While in Zamboanga Del Sur...

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John and Catherine were having a picnic in the lake that night, they grilled pork and chicken in the grill. They already brought cooked rice with them.

They were having fun cooking their dinner.

They also made a bonfire and it's glowing brightly illuminating their happy and loved up faces.

A few minutes later the grilled pork and chicken was already cooked to their satisfaction. They gathered their foods and starts eating in front of the bonfire.

John walked towards the tent to get a bottled soda from the cooler. They sipped their frizzy drinks while watching the mesmerizing fire emanating from the bonfire.

"You will now go home tomorrow, hope you enjoyed your stay with me here, Cath," he said softly while caressing her thighs sending shivers throughout her body.

"aaahhh," she moaned.

He chuckled and gathered her in his arms.

"I really enjoyed my short stay here with you John, much better if you can go back home, this place although beautiful and peaceful it's too far away," she said feeling a bit sad for their impending parting again.

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"Don't worry, Catherine. I will leave this place after one week. I can finally return back to my place in Makati City."

She edges deeper into his loving embrace seeking his warmth.

"I will surprise you in the hotel after am back, okay?" he murmured running sweet kisses on her neck.

" ahhh...," she moaned again loving the texture of his intoxicating lips.

"You don't want to go swimming?" he asked.

"No. Let's just cuddle here in front of the bonfire," she answered.

She giggled hysterically when he began tickling her sides.

A few moments later, they stood up and starts cleaning their plates and utensils. Done with the cleaning, Catherine wants to cuddle some more, so they sat again in front of the bonfire.

A few moments later the rain starts falling, they scrambled to their feet and run towards the tent. John stumbled on top of Catherine inside the tent.

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Their eyes meet, sparks of desire start flying from their eyes...

John runs his hands on her shapely legs, caressing both legs with light feathery touches. His hands caress the inside of her legs near her core.

" ahhhh..." Catherine moaned.

He shifted on top of her positioning his pelvis into hers. He claimed her willing mouth and they kissed each other with so much intensity. Their passionate kiss lasted for a few minutes while his hands busy roaming around her body, pinching, kneading body parts that his fingers came in contact with.

John tore his lips away from her mouth, his tongue lowers down showering her neck with kisses, then his mouth went down to her cleavage, he gets rid of her blouse and then unclasped her bra. He began licking her breast, sucking and kneading bringing her nipples to an erection.

"aaaaahhh...Johnnn..." she moaned and hold on to his head, burying her fingers into his hair.

John's hand traveled down into the zipper of her denim shorts, he massaged her crotch, then lowered her denim shorts, he surveyed her panties encrusted crotch already drooling. He immediately gets rid of his shirt and cargo shorts but left his briefs on to cover his hardened shaft. He parted her legs and wrapped it around his hips. His hard arousal beneath his underwear came in contact with her flimsy panties. He poked his stiff rod into her core, eliciting a moan from Catherine's lips.

"ohhh...ahhh..." she moaned biting her lower lip.

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Loving her reaction, John starts rubbing his arousal on the surface of her panties, teasing her tormenting her...

"Love it Cath?" he said smirking.

"Yesssssss...more please..." she said in a sultry voice.

John chuckled amused.

"Then I will bang you some more...," he naughtily whispered in her ears.

John can almost feel his erection started to come out of his briefs. It becomes so hard and stiff he can no longer hold on, but he wants to torture Catherine a bit, he likes it when she begs...

"John now pleaseeeee..."

"What is it love, I can't hear you?"

"Enter me now, now pleaseeee..."

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"Ah, so you want panties down now?" he teased her a bit more.

Sensing that he was teasing her, her fingers came down inside his underwear and grabs at his erection.

The moment her fingers wrapped around his erection, all hell breaks loose...

John get rid of her flimsy panties and let Catherine guide his erection inside her core.

"ahhhh...heaven!" muttered John.

As soon as their bodies become one the desire and passion they felt for each other sends them into a euphoric mind shattering bliss.

She wrapped her arms on his chiseled body, digging her nails into his back. As her body was being racked violently with an intense sensation of desire numbing her senses as he kept banging her inside to reach her G-spot.

He pumped inside her harderrr, fasterrr as seconds passes by he felt that his orgasm was just around the corner. When they reached their climax together it drained all their strength. They hugged each other still breathing hard...and slowly their breathing returns to normal.

John covered their naked bodies with a blanket. He kissed her forehead tenderly.

Soon they fall asleep soundly throughout the night.

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