Three days leave was over and Catherine was now back in Cavite City.

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When she entered their house her mother and her younger siblings were watching TV.

"Hello everyone I'm back!" she kissed Jacob and Lily's cheek including her mother. She gave them some goodies and sweet delicacies from Zamboanga Del Sur, courtesy of John.

The kids got busy rummaging through the contents of the shopping bag and their innocent faces shrieked in delight while began devouring the sweet delicacies...

"Too sweet...," said Jacob.

"Yummmy...!" giggled Lily.

While the children's faces were so engrossed munching on the sweets however their mother snubbed the delicacy as if they don't exist.

Thelma focused her eyes on the TV show that she was watching.

Catherine noticed that her mother ignored the delicacies she brought with her.

"Mother, why you're not eating?" she asked why and it bothered her.

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"All these are from John, right?" Thelma asked in a cold voice.

Catherine's face turned pale. Oh my God! How did her mother know that she spent her 3 days leave with John? W-who told her?

Thelma threw her a disgusting look. "You spent 3 days with that guy in Zamboanga Del Sur? Is that how a single woman behaves?" she chastised her daughter's loose behavior.

Catherine was now in total shocked.

Afraid that her younger siblings will notice the quarrel brewing between adults, she quickly turned around and entered her room. She didn't lock the door 'coz she was anticipating her mother would follow her and she was right, Thelma followed her inside exhibiting a furious face.

"You are really a shameless woman Catherine! Ever since you meet that John you are now turning into a whore!"

"Mother, it's not that---"

"What? You will tell me lies that you and that guy are just playing solitaire with cards all night long? Don't give me that bullshit alibi! I might not be the wisest being alive but I know what happens if you spent 3 nights with a man alone!"

Catherine's face turned guilty. Of course, she and John were a sexually active couple and they have this great insane physical attraction towards each other, they can't stay in one room just staring at each other without doing anything related to sex, they always end up getting rid of each others clothes and make love all night long exploring their body parts that gives them unlimited pleasure.

Thelma glared at her daughter.

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"That...look in your face Catherine! It tells me you are guilty! My God you really are turning into a sex slave of that rapist John! He groomed you so that you are a willing participant to do anything on his bidding!"

Catherine was about to cry. "That is not true mother! John loves me so much and he is willing to marry me! But you ruined it when you collapsed and taken into the hospital. You ruined my wedding mother! You ruined my happiness!" she said aloud in her face, unable to control her feelings.

"How dare you to accused me of that!?" Thelma's right hand delivered a quick slap on her daughter's face.

Catherine was astounded, she caresses the area of her face where her mother's hand landed to lessen the pain.

"I didn't plan my collapsed! It happens because you filled my heart with worries and anger. If you didn't proceed with that wedding my incident won't happen! It's all your fault! You become a stubborn child after you met that man! That is why I could never forgive him. He turned you into a whore and a stubborn daughter!"

"That is not true, Mother! John is a kind person, his only fault is falling in love with me." Catherine defended the man he loves.

Thelma's eyes were now throwing daggers at her daughter.

"All the while am thinking you broke up with John after your wedding didn't push through, now I know am wrong. You still keep seeing him behind my back. You fooled me, Catherine!"

Catherine fought her tears from falling.

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"Mother, whether you like it or not, we will re-schedule the wedding after three months," she said in a firm voice.

She didn't know that she just chose John over her very own mother with her statement.

Thelma was dumbfounded, she looked at her daughter as if a bucket of cold ice was being thrown above her head. She got misty-eyed all of a sudden. Her daughter finally chooses that man over her. She can't understand why John was able to take a firm grasp on her daughter's heart too soon and too fast!

She sighed and sat down on the bed making sure her voice was now mellow.

"Catherine, can't you see that John has been corrupting your morals since the day you meet him? I don't care if there is love involved, but your beginning with him is wrong in so many ways as a mother I can't tolerate that. If you want to get married, choose Jerome instead he is the ideal guy for you, he is perfect in so many ways for you," she blatantly endorsed Jerome as her candidate as a husband for her daughter.

"Being a mother I only want what's best for you. One day you will realize mother is always right. I see things that you younger people don't see. Your union with John will be full of thorns, falling in love with him will bring you both unbearable pain in the long run. Just trust me on this one. I know what am talking about. Mother's instinct is always right."

Catherine ignored her mother's prophecy about pain if she continues loving John. All she cares about is the happiness she experienced with John if they're together.

"I don't love Jerome, Mother! He is just a friend and more like a brother to me. I won't marry him, period!" she said, hoping that her mother will understand that marriage without love rarely works.

Silence enveloped them for a moment.

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Catherine wondered who told her mother about her vacation to Zamboanga Del Sur? The only person who knew about it is Sherry? But her mother and Sherry have no communication and they haven't met each other yet. How about Jerome?

"Mother, since when the last time you see Jerome?"

"He was here last night," answered Thelma.

Catherine had an idea who told her mother the truth, probably Jerome texted Sherry and the rest is history.

Thelma rose to her feet about to go out of the room but first, she needs to ask her daughter one last question.

"Tell me, Catherine, you still insist on marrying John and continue your relationship with him even if it's against my will?"

Catherine looked into her mother's eyes. "Yes, Mother and nothing can change my decision."

Thelma released a deep sigh and get out of the room quickly, the atmosphere around them starts suffocating her. She walked to the kitchen area and drink a glass of water. Since her daughter is so strong-willed and no longer listens to her she has no choice but to join forces with Jerome. Catherine might hate her at first but eventually she will learn to forgive her as days goes by.

Inside Catherine's room...

She has decided to go along in re-scheduling the wedding in much earlier date, within two months time. Then she will live with John and have Caroline her twin sister stay with her mother and siblings. She will just give them a monthly allowance for foods and visit them regularly. It's clear now that John and her mother cannot live under one roof. It's the best arrangement for them all.

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