The CEO's Painted Skin

Chapter 118: 118

Jerome arrived early at Catherine's house. He teaches Thelma how to mixed the odorless and colorless drugs tablet into any form of liquid. Jerome brought a cola from the store nearby and dropped the drugs tablet into the cola and closed the lid back. Next, he also filled the pitcher of water with the drugs.

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Done with mixing the drinks and the drugs Jerome went back to the wooden bench and watch television.

"Anytime from now, Catherine will finally be here. I will go out of the house to take care of the kids so that they won't enter the house," said Thelma.

Jerome nodded. "Thanks, Auntie Thelma. I will just wait for Catherine here," he replied in an excited voice.

The older woman got out of the house to find her children around the neighborhood.

Jerome can't contain his excitement, he scanned the cola and the pitcher of water mixed with drugs and grinned from ear to ear.

While the television was playing, his mind was also busy undressing Catherine in his mind. He would start by getting rid of her clothes, then he would kiss her neck, then down to her breast. He would spend a considerable amount of time sucking and kneading her breast.

Getting turn on with the erotic visuals that is playing in his mind, his right hand went down to the hem of his jeans, unzip the zipper and cupped his growing erection. He quickly covers his pelvis with his backpack and fondled at his erection, masturbating in front of the TV.

He continues masturbating on himself until he come.

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Done with the dead, he zipped his jeans back. He wipes the sweats on his forehead with his face towel and began calming himself.

He focused his attention back to the television show.

Fifteen minutes later Catherine entered the door...

Catherine's face grew dark upon seeing Jerome inside their house.

Jerome smiled sweetly at her. 'Hi Cath!" he greeted her with adoration in his eyes.

Catherine didn't smile at him. Instead, she sat on the bench and looked at him in the eyes.

"Why you told my mother that I went to Zamboanga Del Sur to spend time with John!?" she confronted him right away. Her anger was showing in her face.

Jerome blinked twice unprepared for her outburst. "I'm sorry, I didn't know that you lied to your mother. If only I know that you gave Auntie Thelma other reason, then I should have kept my mouth shut." He was playing innocent.

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"You really shouldn't meddle with my affairs, Jerome! I hate it if you keep doing that! Stay out of my life, you only make my life complicated!" she continues her rants.

Jerome's head was downcast. "I'm sorry, Cath. I won't do it again, promised!" he said feeling agitated inside.

"Yes. You won't do it again because from now on, you are no longer allowed to enter our house! Get out! Stay away from me, Jerome! You just destroyed our friendship!" she yelled at him.

Jerome looked at her with pleading eyes. "Why can't you learn to love me, Catherine? Why John? Why not me? What is it that he had that I don't have? You broke my heart when I discovered that you spend 3 days with him in a faraway place. So, did you made sex over and over again for 3 days straight?" his voice was coated with jealousy.

She released a deep sigh of frustration. "It's none of your business if I and my boyfriend engage in sex! For Christ sake, Jerome! I am not your girlfriend! Stop feeling jealous!"

Jerome was about to caress her cheeks.

"Don't touch me!" she shouted menacingly at him.

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Realizing that he was turning deaf ears to her reasons, Catherine rose to her feet and entered her room, closing the door behind her with a loud bang!

Jerome was left alone in the living room shaken. Now his only hope is for her to get out of her room and drink the water or the soda with drugs on it, he will wait patiently for her to do that, even if he would wait the whole night so be it!

Tonight before the night is over, Catherine will become his woman!

'Let see Catherine, if you can still shout at me if we are already both naked and I already entered you and licked every inch of your body, you might be begging for me to marry you!' he muttered to himself feeling the anger starting to rise inside him.

Jerome's face was now turning into a cold hard granite.

Fifteen minutes later...

Catherine went out of her room and entered the toilet.

When she went out of the toilet, she saw Jerome still sitting on the wooden bench.

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Her blood boil again!

"Why are you still sitting there Jerome? Did I told you earlier to go home and never come back again!?" she asked her temper rising again.

Jerome looked at her with puppy eyes. "Please, don't ban me from visiting your mother and your siblings here, Cath. You knew that when I am around with your family my homesickness lessened. I treated Auntie Thelma as my own mother and your siblings as my own brother and sister."

Catherine's angry looked softened a bit. True, Jerome and her family bonded so well and Jerome was like a family to her. But he was getting too far in meddling with her affairs to the point of making her and her mother fight.

"I'm sorry Jerome but you know very well that I can't enter a relationship with you because I already had a boyfriend that I love so much, please understand that!"

Shaking her head, she entered her room not bothering to drink any of the cola or water.

Jerome waited patiently disappointed that she didn't drink water or soda.

Maybe she will get thirsty later...

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