Catherine woke up feeling groggy in the morning, the last thing she remembered she lay down on her bed feeling so sleepy and she has no recollection what time Jerome go home last night. She drags herself out of her room.

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She went into the kitchen and took a cup, opened the 3 in 1 coffee sachet...

A few moments later she was already sipping her coffee.

Thelma watches her daughter feeling guilty.

"Mother, what time did Jerome go home last night? I fall asleep early last night," she Catherine.

"He went home when we were about to go to sleep," the older woman lied.

The truth is Thelma have no idea what happened last night. But she had a feeling that Jerome didn't succeed because the plan was for him to sleep inside her daughter's room until morning, but he went home last night wearing a grumpy face.

She doesn't know if she should feel relieved or worried. The guilt became so heavy in her heart to carry on. She will tell Jerome that she no longer supports his evil intentions.

But if her daughter will continue seeing John and got pregnant with John's child then what will be her reaction?

Thelma was now feeling conflicted inside, hesitating between helping Jerome with his plan or stop aiding him for good. Tonight she will decide if she sees Jerome again.

Done sipping her coffee, Catherine went back to her room and prepared her work uniform.

A moment later she was already seated in front of the table eating scrambled egg, pork chop, and rice for her breakfast.

She went back to her room.

Done dressing up for work she rushed out of the door to go to work.


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In the Hotel...

Catherine just finished with her routine on the 4th floor, she went to the 5th floor to clean the suite #1.

When she was about to insert the key to the door, she heard footsteps approaching her from behind. She turned around to see a gorgeous Mike...smiling at her.

"Hi beauty, can you pleased changed my bed sheets again? I spilled some coffee on it. Here's the key to my suite, take care of it! I will go downstairs to eat breakfast. Hope when am back I already have a clean bed sheet. See yeah later beauty!" He dropped the key in her hands and walked towards the elevator.

Catherine sighed. She was thinking of assigning the task to another housekeeper but if there are some valuable things inside the suite and will get missing she was afraid the whole blame will fall upon her since she was the one Mike requested assistance with.

She will just do it herself, anyways it won't take that long to replace a bed sheet. She will finish replacing Mike's bed sheet first before resuming to clean the suit#1. She entered the elevator and pressed button #4.

After getting a new fresh bed sheet from the stockroom, she returned to Mike's suite and immediately finished the task he requested from her.

She finished just in time, Mike was now back from eating his breakfast. He brought with him a companion, the same good looking guy she had seen with him before.

"Am done, Sir Mike!" she gave him the key and exited the suite pushing her trolley towards suite#1.

"Thank's beauty!" he shouted after her.

Turning her head slightly at his direction, she replied. "You're welcome, Sir!" and proceeds her way.

She manages to clean the suite within twenty minutes time and exited the room heading to the 4th floor for lunchtime in the cafeteria with Sherry.


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In the cafeteria...

"Cath, there's a newly opened Cafe nearby! Let's go there!" said Sherry.


"Just around the corner of the hotel, on the 2nd street. It's just a walking distance from here. They have a promo of 50% off of your second order. I think it's a cool place to hang out. After 5:00 o'clock, let's go there my treat!" said Sherry.

She nodded her head. "Okay, as long it's your threat then I will go with you."

Their conversation was lively as usual. Then Sherry starts sharing some of Mark's sweet messages to Catherine. Sherry giggles at her boyfriend's messages, Catherine would just roll her eyes feeling amused.

Lunchtime is up!

They rose to their feet and resumed their respective duties inside the hotel.


The time strikes at 5:00 o'clock.

Time to go home...

Sherry and Catherine walked out of the hotel's entrance and strolled leisurely towards the corner and they go across the street towards the newly opened cafe named 'Venus Cafe.'

They didn't notice that Mike was following them from behind.

They entered the cafe shop...when it's about time for the girls to give their orders to the cashiers. Mike steps forward and says hello to the ladies.

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"Hello girls, my treat tonight. Order anything you like I'll take care of the bill," he grinned at the surprised look on the girl's faces.

"How generous of you, Sir Mike and thank you very much for the treat!" exclaimed Sherry.

Catherine keeps her silence but she gave Mike a little smile just not to appear a bit snubby to him.

Sherry took the initiative to order foods for her and her friend. She ordered a mango and strawberry smoothie, then 2 orders of Ham & Cheese sandwich. Mike ordered Hazelnut Cappuccino and Chicken Burrito. Mike paid the bill and they sauntered to the empty table and starts eating their foods in silence.

The girls were feeling a bit intimidated by Mike. The feeling of awkwardness surrounds them. Mike can sense their discomfort.

"Girls, you want me to change table?" he said.

The girls replied "No!" in unison and then they start laughing, Mike laughed along with them. Finally, the awkwardness between them had been broken.

They start a pleasant conversation between them discussing all things in general.

One hour later...they were done eating and then go on their separate ways.


In Catherine's house...

Thelma and Jerome were talking in the living room, the TV was on but the volume is low.

"Jerome I don't think I can support you anymore. I am feeling guilty, I can no longer go on with your plans. I'm sorry."

Jerome's face turned sad, his disappointment was huge. "But why Auntie Thelma? Aren't you going to support me anymore? You no longer want me to be your son in law?"

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The older woman's face was conflicted.

"I will still support you but you have to do it the normal way of courting my daughter. I still want you to be my son in law but you must stop your evil plan. I'm sorry that I lead you on, I'm just desperate during those times because I'm feeling angry at my daughter. But later on, I realized I am wrong, I can no longer bear the guilt, she's my daughter after all," she said.

Jerome clinched his hands into a tight fist. Just when he was on the verge of successfully owning the woman of his dream, he loses again! Dammit! Why destiny won't let him succeed? Why?

He bowed his head in defeat. Deep inside he was feeling angry, really angry! He feels like he wanted to kill someone! He is getting deranged and desperate!

"Auntie Thelma, can I still visit you guys here?" he wanted to ask because he's not losing hope yet. He still wants to pursue his evil intention towards Catherine even if no one will help him.

"Yes, of course, you are always welcome here! You can visit us anytime," smiled Thelma.

"Thank you, Auntie," he said.

When Catherine entered the door, she went to her mother's side and kissed her cheeks.

"Hi...Cath!" Jerome greeted her.

Catherine ignored him and went straight to her room.

Jerome felt sadder due to being ignored blatantly by his lady love. He finally admitted to himself that tonight was a disaster so why not go home and get drunk in his room? Why not?

"I have to go home now Auntie Thelma, I will visit some other time," he walked towards the door.

"Okay, take care on your way home, Jerome," said Thelma.

She watched Jerome get out of the door. She released a deep sigh and shook her head.

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