Allan was staring at Catherine's rented house. He saw Thelma and the kids in the nearby store. He also saw Jerome inside the house watching TV alone. Earlier he saw Catherine talking to Jerome and then left.

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The window is wide open, the curtain was parted in the middle of the window, and the door was open. He can see clearly who's inside while pretending to pass by.

He knew that the house only has one room, Catherine must have been in her room right now while Jerome was watching television alone. He continues walking back and forth in the street listening to music on his headphone while glancing at the house every now and then.

All of a sudden he received a call...coming from John!

"Sir, good evening!"

"Allan, what is the situation there at Catherine's house?" asked John.

"I see Jerome inside her house. Jerome and Catherine were talking a bit earlier but I can no longer see Catherine maybe she was already in her room resting. Right now, I only see Jerome sitting alone watching television," explained Allan.

"That Jerome guy is really not giving up in pursuing Catherine!" John's voice got an angry tone to it. "Where are Catherine's mother and her siblings?"

"They are outside the house, currently in front of the store nearby. Thelma seems to be talking to her lady friend," replied Allan.

"Okay. Just continue observing him and report to me any suspicious activity that you will notice in that Jerome guy! I don't trust that guy around Catherine, he might do something bad on her later. We have no idea what he is thinking and planning. Call me if he already goes home. Remember, do not go home unless you see that guy get out of Catherine's house! You hear me, Allan?"

"Yes, Boss! I heard you loud and clear!"

Their communication ended.

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Allan continues to monitor the house.

He approached the street vendor in front of Catherine's house and pretended to buy a pork barbecue from the vendor. He also ordered a bowl of rice and cola he might as well eat his dinner while doing his spying. He sat on the chair waiting for his pork barbecue being grilled while his eyes regularly scanned Catherine's house.

He was also watching Thelma still talking animatedly with her lady friend in the nearby store. Catherine's mother really trusted Jerome 100% because she just leaves her daughter inside her house with a guy. Not really thinking if the guy would take advantage of her daughter, which was kind of odd and appears suspicious to him.


In Zamboanga Del Sur...

John was lying in his bed swiping at his phone to call Catherine. He didn't wait for long 'coz she answered his call right away.

"Hello my love...," she said.

"Cath, are you home now?" he asked.

" currently lying in my bed, a few minutes from now I will be going to sleep."

"Where's your mother and your siblings?"

"They are outside the house, my mother is talking to her friend in the store nearby. Jerome is here. I confronted him earlier why he told my mother that I spend my 3 days leave with you in Zamboanga Del Sur. Mother got angry at me and slapped my face hard yesterday upon discovering that I lied to her about my 3 days leave. My mother and I got into a heated argument yesterday because of Jerome."

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"Huh? How did he know?"

"He asked Sherry and my friend told him the truth. Jerome knew and the rest is history."

"That is why I told you to stay away from your friends!" his voice turned cold.

Catherine sighed.

"Please, leave Sherry out of this, my friend is innocent!" she said in an exasperated voice. She was not in the mood for an argument with John, 'coz she already had a heated argument with Jerome earlier. She just wants to rest and sleep early.

"Where is that guy Jerome right now?"

"He was still sitting on the bench watching television," she replied.

"Huh? Why is he not going home yet? What is he waiting for-?"

"I already told him to go home but he won't, maybe he was waiting for my mother to come home then he will go home," she said.

"Is he planning to sleep in your house? It's already 9:00 o'clock! Send him away!"

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She rolled her eyes. "Okay. I will."

"Call me later after he's already out of your house. I don't trust that guy around you! I felt that he was just waiting for the perfect opportunity to do something bad to you. Don't ignore my warning, okay?"

"Yes, John. Besides I no longer go out alone with him. He would be really stupid to do something bad here in our house since my mother and siblings will come in any second. I still trust Jerome and consider his as a trusted friend, I'm sure he won't do something stupid to me."

John sighed on the other end not liking her last statement. "The only guy you will trust Catherine is me. Remember that!"

"Okay. I will call you later. I love you, John."

"I love you Cath..."

"Don't forget to call me before you sleep!" he reminded her once more.

"Okay," she answered and ended their call.


Outside the house...

Allan was done eating his dinner. He rose to his feet and walked towards the nearest store to buy cigarettes. He scanned the house, Jerome was still sitting in front of the television.

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He proceeds walking to the nearest store.


Back inside Catherine's room...

She stood up and exited her room, she saw Jerome out of the corner of her eyes, she went to the table where the cola and the pitcher of water were placed, she was feeling thirsty all of a sudden...

She was hesitating what to drink...cola or water? She took a glass and poured the soda on it and drink it right in front of Jerome's watchful eyes...she finished the soda and poured some more into the glass...

Catherine didn't see the smirk on Jerome's eyes and the devilish look he was throwing at her.

"You should go home now Jerome! It's getting late already!"

"Yes, I will just finish this show am watching, I will go home after this," he replied.

She put her glass on the sink and went back to her room feeling sleepy, she climbs into her bed and lay down immediately and closed her eyes, she had forgotten to lock the door due to the heavy sleepiness sweeping throughout her body.

In just a matter of seconds, she was sleeping soundly.

Her breathing steady.

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