Inside his home office...John called Allan.

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"Hello, Allan..."

"Good evening, Sir!"

"Did you see any warehouse for rent there in Cavite City?"

"Yes, I have seen some advertisement here," answered Allan.

"I want you to find a warehouse for rent, if you can find a warehouse that can be rented for one month only much better, am okay with two or three months rental if there is no other option. I want it to be one hour drive from Cavite City. Find a warehouse that is a bit far away from the masses. I want that warehouse ASAP!"

"Yes, Sir!"

"I will send George there in Cavite City tomorrow with my instruction, assist him, I want him to supervise some people to construct a room inside that warehouse."

"Copy Sir. I will wait for George here."

"Regarding Jerome, are you really sure that he would be harming Catherine anytime soon?"

"Yes, Sir. I'm pretty sure of that. This guy will not stop until he can get what he wants. His body language says it all. If we can't stop him soon he might successfully harm somebody and that somebody is Catherine."

"Okay, I trust your instinct Allan, continue monitoring Catherine's house and report to me everything. Call me tomorrow if you already found a warehouse. I will check it out myself," said John.

"Copy Sir..."

"That's all for now, I will call you if I have something else to add later."

John ended the call.

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He swipes at his phone and called Ramon...

"Sir...," answered Ramon.

"Come outside my door, I have something for you to do, wait for me there," he said.

He exited the room and went back into the living room to find Catherine still singing her heart out with the karaoke.

John smiled at her. He walks towards the cabinet where the key was placed and picked it up. He went out of the door.

He saw Ramon already waiting for him outside the door.

"Have this key duplicated tomorrow morning and return it to me, 'coz it's the key of Catherine's house."

"Okay Sir, copy!" Ramon put the key into his trousers pocket.

"That's all for now Ramon."

Ramon turned around towards the elevator that will bring him back to the 14th floor.

John went back to his flat and heads straight to the living room, Catherine already stops singing and was laying down on the pillows.

"How's my superstar songstress?" he sits down on the sofa and gently cradled her head in his lap.

"It's tiring singing when no one is listening," she laughed.

"I have to get away 'coz your voice is---" he shakes his head laughing.

She pouted. "You don't have to say it! I know my voice is not good."

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Then she grinned at him.

Catherine picked up the microphone and shoved it on John's face. "Sing for me, John!"

John holds the microphone in his hand. He chooses the song of Shayne Ward titled 'Breathless' and starts singing...


'If our love is a fairy tale...'

I would charge you in and rescue you on a yacht

Baby, we would sail into an island where we'd say I do

And if we had babies they would look like you

It'd be so beautiful if that came true...'


Catherine was amazed by how John nailed the song beautifully! "OMG! You have a wonderful voice, John!" she exclaimed, thoroughly impressed with his golden voice. She made John sing the song two times, she can't get enough of his voice!

Done singing...he put the microphone down.

He looked at Catherine's beautiful face and caresses her eyes, nose, and lips with his fingers...

Then his hands went inside her blouse and cupped her breast, kneading it.

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She gulped back her saliva, his penetrating gaze glued to her eyes. She sat on the sofa and come face to face with him. It only took a few seconds for their mouth to passionately locked to each other. They spend the next fifteen minutes locking lips, groping, fondling and stroking the erogenous zone of their bodies.

They came to a point that their sexual arousal was getting too much to bear...

"Let's now go to the bedroom, Cath," he whispered in her ears, nibbling at her earlobes. While his hands were busy caressing the insides of her tights near the 'V' of her legs, giving her immense pleasure. His erection was now bulging hard inside his underwear.

He cupped her mound...she moaned softly...ahhhhh...

He then caresses the skin inside her blouse and stroked her breast until her nipple erected.

"ahhh...John..." she moaned deliciously, John took off her blouse and unclasp he bra, he then nibbled at her breast using his tongue.

His hands went down to her shorts, he gets rid of her shorts and cupped her bottom and squeezed it.

Catherine get rid off his t-shirt and his shorts, they were now down to their underwear.

"Let's go inside the bedroom now," murmured John in a thick voice. His hunger for her body was getting too much to bear. He wanted to do more smooching on the sofa but his arousal was getting heavier as minutes passed by. He gazed at Catherine's lovely face while they were standing so close to each other. His eyes flashing with heavy desire. Then he hugged her tight, flatting her breast into his chest.

"I love you so much, Catherine!" he murmured.

"I love you too, John!" she whispered.

They walked towards the bedroom holding each other hands, eyes locked to each other.

The moment they entered the door...

Catherine jumped right into the bed giggling, followed by John.

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He shifted on top of her and spread her legs wide. While he settled comfortably on top of her, his lips busy nibbling her nipple...then he gets rid of her panties and his underwear and entered her core in a swift hard thrust sending their body into an overdrive of nail-biting sensation.






He keeps pumping inside her, his stiff rod filling her silky wall with intoxicating pleasure wracking their bodies with carnal desire.

Catherine digs her fingers into his back, her eyes dilated, her heart was beating fast...

Sounds of pleasure dripping from her mouth..."ahhhhhhhhh....John fasterrrrrr....!" she moaned.

John's speed up his thrust back and forth in her silky wall making his breathing labored, he was heavily panting and grunting...

With one last hard thrust, he aimed for her G-spot! he nailed it right because both their bodies shuddered in ecstasy at the same time. Their blissful union rewarded them with a mind shattering orgasm that lasted for a few seconds...

After their intoxicating romping they lay side by side with each other on the bed, thoroughly spent and satisfied, happiness was glowing in their faces.

John kissed Catherine's forehead and wrapped the blanket over their naked bodies. He embraces her lovingly from behind, spooning her.

"Sweet dreams my love!" he whispered.

He didn't receive a reply from her because she was already sleeping soundly in his arms.

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