"OMG! You're back!" Sherry hugged Catherine tight as if they have not seen each other for a long time.

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"I'm gone for only 3 days and you have already missed me? Where is Mark? Isn't he keeping you company?" Catherine said joking.

"Well, we're good but I missed you my friend 'coz it's too lonely eating in the cafeteria alone and I have no one to giggle with when I got a sweet text message from Mark," said Sherry.

Catherine laughed broadly. "Crazy girl! You are so crazy in love with that boyfriend of yours I feel like you were gone back to your high school days," she tickled her sides.

Sherry tickled her back and they ended up laughing at each other in the hallway.

Mike was watching them from afar, when the girls were already out of sight he went back inside his suite.


Inside the cafeteria, the girls were whispering at each other ears and they would burst out giggling all of a sudden.

"So, tell me more. How you and John spend each others time?" pressed Sherry, excited to hear some juicy details. "Spill!"

Catherine smiled coyly, remembering too well the countless erotic moments she and John shared together in the lake.

"Well, what is exactly you have in your mind right now, that's it!" she grinned, she doesn't want to go on with the details 'coz it's too private.

Sherry looked at her face closely. "John must be really a skilled lover because you are blooming dear!"

"Mark must be really a romantic lover because you also looked the same, Sherry!" she retorted back. They ended giggling at each other.

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"By the way, where's my delicacy from Zamboanga Del Sur?" asked Sherry.

"Oh, sorry friend but I forgotten it in my house don't worry I will bring it tomorrow."

"Okay. Thanks in advance!" said Sherry.

They finished eating their lunch and then resumed their respective duties in the hotel.

Catherine pushed her trolley in the hallway of the 5th floor. She went passed suite#3 to deliver an essential to suite# 4 and 5.

Done delivering the requested essentials, she was about to go back to the elevator, but she heard her name being called.

"Pssst! Beauty, come over here please..."

She turned around to see Mike waving at her. She pushed her trolley back to suite#3.

"What is it Sir Mike?" she asked politely.

"I would like to request my bed sheet to be replaced with a fresh new one. Can you please do it for me?" he asked.

"No problem, Sir. I would ask someone on the 4th floor to replace your bed sheet."

"Okay. I will wait for it. Thank you beauty!" he smiled at her showing white even teeth.

He really is a handsome guy! she thought to herself. His good looks intensify every time he would smile broadly.

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Catherine pushed her trolley back in the hallway and entered the elevator.

When she went down to the stock room, she can't find anyone to replace Mike's bed sheet since two housekeepers were absent today, they have a shortage of workers.

She has no choice but to do it herself. She went back to the 5th floor and knocked at suite #3 with the clean bed sheet along with a clean pillow and blanket in her trolley.

Mike smiled at her and open the door wide for her to enter. She hesitated to enter at first remembering a long time ago that he locked the door trapping her inside.

Mike saw the hesitation in her eyes.

"Hey, come inside Catherine. Don't worry I won't lock the door this time. I thought you have already forgotten about it," he said.

To demonstrate that he was sincere with his statement he gave her the key to the door and to make it more effective he leaves the door wide open and sat down on the chair in front of the mirror far away from the bed.

Catherine sighed deeply. She walked towards the bed, she took out the old sheet and then replaced it with the new ones including the pillows.

Mike was watching her under his hooded eyes. He really finds it pleasant watching her doing such a simple housekeeping activity. As if the mere presence of her in his room brings forth a thousand sunshine enveloping his senses making him feel good.

Done replacing the bed sheet, she scooped the dirty bed sheets in the floor and dumped it all back in the trolley.

"I'm done Sir Mike," she said. She went out of the door and pushed the trolley forward towards the elevator area.

"Thanks, beauty!"

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"You're welcome Sir," she replied back.

She was near the elevator when Mike called her back.

"Beauty wait! Give me back my key!" he walked towards her.

She halted on her tracks and wait for him to catch up with her.

When he was in front of her, she immediately dropped the key in his palm, but Mike deliberately open his fingers too wide and the key slipped and fell into the floor.

They both bend down towards the floor to retrieve the key and ended up knocking each other's head in the process.

"Ouch!" yelped Catherine. She touches the part of her head where it collided with his.

"Are you hurt beauty? I'm so sorry!" he asked and uttered an apology and went as far as checking out if she hurt her head.

"Am okay, Sir Mike," she said avoiding his touch.

"But am worried about you. I will bring you to the clinic or the hospital to check if you got a bruise or cut," he said worriedly at her.

Just hearing about hospital she burst out laughing at his silly suggestion as if she was bleeding heavily.

"I'm okay really. No big deal. The pain is already gone," she said.

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He was thoroughly mesmerized with her beauty and her laughter was like a music box to his ears.

"Are you sure you don't want to be taken to the hospital for check up?" he asked.

"Yes. I'm perfectly alright. I will go in now, Sir Mike." She entered the elevator without looking back at him.

When the elevator door was already shut off, Mike picked up the key from the floor and strolled back towards his suite whistling, a wide smile plastered on his face.


When the clock strikes at 5:00 PM, Catherine went inside the comfort room and get rid of her hotel uniform, folded it neatly and stuffed it inside her shoulder bag.

She waited in the hotel lobby for Sherry. She didn't wait for long 'coz she appeared in front of her smiling.

"Shall we go now?" asked Sherry.

"Wait. Can you please sit down for a minute. I have something to ask you, did Jerome texted you asking where I am going with my 3 days leave?"

Sherry nodded her head. "Yes. I told him the truth. Why?"

Catherine shook her head, deep inside she was getting angry with Jerome. "Nothing, just asking. Let's go now, Sherry."

The girls' exited the hotel's premises and went home their separate ways.


That night Catherine was furious, she can't wait to confront Jerome why he told her mother of the truth about her 3 days leave. He has no right to meddle with her affairs! He is getting annoying! Time to put him in his rightful place!

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