Done cleaning the kitchen...

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The lovers donned their swimming attires and go in full swimming mode for one hour. John would caress Catherine's body in a subtle way every chance he got. Displaying hints of suppressed desires, promising Catherine of a mind-blowing lovemaking session later in bed.

Catherine loves it, his touches never feels to ignite passion and desire in her body, she can't get enough of John and he can't get enough of her either. Their lingering touches on each others body left them wanting for more.

They were a ticking time bomb waiting to explode on each other.

John wanted to ravage Catherine right there in the middle of the swimming pool but he restrains himself from doing so, there are still some important issues he needs to talk with her.


Getting tired of swimming they get out of the pool and took a shower separately and changed into dry clothes.

They spent their time in the living room, sitting down in the sofa staring at each other...

What now?

"Catherine, give me your house key," said John all of a sudden.

"Huh? Why?" she said surprised. Why would John need her house key?

"I will make a duplicate for your own safety," he said.

She looked at him baffled. "Are you planning to steal something in my house or kidnap me?" she asked feeling amused.

John laughed. "Lol, what is there to steal in your house except you? But I don't have to kidnap you, my love, you will always come to me every time I call you. I need the key so that my men can rescue you if somebody attempted to do something bad to you inside your house. Trust me, it's all for your own good."

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"O-okay," she reached for her shoulder bag and fished out the key from the pocket inside. She gave it to John.

"I will return it to you after am done duplicating it," he put the key at the top of the cabinet in the living room near the antique flower vase.

John returned to her side on the sofa.

"I have something to discuss with you regarding your little friend Jerome. Lately, he becomes a frequent visitor in your place, right?"

"Yeah. He is close to my mother and my siblings, he can visit our house anytime he likes. He is welcome in our house even if I already forbid him to visit me."

"Lately, what did you notice whenever he is around in your house?"

She was pondering for a moment...

"Ah, I notice that I fall asleep right away when he was around, that's all I noticed," she answered.

John brows furrowed.

"Have you eaten or drink something that he personally gives you?"

"None so far."

"What kind of drinks is there in your house during his visits?"

"Just water and cola..."

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"Did you notice something different with the taste of the water and the cola?"

"No," she shook her head.

"Usually when you drink the liquid, what you will feel after...?"

"I feel extremely sleepy and my body is very heavy then I would get inside my room and sleep soundly and wake up in the morning feeling a bit tired," she explained.

"How many times did it happened?"

"I think two times already," answered Catherine.

"When you wake up in the morning, do you feel your body has been violated or not?"

She paused for a moment. "No. Nothing of that sort..."

"Catherine, have you locked your door before you sleep while Jerome is around?"

She shook her head, she can no longer remember...

"Not sure...," she uttered the words in a low voice.

Then her eyes suddenly widen when she realized where his questions were heading to...

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"Are you accusing of Jerome planning to take advantage of me sexually?" her eyes grows like saucers.

"Yes," he said blatantly. "You're too naive to think about that...because you trust that guy so much!" he seemed to chastised her.

John put her hands in his.

"Don't ever drink anything when he is around, go out and buy a bottled water or cola in the store and drink it right there, don't give him the chance to have a hold of your drinks, he might put some spike on your drink like a r-ape drugs or something, just do it to be on the safe side, okay?"

Catherine's body was trembling a bit due to the horrifying thoughts that Jerome might do something to her. It never crosses her mind that he would go that far. But John is right, anything can happen.

John saw the conflicting emotions running on her face. He draws her closer to him and embraces her.

"I want to teach Jerome a lesson that he will never forget for the rest of his life," he whispered in her ears, his tone hard and cold.

She looked in his eyes. "Huh? What do you mean? He hasn't done anything bad to me yet?"

He shook his head. "What---? Do you wait for him to do something bad to you before you act to protect yourself? Well, my dear, prevention is better than cure!"

John has no evidence yet of Jerome sexually abusing Catherine but he won't wait for that time to come, he would go ballistic if Jerome will succeed with his evil plan, he would kill Jerome with his own hands! He trusted Allan's instinct, Jerome is a wrecking ball...

"Cath...why don't you stay here with me, sleep with me her every night for a few days? I need to figure out Jerome, I really want to teach him a lesson he won't forget!" he gritted his teeth in anger.

"Are you out of your mind, John? Jerome didn't do anything to me! Don't touch him! Don't worry I won't drink or eat anything he gives me and I won't drink any liquid from our house either when he is around if that would set your mind at ease."

"Okay. Whatever you say so," he said and gathered her in his arms. The atmosphere around them is getting tense. He has to think of a way how to bring back the good mood.

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How about singing...?

"Hmmm, care for a karaoke session? Let see how good is your voice when it comes to singing," he smiled at her.

Her eyes sparkled. "Why not? I have been dying to sing karaoke but my voice quality is only good inside the shower. Bring it on, John!" she said excitedly.

John was holding his laughter in check.

"So, tell me, what types of songs you like to sing?" he asked.

Catherine smiled..."Whitney Houston and Mariah Carey's song," she said giggling.

"Really? Nice choice! Okay, let's hear you sing...," said John fighting the urge to laugh.

John pressed the remote control and Whitney Houston's song titled "I have Nothing" was now playing in the karaoke system...the lyrics were now flashing in the flat TV screen.

'I have nothing...nothing If I don't love you...Don't walk away from me...I have nothing, nothing if I don't have'

Catherine was holding the microphone and was singing her heart out and most of the time she was out of tune and during the high note her voice completely quivered and sounded like screeching of a goat...

"Hahahaha..." John can't contain his laughter and amusement. "OMG! my love, you need a voice lesson because your voice is simply out of this world, hahaha!"

He continues laughing, she throws the pillows at him. She continues singing ignoring him but she lowered her voice like that of a whisper feeling a bit shy.

He walked to her side and planted a loving kiss on her forehead. "That's okay, enjoy your time, Cath. I will just take care of something important in my office. I'll be back in a minute..."

She smiled at him and return to her singing.

John walked to his office still laughing. Her lady love's voice is not meant for singing, it's much more suited for moaning, he told himself, amusement glowing in his eyes.

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