That morning when Catherine woke up, she received a 'good morning' text message from John informing her that he already arrived at Infinity Jade Tower. He wants to see her today! He will have Ramon fetch her at the Marigold Hotel after working hours.

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Her smile of excitement illuminated her tiny room!

She replied..."I can't wait to see you! I miss you so much, John! See you later! I love you so much!" after sending her reply she jumped out of her bed full of energy.

She exited her room and saw her mother cooking their breakfast. "Mother, what's for breakfast?" she asked.

"We have fried chicken today requested by Lily," replied Thelma, she was busy putting the chicken wings and thighs in the frying fan.

"Wow, delicious! So yummy!" she blurted out feeling hungry all of a sudden. "Don't forget to make a gravy, Mother dear!" she said and entered the toilet to splash water in her face.

While Catherine was eating her breakfast. She scanned the faces of her siblings still sleeping soundly in the mattress on the floor.

"Mother, how is Jacob's condition?" she was asking because his younger brother has leukemia.

"The herbal supplement we have given him seems to be working real good," replied Thelma.

When they were still in the village, Jacob was always suffering from fatigue, infections, fever, bruising, coughing and shortness of breath. Each of these symptoms will alternately cause havoc on Jacob's young body, giving them extreme emotional and physiological torture each and every time he suffers any of the above symptoms.

When they arrived in the city, one of their neighbors had a daughter who had leukemia, they tried all herbal products and supplements to manage her symptoms, then a distant relative endorsed a herbal supplement for them to try. They tried the product for three months and their daughter's symptoms become manageable.

Catherine and her mother brought the same product from the nearest pharmacy that was selling it. During the first two weeks, they have noticed Jacob's alertness and his fatigue lessened along with his other symptoms. Witnessing that the herbal supplement was working well on Jacob's body, they no longer brought him to the hospital for a check-up. Until today, they keep giving Jacob the herbal liquid supplement 3 times a day.

"That's good Mother! If you noticed something out of the ordinary with Jacob let me know right away. By next school year we will enroll the kids in the nearest elementary school so that they can continue their studies," she said.

Thelma nodded and smiled at Catherine feeling proud of her daughter.

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Done with her breakfast, she entered the toilet and took a quick bath.

Thirty minutes later she was already boarding the jeepney that would take her to the Marigold hotel.

The rest of the day in the hotel passed like a blur to Catherine. All she can think of the whole day is seeing John again. God! She really missed John so much! She was falling hard for him more and more every day.

The clock strikes at 5:00 PM...

Catherine flew out of the entrance of the hotel and her smile was dazzling when she saw Ramon waiting for her at the entrance of the hotel.

Ramon opened the door for her, she entered the car quickly, feeling excited!

"Everything is good, Catherine?" Ramon asked her, smirking.

"Yes, everything is good!" she said in a breathless voice.

"Shall we go now?" he asked.

"Yes, please!" her smile never wavered. Every fiber of her being is screaming for John! She can almost smell his intoxicating masculine scent.

Catherine fixed her gaze on the road ahead. Wishing the car can travel so fast so that they can zoom into their destination in just a few seconds.

One hour and twenty-five minutes later, they finally arrived at the Infinity Jade Tower. The moment Ramon parked the car in the basement's parking area, Catherine exited the car right away without even bothering to say bye to Ramon.

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Ramon watched her entered the elevator, a smile tugging at his lips, 'ah lovers!' he muses.


Catherine exited the elevator in a hurry, her legs and hands were trembling with excitement. She input her password and pressed her thumb on the security system scanner for fingerprints scanning. The door to John's flat opened, she was greeted with rows of red and pink roses lining up all the way to his bedroom.

She smiled broadly and walked slowly towards the bedroom, great anticipation forming in her belly. She bit her lips...closer...closer...closer...she can smell his masculine scent getting stronger.

With trembling fingers, she turned the doorknob and open the door wide...

There he is!

John was standing beside the bed checking his phone...

He grinned upon seeing her entering the room...

John opened his arms wide. She catapulted in his arms instantly...shrieking in delight!

"Oh God! I miss you so much, John!" she whispered in his ears.

"I miss you too, Cath!" he then wasted no time and delved his mouth into hers, they engaged in a passionate kiss that lasted for a while, their lingering kiss so heated it leaves them breathless.

When their ground shattering kiss ended, they stared at each other's eyes full of passion and desire.

She runs her hands inside his t-shirt, caressing his muscled chest.

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John stared at her amused.

"Wow, are you feeling horny, love?" he chuckled.

She bit her lower lip feeling shameless...

"What you think, loveeee?" she purred in a seductive voice.

"Later...," he grinned, amused at her disappointed face.

"What do you want to do? Swimming or eating dinner first?"

"Let's eat dinner first," she answered.

They exited the room and entered the kitchen area. An array of delicious dishes were waiting for them. They eat dinner in silence, while they were chewing foods in their mouth they can't take their eyes off each other.

The heavy tide of desire was now enveloping them in full force.

They finished their food a few minutes later.

Then they start drinking wine...while they were sipping their wine...the more their physical desire for each other grows in leaps and bounds.

After drinking wine, Catherine rose to her feet and began gathering the plates to wash it clean in the sink.

She went back to the table and put the leftover foods in the fridge.

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Then she continues washing the plates in the sink, her back facing John.

John smirk...he stood up and walked towards her. He sneaked his arms around her waist and began kissing her neck...

Catherine continues washing the plates, sometimes a little moan escapes her lips.

"...aaahh, John stop it!" she smiled. "Let me finish washing the plates first!" she complained.

John chuckled and murmured something in her ears. "Continue what you are doing and I will continue mine..."

John's hand ventured inside her blouse and cupped her breast and starts kneading it, freeing it from her bra...

"aaaahhhh...Johnnn...stopppppp!" she moaned softly.

After a few minutes of kneading her twin peaks, his restless right hand went down to her jeans and cupped her crotch, stroking her core above her jeans while his left hand remained busy fondling her breast.

"aaaah...ohhhh...ahhhh..." she moaned, the simultaneous stroking and kneading of her private parts send her into a frenzy of desire. Her fingers were grasping hard at the marble top sink to keep herself standing still.

John unzips her jeans and inserted his fingers inside the flimsy panties she was wearing. He plunged his middle finger inside her moist core, then he began fingering her, rubbing her center with rapid up and down strokes, the friction of his finger rubbing her core sends her to overdrive and her body become limp with rapturous desire, her words were incoherent...moaning his name.


"aaaaaaaaaa....ahhhhhhhhhhh...ahhhhhhhhh..." her moaning become longer, her breath labored and her heart's beating speeds up, her mind freezes...she finally reached her orgasm in just a few seconds time.

John smiled and murmured at her. "Continue washing the plates, love, sorry I disturb you...," he chuckled and kissed her forehead lovingly.

She elbowed him playfully.

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