Catherine has been changing Mike's bed sheet three times already just this week. Every time she does it, he will let her hold the key, open the door wide so that she won't feel afraid of him. He would go inside the bathroom or stay far away from the bed while she was changing the bed sheet. Sometimes she had this feeling that he just intentionally spill something in the bed so that he can pester her in indulging to his silly demands.

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But if it's the case, she can't even complain about it since Mike is one of the hotel's devoted patron and he had already referred several of his friends and relatives in staying in the hotel due to his excellent recommendation.

She would just go along with his childish behavior as long it won't happen every day and he wouldn't invade her personal space.

She was done replacing the bed sheet, pillows, and blanket. She was about to exit the suite but it so happens that Mike exited the shower clad in just a towel wrapped around his waist. His muscled chest was damp, his hair was wet, he just had a bath, the scent of his shampoo reached her nostrils, it was a pleasant fragrance like that of a Morrocan argan oil shampoo.

Catherine focuses her eyes on the floor trying not to stare at his handsome face.

"I'm done replacing the bed sheet, Sir Mike! I'm going out now...," she turned around to exit the room.

"Wait...Catherine! I will give you a tip because you are such a hardworking hotel employee and you always pamper me with your excellent service!" He walked toward his traveling bag and took out his wallet.

"No! Sir Mike no need! I won't accept it. I'm just doing my job. It's not a big deal," she said.

"Okay. Why don't you join me in the Venus Cafe later? I will treat you to some delicious latte.... you can bring Sherry with you if you don't want to spend time with me alone," he offered.

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"No. No need to treat me anywhere, Sir," she declined his offer politely.

She turned around and exited the suite quickly, she began pushing her trolley down the hallway towards the elevator area.

Mike scratched his head watching her getting away from his grasp again. He tried to present a little bit of himself in her life a little each day, so that she will get comfortable with him, hoping they will become friends and eventually go out on a date and become a couple.

But from the looks of it, she's was avoiding him. He needs to make his move fast as long she's still not married to her boyfriend he still had a chance with her no matter how slim. He has been wracking his brain on how to make a move on her. If she has no boyfriend he can easily get her attention with his good looks, good family background and wealth, he can make any woman fall in love with him helplessly. However, his charm was not working well with Catherine, and the more she resisted his charm the more he wanted to pursue her.

Mike went to the closet, he picked up a pair of jeans and t-shirt and donned it on his body. He exited the suite to do some personal errands outside the hotel.

While on his way downstairs, he saw Sherry walking in the hallway about to enter the elevator.

"Sherry, can I have a moment with you please?" he said.

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Sherry smiled pleasantly at Mike and stopped on her tracks to wait for him.


Mike inserted his hands into the pocket of his trousers.

"I have to ask you something about, Catherine," he said sheepishly.

Sherry stared at him with eyes wide open due to curiosity.

"What is it that you want to ask regarding Catherine, Sir?" she asked interested.

Mike is hesitating a bit to confide his intention to Catherine's friend. But Sherry know's her friend better more than him. He took a deep breath and started talking...

"I want to court Catherine, make her my girlfriend and eventually I wanted her to become my wife," he said in a serious manner.

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Sherry stared agape at Mike's serious face having a hard time believing his words.

"I'm sorry Sir, my friend already had a boyfriend and they were planning to resume their wedding in two months time. Believe me, Sir, you won't stand a chance in my friend's heart, she loves her boyfriend so much and she is purely devoted to him. Sad to say, Sir, you are just wasting your time on her," said Sherry with all honesty that she could muster.

Mike's face turns gloomy.

"Hmm, the wedding will happen in two months time, right? I still have time to woo her, maybe who knows down the road before the two months is over I can finally make her say 'yes' to me. If Catherine and I will successfully tie the knot one day you will be our bridesmaid for sure," he said in wishful thinking.

Mike grinned at her.

"So why don't you help me by giving me pointers on how to win your friend over?" he was trying to convince her to help him.

Sherry laughed heartily amused by his attempt of bribery. Then she shook her head thinking it would be impossible for Catherine to go on a date with Mike.

"Just forget about it, Sir, sorry I can't help you," she said with finality in her voice.

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Mike was thinking quick on how to convince Sherry to agree with him. The girl was about to go back to her work and he was already taking much of her time.

"Hmmm, how about you bring her again in the Venus Cafe? My treat, I will just follow you guys from behind and just like before we will have a talk then you will go into the restroom so that I can spend some time with her alone. Fifteen minutes alone time with her will do and we can do it several times."

Sherry was thinking about it.

"I'm not sure, Sir. I will think about it. I will let you know, Sir, if I agree with your plans."

"Okay thanks, Sherry. Please think about it. All I need is a few alone moments with her, no matter how brief the time is I will take it," said Mike.

"I will go back to work now. Enjoy the rest of the day, Sir Mike!" she turned around and entered the elevator.

Mike watched Sherry disappeared behind the elevator's door, a disappointed look on his eyes. He released a deep sigh.

How can you court a lady who doesn't want to go on a date with you alone? Seems Catherine is a tough cookie to crack! She's gonna be a huge challenge for sure! He will wait patiently for the tide to turn on his favor.

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