must do it."

"Thank you, Sir! Thank you so much for giving me another chance to continue running this business and rebuild my life," said Mr. Fajardo.

The way the old man's face brightened up with the good news only reinforces John that his decision is well justified. He only knew the deep meaning of second chances when he prayed earnestly to God while they were trapped underneath the tunnel, he asked and begged for his second chance of life and it was given not only to him but for the rest of the miners trapped beside him.

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"Okay, you can go now and make sure the events this Saturday will push through as planned without any mishap. Make it smooth and flawless! Can I expect the best this time from you---Mr. Fajardo?"

"Leave everything to me, Sir!" the old man answered energetically.

"Okay good! You can go now."

John was thinking what else is there to be prepared? He felt that there is something he missed! What is it?

He spent the entire afternoon staring at the branches of the trees and leaves swaying under the cool breezy afternoon and marveled at the majestic mountains looming far away. It's cool to be alive and out in the open, enjoying the gift of mother nature.

Then finally he knew what he missed!

He immediately called Reba.

"Good afternoon, Sir!" Reba greeted him.

"Listen, I want you to grant Catherine 3 days leave. I want her to come down here in Zamboanga Del Sur to visit me. You understand me, Reba?"

"Aye Sir, loud and clear!" replied Reba.

"That's all," he said.

"Okay.Bye Sir!"

He ended the call.

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John smiled at the thoughts of seeing Catherine again because he missed her so much. He called her right away feeling excited!

"John my love!" her voice breathless.

John smiled with happiness just hearing her voice.

"Catherine, what are you doing?"

"Me? I'm about to deliver essentials to the clients on the fourth floor, why?"

"I want to talk with you for a minute, can you get inside the presidential suite for a few minutes?" he asked.

"Why? Is it important?" she asked feeling tensed.

"Just go in there in first. I will tell you what am thinking right now, please?"

"Okay. I'm going in there now. I will call you if am already inside the suite."

"I will be waiting for your call love," he said.

Catherine put her phone back into her pants pocket. She entered the elevator and pressed the 5th-floor button. She exited the elevator and pushed her trolley down the hall. She saw Mike getting out of suite #3.

Their eyes meet.

"Hey beauty, can you gave me two more bottled water because I'm running out of it?" he said smiling at her.

"Yes, Sir!" Catherine picked up two bottled water from the trolley and gave it to him.

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"Thanks, beauty, see you around!"

"You're welcome, Sir! have a nice day!" she said.

Mike replied her with a broad smile of his own and went back inside the suite.

Catherine continues pushing her trolley and entered the suite #1. Once inside, she sat down on the fluffy sofa and called John.

"John, I'm here now inside the suite. What is it?"

"I want you to file 3 days leave from your work. I want you to come over here and visit me. I will get your round trip plane ticket ready. I want you to be here by Friday night," he said excitedly.

Catherine's brows furrowed. "It's not that I don't want to go and visit you, but in case you had forgotten I just recently filed 3 days leave during our canceled wedding. The management might not grant me another leave too soon," she said.

"Just try asking for a leave. There's no harm in trying, okay? Please do it for me, I really wanted you to be here with me," his tone was persuasive.

"Okay. I will try asking but I can't guarantee you anything."

"Call me as soon you are already given a go signal so that I can prepare your round trip ticket, Cath," said John.

"Ok, I will call you later, John. I love you!"

"Love you too, Cath!"

Their talk ended.

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Catherine went out of the suite, continued her rounds on the fourth floor and then parked her trolley in the stock room. She walked heading to Ma'am Reba's office.

Reba watched the girl entered her office.

"Good afternoon, Ma'am."

"Catherine, what is it?"

"Ma'am, can I file 3 days leave starting this Friday?"

"Okay, no problem. Just file a leave and enjoy!" said Reba grinning.

"Thank you so much, Ma'am!"

"You can go now." Reba dismissed her.

"...and don't forget to bring many condoms!" she added maliciously.

Catherine blushed from head to toe. How did she know? She gets out of the room fast not even bothering to look back at Ma'am Reba.

While walking in the hallway, she called John smiling.

"They granted me the 3 days leave!" she said feeling excited.

"That's good, now we're settled I will fetch you from the airport this Friday afternoon, Cath."

The lovers talked merrily for the next ten minutes feeling excited to see each other again.

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