Jerome grinned from ear to ear...

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Tonight is the night he can finally own Catherine's body, all of her! He was waiting and dreaming for this moment for a long time! It's finally happening! He increased the volume of the television louder and walked towards the window and closed it, he unties the curtain and spreads it out to cover the whole window. He also closed the door and locked it from the inside.

Done with everything...he went inside the toilet and relieved himself.

He was feeling energize and excited!

Tonight is the night he will get laid for the first time and he will enjoy it for sure with the woman he loves.

He walked towards her room and push the door a little bit to see what she was doing...he grinned devilishly upon seeing her passed out in the bed.

He pushed the door wide open and get inside the room quickly and locked it from the inside. He went to her side and caresses her cheeks with his fingers. She was not moving! She is as good as dead. Even when he skimmed his fingers all over her body she didn't move a bit...

"Ah, Catherine, tonight I can finally have you as my woman when you wake up tomorrow it will be my face you will see first thing in the morning and you will be shocked to see us both naked and entangled on each other's limbs. Tonight I will empty all my seeds inside you so that you will get pregnant as soon as possible with our daughter that exactly looks like you!"

He laughed again feeling triumphant, if only he knows that it was this easy, he should have done it a long time ago!

He dropped his backpack on the floor and took off his t-shirt, then next his jeans and with just his underwear covering his genital he climbs into the bed drooling at her body, he then spreads her legs wide, he shifted on top of her, the moment her softness collide with the hardness of his body, Jerome feels the shot of desire gripping his entire being. He suddenly got a boner down there!

"Ahhh, Catherine, I finally have a chance to embrace you like this!" he starts kissing her neck.

He strokes the surface of her denim shorts and cupped her crotch still covered with her shorts..."'re so fucking hot!" he groaned.

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He positioned his erection above her denim-clad pelvis and grind at her center, he wrapped her legs on his hips and continues grinding on her like mad!

The tiny bed was creaking with his every thrust...her body was moving along with his rhythm. Yet her eyes were closed.

God, the feeling he felt right now was like entering the seventh heaven! What more if he can finally get inside her?

But he still wants to enjoy grinding on her softness, teasing and denying himself...he will enter her later... for now grinding on her softness covered with her shorts gives him a tantalizing tormenting pleasure. He will take his time slowly, he has the whole night to enjoy her.


Outside the house...

Jerome saw the door of the house already closed and the window shuts off and curtains down, this is a red flag!

He suddenly feels something wrong is going on inside!

He walked towards the house in big stride...planning to knock at the door until Jerome gets out.

A woman was also approaching the house, he saw Caroline heading to the house as well.

He retraced back.

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Inside Catherine's room...

Jerome was now feeling so totally aroused and his erection is getting stiffer and heavier! He felt like he will explode now! He wants to explode inside her! He was about to tear off her panties but he heard a knock on the door, his hands halted midair when the knocking didn't stop and he heard a woman's voice calling 'Mother' that must be Catherine's sister!

F*ck! F*ck!


He immediately jumped out of the bed and in just a matter of seconds, he manages to put all his clothes back on his body. Next, he buttoned up Catherine's blouse and zipped back her denim shorts. He took the blanket and covered her entire body with it. After inspecting that everything is okay inside the room, he picked up his backpack and get out of the room in a hurry.

The knocking intensifies...

F*ck! he swore profanities under his breath.

He went to the kitchen in big strides and emptied the soda and the pitcher of water down the sink.

Then he sits down on the chair...the knocking stopped...

Caroline must have left already but she may return anytime...he thought to himself.


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Allan halted in his tracks and observed Caroline, he saw her walking far away from the door heading to the store looking for her mother's whereabouts.

He continues observing the house...

Then he saw the window opens slightly as if the person inside was checking out who was outside the door...

Then the window was shut off again.


Seeing that no one is outside, Jerome is planning to continue where he left off and was walking back towards Catherine's room...

But he hears another knocking on the door...

Fuck! Who is it again this time? he swore again.

When he opened the door...

He saw a man wearing a cap...half of his face is hidden by the cap that covered his head.

"What is it?" he growled at the man, feeling angry that he was interrupting him.

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"I want to buy ice water, do you sell ice water here?" the stranger asked.

"F*ck man, are you blind? We don't sell ice water here! Did you see that ice water advertisement there, go over there! You idiot!" Jerome wanting to smack the man's head with his backpack but manages to control his raging temper at the last minute.

Feeling angry for all the interruptions, he slammed the door shut on the stranger's face.

Fifteen seconds later he opened the window and took a peek outside, the stranger went to the direction of the house who sells ice water. Realizing that it would be now impossible to continue what he wants with Catherine, he decided to just abandon his plan and go home then return again the next day...

He exited the door and closed it behind him.

He walked towards the store where Thelma was busy talking to her lady friend. Caroline was standing beside her mother.

He walked past in front of them, Thelma saw him walked passed them...

Their eyes met...

He continues walking without saying anything...


Allan saw with his own two eyes how Jerome walked out of the door stealthy like a thief in the night.

He knew Jerome was up for something! His body language says it all!

This is not good!

Catherine is always in danger when this guy is around her. He must be more vigilant from now on.

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